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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-09-30

万双网讯  “家是最小国,国是千万家;有了强的国,才有富的家”。 为庆祝中华人民共和国70周岁生日,培养浓厚的家国情怀,万科双语学校全体师生利用暑假到全国各地进行社会实践,在行走和采访中寻找新中国艰辛的成长脚步,感受祖国日新月异的风貌,并以图文并茂的手抄报、ppt、相册等形式精心制作了一份份献给祖国的礼物。2019年9月27日下午,在众多的实践作业中,学校选出了十二份优秀的作品,并由创作者在学校剧场面向全校师生进行现场展示。全校师生在剧场现场观看或在教室收看了直播。


VBS News Net: 'Nation is formed by millions of families, and families cannot be well-off until the nation is strong.' To celebrate 70th National Day of People's Republic of China, VBS staff and students did projects in order to find out the development of China via interviews and during the summer holidays to send their wishes and gifts to the motherland. In the afternoon of 27th September, 12 excellent pieces of work were selected and their authors made the presentations to the entire cohort at the theatre with streaming to classrooms.




Teachers and students reported their own findings which they felt proud of the motherland respectively. Jack Shen from 8D told the story of Shekou's development - he interviewed his father and researched over the Internet to appreciate the process of industrial transfer in Shekou, the current situation of firms based in Shekou after did a full review on the development of Shekou.Finally he deduced the future development of Shekou using the materials provided by his father and concluded, 'as students, we have to study hard for before serving our nation.'



Yu Shuhan from 4C brought her work "Happy birthday new China". She started with the study of five-thousand-year Chinese history before stating the miraculous presence in the motherland - the successful tests on two nuclear bombs, the powerful People's Liberation Army, the grandeur Three Gorgeous Dam, and the strong nation in diplomacy, science & technology, sports and education. She ended her presentation with 'a powerful youth gives the powerful nation.'


8C 班黄可怡带来了作品《为新中国七十岁庆生》。 她通过妈妈的介绍,详细了解了家乡深圳近30年来的巨大变化。她说:“谁能想到,深圳从一个小渔村变成了现代繁华的大都市,世界看到了中国的努力,我们也要从自我做起,为祖国的繁荣富强而奋斗!”


Tracy Huang from 8C presented a write-up on 'celebrating the 70th birthday of China'. She knew about the enormous transformations of her hometown, Shenzhen for the past three decades. 'who would have thought that Shenzhen transformed itself from a village to a metropolis? The world has observed the rise of China, friends, we also have to do our best, work hard for the prosperity of our motherland,' she said.





Chen Ziyue from 2I showcased the outstanding contributions made by our great leader Deng Xiaoping, founder of Chinese aerospace Qian Xuesen and father of hybrid paddy rice Yuan Longping.





Luo Bangmu from 2C visited General Ye Ting's former residence and got to know General Ye's biography. He expressed his determination to work hard after carefully looking at General Ye's achievements and fighting spirits shown during the revolution period.




He Yihan from 2O shared with the cohort on the process of making the brief, and introduced the first Premier Zhou Enlai's stories as Premier Zhou declared that his motivation for pursuing education was to 'become a great man who will take up the heavy responsibilities of the country in the future' and later on his diplomatic answers to the questions asked by foreign journalists when becoming the Premier. "Premier Zhou Enlai has been a hardworking person since young, before making such an achievement. We look up to him. I haven't figured it out what I am pursuing education for but I will continue the thought process,' she said. 



Mr Wang Guanghui recorded a video using drones which displayed the view of Zaoyang, Hubei - the former residence of Liu Xiu, an emperor in Han Dynasty and the hometown of aerospace hero Nie Haisheng. This video searched for the changes of capital of ancient China via tracing the root and praised the grandeur China by looking from the past to the present.





Ms Gong Qiaoli and Ms Zhou Wenmei presented their work - "I love you, China". They explained through four sections - "nation and family, made in China, shop wherever and whatever you like, being a proud Chinese" to describe the transformations in their hometown, societies, and the feeling of increasing power of the motherland during overseas trips, and how proud they were for being Chinese.





Mr Yan Xiaoliang demonstrated the progress and achievements in science and technology China had achieved for the past 70 years in terms of carriers, submarines, tanks, aircrafts, labs in outer space and the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST).


焦阳、胡雅琼、张兰、牛楚原老师带来了作品《壮丽七十年 阔步新时代》。她们通过长沙橘子洲的今昔对比,重温毛泽东诗词,再忆毛泽东风采,畅谈新中国成立来的巨大变化,为祖国的强大而骄傲。


Ms Jiao Yang, Ms Hu Yaqiong, Ms Victoria Zhang and Ms Milky Niu showcased the past and present of Organle Isle, Changsha to review the poem written by Mao Zedong, discussed the enomous changes since founding of the People's Republic of China, and were proud of the motherland.





Ms Zou Xueping did a thorough recap on major events that happened since the founding of People's Republic of China. She pointed out that the nation had enabled its people to get rid of poverty and to achieve well-off, after seven decades' of development. China has moved on from the liberation victory to splendidness, 'we firmly believe, our motherland has a bright future!' she said.






Ms Jiang Xueying's work was themed 'growing with nation, moving with VBS' and she shared the album created jointly with other teachers from Life Teacher Department. The album had three chapters - 'fighting for the new era after grandeur 70 years, be grateful of acquaintance and be thankful for the development and carry on for the future that has come'. The abundant pictures demonstrated the development of the motherland and the touching moments which both staff and students had in VBS, 'As Chinese citizens, we shall continue to witness the development and of the motherland. The future has come, we shall continue to follow the school philosophy and enable our students to be at the centre of future. To carry on, and send our sincerest regards to the motherland's magnificent future.





I love my family and my nation. All VBS students and teachers took part in this project done during the summer and celebrated the 70th birthday of the motherland. All of them knew about the brilliant achievements of People's Republic of China over the 70 years via thorough research, practice, compliation and presentation. Every piece of work enclosed creator's patriotism towards China, thus letting every VBSer to be imbued with patriotism.

文/图 燕子  版式:凯会 


Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-09-30

万双网讯  “家是最小国,国是千万家;有了强的国,才有富的家”。 为庆祝中华人民共和国70周岁生日,培养浓厚的家国情怀,万科双语学校全体师生利用暑假到全国各地进行社会实践,在行走和采访中寻找新中国艰辛的成长脚步,感受祖国日新月异的风貌,并以图文并茂的手抄报、ppt、相册等形式精心制作了一份份献给祖国的礼物。2019年9月27日下午,在众多的实践作业中,学校选出了十二份优秀的作品,并由创作者在学校剧场面向全校师生进行现场展示。全校师生在剧场现场观看或在教室收看了直播。


VBS News Net: 'Nation is formed by millions of families, and families cannot be well-off until the nation is strong.' To celebrate 70th National Day of People's Republic of China, VBS staff and students did projects in order to find out the development of China via interviews and during the summer holidays to send their wishes and gifts to the motherland. In the afternoon of 27th September, 12 excellent pieces of work were selected and their authors made the presentations to the entire cohort at the theatre with streaming to classrooms.




Teachers and students reported their own findings which they felt proud of the motherland respectively. Jack Shen from 8D told the story of Shekou's development - he interviewed his father and researched over the Internet to appreciate the process of industrial transfer in Shekou, the current situation of firms based in Shekou after did a full review on the development of Shekou.Finally he deduced the future development of Shekou using the materials provided by his father and concluded, 'as students, we have to study hard for before serving our nation.'



Yu Shuhan from 4C brought her work "Happy birthday new China". She started with the study of five-thousand-year Chinese history before stating the miraculous presence in the motherland - the successful tests on two nuclear bombs, the powerful People's Liberation Army, the grandeur Three Gorgeous Dam, and the strong nation in diplomacy, science & technology, sports and education. She ended her presentation with 'a powerful youth gives the powerful nation.'


8C 班黄可怡带来了作品《为新中国七十岁庆生》。 她通过妈妈的介绍,详细了解了家乡深圳近30年来的巨大变化。她说:“谁能想到,深圳从一个小渔村变成了现代繁华的大都市,世界看到了中国的努力,我们也要从自我做起,为祖国的繁荣富强而奋斗!”


Tracy Huang from 8C presented a write-up on 'celebrating the 70th birthday of China'. She knew about the enormous transformations of her hometown, Shenzhen for the past three decades. 'who would have thought that Shenzhen transformed itself from a village to a metropolis? The world has observed the rise of China, friends, we also have to do our best, work hard for the prosperity of our motherland,' she said.





Chen Ziyue from 2I showcased the outstanding contributions made by our great leader Deng Xiaoping, founder of Chinese aerospace Qian Xuesen and father of hybrid paddy rice Yuan Longping.





Luo Bangmu from 2C visited General Ye Ting's former residence and got to know General Ye's biography. He expressed his determination to work hard after carefully looking at General Ye's achievements and fighting spirits shown during the revolution period.




He Yihan from 2O shared with the cohort on the process of making the brief, and introduced the first Premier Zhou Enlai's stories as Premier Zhou declared that his motivation for pursuing education was to 'become a great man who will take up the heavy responsibilities of the country in the future' and later on his diplomatic answers to the questions asked by foreign journalists when becoming the Premier. "Premier Zhou Enlai has been a hardworking person since young, before making such an achievement. We look up to him. I haven't figured it out what I am pursuing education for but I will continue the thought process,' she said. 



Mr Wang Guanghui recorded a video using drones which displayed the view of Zaoyang, Hubei - the former residence of Liu Xiu, an emperor in Han Dynasty and the hometown of aerospace hero Nie Haisheng. This video searched for the changes of capital of ancient China via tracing the root and praised the grandeur China by looking from the past to the present.





Ms Gong Qiaoli and Ms Zhou Wenmei presented their work - "I love you, China". They explained through four sections - "nation and family, made in China, shop wherever and whatever you like, being a proud Chinese" to describe the transformations in their hometown, societies, and the feeling of increasing power of the motherland during overseas trips, and how proud they were for being Chinese.





Mr Yan Xiaoliang demonstrated the progress and achievements in science and technology China had achieved for the past 70 years in terms of carriers, submarines, tanks, aircrafts, labs in outer space and the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST).


焦阳、胡雅琼、张兰、牛楚原老师带来了作品《壮丽七十年 阔步新时代》。她们通过长沙橘子洲的今昔对比,重温毛泽东诗词,再忆毛泽东风采,畅谈新中国成立来的巨大变化,为祖国的强大而骄傲。


Ms Jiao Yang, Ms Hu Yaqiong, Ms Victoria Zhang and Ms Milky Niu showcased the past and present of Organle Isle, Changsha to review the poem written by Mao Zedong, discussed the enomous changes since founding of the People's Republic of China, and were proud of the motherland.





Ms Zou Xueping did a thorough recap on major events that happened since the founding of People's Republic of China. She pointed out that the nation had enabled its people to get rid of poverty and to achieve well-off, after seven decades' of development. China has moved on from the liberation victory to splendidness, 'we firmly believe, our motherland has a bright future!' she said.






Ms Jiang Xueying's work was themed 'growing with nation, moving with VBS' and she shared the album created jointly with other teachers from Life Teacher Department. The album had three chapters - 'fighting for the new era after grandeur 70 years, be grateful of acquaintance and be thankful for the development and carry on for the future that has come'. The abundant pictures demonstrated the development of the motherland and the touching moments which both staff and students had in VBS, 'As Chinese citizens, we shall continue to witness the development and of the motherland. The future has come, we shall continue to follow the school philosophy and enable our students to be at the centre of future. To carry on, and send our sincerest regards to the motherland's magnificent future.





I love my family and my nation. All VBS students and teachers took part in this project done during the summer and celebrated the 70th birthday of the motherland. All of them knew about the brilliant achievements of People's Republic of China over the 70 years via thorough research, practice, compliation and presentation. Every piece of work enclosed creator's patriotism towards China, thus letting every VBSer to be imbued with patriotism.

文/图 燕子  版式:凯会 


Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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