Our Campus_Vanke Bilingual School
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Our Campus

College environment

College environmental

Vanke bilingual school wants to let children learn and grow in nature, architecture through "multilayer ground" to the introduction of the natural environment, the internal school to continuous level combined with the roof to the landscape ecological plantations, gardens and sinking garden of vertical greening system fully build natural open campus space.

Learn in Nature

Vanke bilingual school wants to let children learn and grow in nature, architecture through "multilayer ground" to the introduction of the natural environment, the internal school to continuous level combined with the roof to the landscape ecological plantations, gardens and sinking garden of vertical greening system fully build natural open campus space. Layer upon layer, the air garden retreated from the platform, the omnipresent outdoor activity site, in the study of the children to explore the curiosity of nature.





Rebuild School for the Future

Based on reconstructing the concept of school, vertical combination "teaching center, steam, art center, sports and outdoor center and comprehensive service center" of the three-dimensional multivariate function, each center is relatively independent and connected with high efficiency, to give the school the appropriate spatial scale and efficiency. Every part of vanke bilingual school is a learning place to meet the needs of children to learn anywhere and anytime.

Learning Pod Circle

The buildings are distributed in a circle with space in the middle. This makes the buildings compact while making way for a place large enough for outdoor activities. The circle is made up of many “pods” (namely the teaching space unit) that surround the central area. There are 12-28 “pods” on each floor and there are 81 pods in total. Maintain a “get together” face to face communication is of vital importance to learning interactions. The “pod teaching” based on teaching models for small classes is born at the right moment. It is not only where the teachers give lectures every day, but also is the world class maker studio, professional STEAM classroom, carpenter’s workshop and all-media center. It ignites the children’s inspiration to create and design. Besides, Vanke Bilingual School is equipped with indoor swimming pool under constant temperature, climbing wall, indoor and outdoor pitches, gym and jogging path so that every child can master a sport which will give him/her lifelong benefit. Drama theater, Harkness roundtable classroom, debate hall and program coordinated learning place foster leaders of the future. Dance classroom, recital hall, piano room and painting room enhance children’s artistic quality. Professional experience field and bakery classroom make the students dabs of their lives.

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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