The collaboration of ESL and Art( Grade 7 )_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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The collaboration of ESL and Art( Grade 7 )

Author:学校 Release time:2019-04-22

VBS net news: A few days ago, ESL foreign teacher Samer and art foreign teacher Lara were in cooperation for the Grade 7 to a lively and interesting interdisciplinary integration class. The seventh grade told the teachers: "We read a story that happened in Japan, and then we need to use an English poem and a painting work to express their understanding of the story."


万双网讯  日前,ESL外教Samer与艺术外教Lara老师合作为七年级学生上了一堂生动有趣的跨学科融合课。七年级的同学告诉老师:“我们读到一个发生在日本的故事,然后需要用一首英文诗和一幅画来表达自己对故事的理解。”


As part of a collaboration between the English and Art department, the grade 7 students combined their English literature abilities with their visual art talent. Each student had to ultimately demonstrate their understanding of a prescribed short story that takes place in Japan by writing a poem. The poem is reflective of their speculative question that they raised during ESL class.


作为ESL与艺术学科合作的一部分, 七年级的学生将自己的英语文学能力与视觉艺术天赋结合起来。每个学生最终都要通过写一首诗来夯实他们对在日本发生的短篇故事的理解。这首诗反映了他们在 ESL 课堂上提出的推测性问题。


Samer assisted the students with the above-mentioned part of the project and their poems, while Lara guided the students through a process of creating visual metaphors on paper fans. As part of this exercise, each student had to match their poem with a visual expression on the fan.


Samer老师协助学生完成了诗歌阅读、理解与写作部分,而万双的艺术外教Lara老师则引导学生通过折扇的制作完成视觉隐喻部分。作为这个练习的一部分, 每个学生都必须将自己的诗与视觉表达进行匹配。


The outcome of the fans had a Japanese flair of sophistication while the watercolor they used helped them discover the fluidity of the traditional style Japanese art gained notoriety for. It is true that Japanese art, being very broad and stretching over thousands of years, has room for all styles and forms, but it is best known for its connection to nature and the spiritual. The short story also ties well into this ideology, as it too points to nature and the emotions the antagonist and protagonist go through throughout the narrative.


制作折扇好处在于可以使学生们通过水彩画帮助他们发现了日本传统风俗。的确, 日本艺术非常广泛, 绵延数千年, 有空间容纳各种风格和形式, 但最著名的是它与自然和精神之间的联系。七年级学生在ESL课上阅读到的这篇短篇小说也很好地与这一意识形态联系在一起, 因为它也指向了整个叙事过程中的角色们所经历的自然和情感。

Certain skills students gain and develop in their subjects aren’t necessarily used in isolation in real life. The collaboration of two departments promotes team morale, and is a great way to a more holistic approach in teaching which VBS is very open to.


学生在两个不同学科中获得和发展的技能,可以与现实生活进行结合。两个学科的合作促进了外教团队教学建设,同时也将学科进行了融合。在VBS ,教学理念非常包容与开放。


The collaboration of ESL and Art( Grade 7 )

Author:学校 Release time:2019-04-22

VBS net news: A few days ago, ESL foreign teacher Samer and art foreign teacher Lara were in cooperation for the Grade 7 to a lively and interesting interdisciplinary integration class. The seventh grade told the teachers: "We read a story that happened in Japan, and then we need to use an English poem and a painting work to express their understanding of the story."


万双网讯  日前,ESL外教Samer与艺术外教Lara老师合作为七年级学生上了一堂生动有趣的跨学科融合课。七年级的同学告诉老师:“我们读到一个发生在日本的故事,然后需要用一首英文诗和一幅画来表达自己对故事的理解。”


As part of a collaboration between the English and Art department, the grade 7 students combined their English literature abilities with their visual art talent. Each student had to ultimately demonstrate their understanding of a prescribed short story that takes place in Japan by writing a poem. The poem is reflective of their speculative question that they raised during ESL class.


作为ESL与艺术学科合作的一部分, 七年级的学生将自己的英语文学能力与视觉艺术天赋结合起来。每个学生最终都要通过写一首诗来夯实他们对在日本发生的短篇故事的理解。这首诗反映了他们在 ESL 课堂上提出的推测性问题。


Samer assisted the students with the above-mentioned part of the project and their poems, while Lara guided the students through a process of creating visual metaphors on paper fans. As part of this exercise, each student had to match their poem with a visual expression on the fan.


Samer老师协助学生完成了诗歌阅读、理解与写作部分,而万双的艺术外教Lara老师则引导学生通过折扇的制作完成视觉隐喻部分。作为这个练习的一部分, 每个学生都必须将自己的诗与视觉表达进行匹配。


The outcome of the fans had a Japanese flair of sophistication while the watercolor they used helped them discover the fluidity of the traditional style Japanese art gained notoriety for. It is true that Japanese art, being very broad and stretching over thousands of years, has room for all styles and forms, but it is best known for its connection to nature and the spiritual. The short story also ties well into this ideology, as it too points to nature and the emotions the antagonist and protagonist go through throughout the narrative.


制作折扇好处在于可以使学生们通过水彩画帮助他们发现了日本传统风俗。的确, 日本艺术非常广泛, 绵延数千年, 有空间容纳各种风格和形式, 但最著名的是它与自然和精神之间的联系。七年级学生在ESL课上阅读到的这篇短篇小说也很好地与这一意识形态联系在一起, 因为它也指向了整个叙事过程中的角色们所经历的自然和情感。

Certain skills students gain and develop in their subjects aren’t necessarily used in isolation in real life. The collaboration of two departments promotes team morale, and is a great way to a more holistic approach in teaching which VBS is very open to.


学生在两个不同学科中获得和发展的技能,可以与现实生活进行结合。两个学科的合作促进了外教团队教学建设,同时也将学科进行了融合。在VBS ,教学理念非常包容与开放。


Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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