Making Learning an Instinct for Survival —2023-2024 Academic Year Final Work Summary of VBS_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Making Learning an Instinct for Survival —2023-2024 Academic Year Final Work Summary of VBS

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2024-07-16

万双网讯  欢娱不惜时光逝。承载着勤奋耕耘的喜悦,本学期在忙碌和充实中悄然度过。带着收获,带着反思,带着展望,万科双语学校的老师们在放假前的回眸看成绩、回头看短板、放眼看将来,全面总结了上一学年的工作实效、谋划下一学年的工作安排。

Joy comes from hard work and time well spent. As we carried the joy of diligent work, this semester has quietly passed in busyness and fulfillment. With a sense of achievement, reflection, and anticipation, the teachers at Vanke Bilingual School, have taken a comprehensive look back at the results of the past academic year, examined shortcomings, and planned for the future before the holiday.

一、勤于细微处 爱在寻常时——班主任答辩会

Attentive to Details, Love in Ordinary Moments — Class Teacher Defense Meeting


To achieve the goal of cultivating our students to become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future and to promote the overall development of students, Vanke Bilingual School established a class and student self-development evaluation plan in September 2022. On July 13, the school organized a defense meeting for class teachers regarding the implementation of the 2023-2024 evaluation plan.



During the two-day event, class teachers took turns defending their work, summarizing the past year's achievements, experiences, and improvements in three areas, such as resolving class issues, guiding student self-development goals, and educating and guiding students requiring special care. They also looked ahead to future work for the new academic year.


From the perspective of addressing class issues, the class teachers used the establishment of the “Golden Dolphin” class as a driving force, encouraging all students to collectively set class development goals, thereby forming a class covenant detailed into weekly targets. In terms of achieving goals, students became witnesses and companions in each other's growth, fostering a classroom environment filled with encouragement rather than complaints, thus enhancing class cohesion.



The school's cultivation goals, class goals, and students' personal goals are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. While focusing on class goals, class teachers guided students in setting appropriate personal goals and regularly reviewing these goals to help students enhance their sense of purpose and actionability. Through such efforts, every child at Vanke is progressing toward the goal of autonomous learning.


"Good things take time," reflects the teachers' approach to supporting students needing special attention. Upholding the philosophy "If the mountain won't come to me, I'll go to the mountain," teachers enter the inner world of each child, offering encouragement, communicating progress and challenges with parents, creating personalized student records, and conducting weekly reviews. These heartfelt shares allowed everyone present to feel the teachers' deep love for "their children."




Real and vivid stories of nurturing students best showcase the art of class teacher work. Besides the "standard practices," during the Q&A session by six evaluators — Principal Yang Fan, Assistant Principal Lin Hongying, Director Zhou Jinfeng, and Teachers Chen Jiamin, Hu Yaqiong, and Sun Xiaomeng — class teachers answered questions on the spot. From their responses, we heard examples of enhanced rapport and work synergy among subject teachers, underscoring the importance of a positive work atmosphere, close home-school communication, and attention to student feedback.




Promoting Comprehensive Student Development — Subject Teacher Performance Review

在班主任答辩会的同时,其他学科老师也在积极就本学期的工作进行了总结。老师们围绕万科双语学校“ 差异性、回应式的因材施教的课堂”和“让学生经历真实而严谨的学习”两个主题,回顾了一个学期以来的教育教学工作。

Simultaneously with the class teacher defense meetings, other subject teachers actively summarized their semester's work. The teachers reviewed their educational and teaching tasks based on the themes of "Differentiated, Responsive Teaching" and "Enabling Students to Experience Rigorous and Authentic Learning."



与其说是总结,不如说是经验的分享与思想的碰撞,在每一位老师认真、全面的分享中,“ 成长型思维”“以学生为中心”“ 高效课堂”“激发内驱力””学生自主发展目标引领”五个词频频出现,共同描绘了万双范的教学模式:以满足学生个性化全面发展为核心,打破传统学科壁垒,构建跨学科、项目式、平台化的教育体系,并采用以问题解决为导向的教学方式,让学生在实践中学习和成长,帮助学生站在未来的中央。

Rather than merely summarizing, it was more about sharing experiences and exchanging ideas. Terms like "growth mindset," "student-centered," "efficient classroom," "stimulating intrinsic motivation," and "guiding student self-development goals" frequently appeared in teachers' thorough and thoughtful presentations, collectively illustrating the Vanke teaching model. This model focuses on meeting students' individualized and comprehensive development needs, breaking traditional subject boundaries to build cross-disciplinary, project-based, and platform-based educational systems, employing problem-solving-oriented teaching methods to enable students to learn and grow through practice, positioning them at the center of the future.


Making Learning an Instinct for Survival — 2023-2024 Academic Year All-Staff Meeting


On the morning of July 14, Vanke Bilingual School held an all-staff meeting for the 2023-2024 academic year in the theater. Principal Yang Fan delivered an end-of-term summary speech.


Principal Yang thanked everyone for their hard work throughout the academic year and delivered another inspirational message titled "Making Learning an Instinct for Survival."


杨校首先邀请所有老师共同阅读了《让学习成为生存的本能——初识Communities of practice》一书的片段,里面讲述了克莱斯勒公司在濒临破产时,用Communities of practice这一组织形式缩短了产品开发周期,从而起死回生的故事。老师们将故事引申到学校日常工作当中,很快得出这学校现行“PBL-STEAM+”教学方法有异曲同工之处的结论。

Principal Yang first invited all teachers to read excerpts from "Making Learning an Instinct for Survival — An Introduction to Communities of Practice," which describes how Chrysler used the Communities of Practice organizational form to shorten product development cycles and revive the company from bankruptcy. Teachers related the story to the school's daily work, quickly concluding that it aligns with the school's current "PBL-STEAM+" teaching method.




接着,杨校带领老师们进入了另一个思考话题:“PBL-STEAM+”在万双学生成长中起到的作用有目共睹,但如果把这一方式引入到教师成长中,建立Communities of practice,又该如何实施呢?至此,杨校宣布了在下学年将实施的这一组织变革形式的决定,并举以实例帮助老师们理解。

Next, Principal Yang led teachers into another topic of contemplation, while the impact of "PBL-STEAM+" on student growth at Vanke is evident, how should it be implemented if introduced for teacher development to establish Communities of Practice? Thus, he announced the decision to implement this organizational change in the next academic year, providing examples to aid understanding.


随后,杨校分析了外部发展条件,指出了民办学校发展现阶段遇到的挑战,并点出万双生存的必由之路则是必须坚持走全人成长路线,必然办出自身特色。而所有特色的实现必须由全体老师共同完成,这也是下学期学校将通过建立Communities of practice这一方式实现组织变革,提升教职工内驱力的重要原因。

Principal Yang then analyzed external development conditions, pointed out the challenges faced by private schools at this stage, and stated that Vanke's survival path must adhere to holistic growth and develop its unique characteristics. Achieving these characteristics requires collective effort from all teachers, which is why the school will implement Communities of Practice to drive organizational change and enhance staff motivation.



Finally, Principal Yang shared part of the three-year future planning outlook (August 2024 - July 2027) with all staff, guiding everyone to clarify their future work direction, striving to build a century-old prestigious school with global influence.


In facing unprecedented changes, no skill is eternal; no knowledge is universal; no model is invincible. Any skill may become outdated the next day, but learning ability never will. If learning ability is likened to speed, then the ability to learn to learn is acceleration. At the end of the term, Principal Yang helped everyone understand that learning is an innate survival skill, accelerating the school's development and all teachers' growth.



Advancing bravely, not bound by mountains or seas; seizing the momentum, not limited by days or months. In the last week before the holiday, every teacher at Vanke summarized their annual work and exchanged insights through various forms such as the class teacher defense meeting, grade leader meetings, subject leader meetings, and mid-level cadre performance reviews. As the summer heat intensifies, the eagerly awaited summer vacation is also approaching. Through this week's work review and with the "summer homework" assigned by Principal Yang, the upcoming holiday will be more than a rest stop for teachers but also a refueling station for adjusting states, gathering strength, and preparing for the journey ahead. Looking forward to seeing you again in the new academic year!

资料提供/ 吴琼

翻译/ 周金凤

排版/ 马葳

Making Learning an Instinct for Survival —2023-2024 Academic Year Final Work Summary of VBS

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2024-07-16

万双网讯  欢娱不惜时光逝。承载着勤奋耕耘的喜悦,本学期在忙碌和充实中悄然度过。带着收获,带着反思,带着展望,万科双语学校的老师们在放假前的回眸看成绩、回头看短板、放眼看将来,全面总结了上一学年的工作实效、谋划下一学年的工作安排。

Joy comes from hard work and time well spent. As we carried the joy of diligent work, this semester has quietly passed in busyness and fulfillment. With a sense of achievement, reflection, and anticipation, the teachers at Vanke Bilingual School, have taken a comprehensive look back at the results of the past academic year, examined shortcomings, and planned for the future before the holiday.

一、勤于细微处 爱在寻常时——班主任答辩会

Attentive to Details, Love in Ordinary Moments — Class Teacher Defense Meeting


To achieve the goal of cultivating our students to become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future and to promote the overall development of students, Vanke Bilingual School established a class and student self-development evaluation plan in September 2022. On July 13, the school organized a defense meeting for class teachers regarding the implementation of the 2023-2024 evaluation plan.



During the two-day event, class teachers took turns defending their work, summarizing the past year's achievements, experiences, and improvements in three areas, such as resolving class issues, guiding student self-development goals, and educating and guiding students requiring special care. They also looked ahead to future work for the new academic year.


From the perspective of addressing class issues, the class teachers used the establishment of the “Golden Dolphin” class as a driving force, encouraging all students to collectively set class development goals, thereby forming a class covenant detailed into weekly targets. In terms of achieving goals, students became witnesses and companions in each other's growth, fostering a classroom environment filled with encouragement rather than complaints, thus enhancing class cohesion.



The school's cultivation goals, class goals, and students' personal goals are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. While focusing on class goals, class teachers guided students in setting appropriate personal goals and regularly reviewing these goals to help students enhance their sense of purpose and actionability. Through such efforts, every child at Vanke is progressing toward the goal of autonomous learning.


"Good things take time," reflects the teachers' approach to supporting students needing special attention. Upholding the philosophy "If the mountain won't come to me, I'll go to the mountain," teachers enter the inner world of each child, offering encouragement, communicating progress and challenges with parents, creating personalized student records, and conducting weekly reviews. These heartfelt shares allowed everyone present to feel the teachers' deep love for "their children."




Real and vivid stories of nurturing students best showcase the art of class teacher work. Besides the "standard practices," during the Q&A session by six evaluators — Principal Yang Fan, Assistant Principal Lin Hongying, Director Zhou Jinfeng, and Teachers Chen Jiamin, Hu Yaqiong, and Sun Xiaomeng — class teachers answered questions on the spot. From their responses, we heard examples of enhanced rapport and work synergy among subject teachers, underscoring the importance of a positive work atmosphere, close home-school communication, and attention to student feedback.




Promoting Comprehensive Student Development — Subject Teacher Performance Review

在班主任答辩会的同时,其他学科老师也在积极就本学期的工作进行了总结。老师们围绕万科双语学校“ 差异性、回应式的因材施教的课堂”和“让学生经历真实而严谨的学习”两个主题,回顾了一个学期以来的教育教学工作。

Simultaneously with the class teacher defense meetings, other subject teachers actively summarized their semester's work. The teachers reviewed their educational and teaching tasks based on the themes of "Differentiated, Responsive Teaching" and "Enabling Students to Experience Rigorous and Authentic Learning."



与其说是总结,不如说是经验的分享与思想的碰撞,在每一位老师认真、全面的分享中,“ 成长型思维”“以学生为中心”“ 高效课堂”“激发内驱力””学生自主发展目标引领”五个词频频出现,共同描绘了万双范的教学模式:以满足学生个性化全面发展为核心,打破传统学科壁垒,构建跨学科、项目式、平台化的教育体系,并采用以问题解决为导向的教学方式,让学生在实践中学习和成长,帮助学生站在未来的中央。

Rather than merely summarizing, it was more about sharing experiences and exchanging ideas. Terms like "growth mindset," "student-centered," "efficient classroom," "stimulating intrinsic motivation," and "guiding student self-development goals" frequently appeared in teachers' thorough and thoughtful presentations, collectively illustrating the Vanke teaching model. This model focuses on meeting students' individualized and comprehensive development needs, breaking traditional subject boundaries to build cross-disciplinary, project-based, and platform-based educational systems, employing problem-solving-oriented teaching methods to enable students to learn and grow through practice, positioning them at the center of the future.


Making Learning an Instinct for Survival — 2023-2024 Academic Year All-Staff Meeting


On the morning of July 14, Vanke Bilingual School held an all-staff meeting for the 2023-2024 academic year in the theater. Principal Yang Fan delivered an end-of-term summary speech.


Principal Yang thanked everyone for their hard work throughout the academic year and delivered another inspirational message titled "Making Learning an Instinct for Survival."


杨校首先邀请所有老师共同阅读了《让学习成为生存的本能——初识Communities of practice》一书的片段,里面讲述了克莱斯勒公司在濒临破产时,用Communities of practice这一组织形式缩短了产品开发周期,从而起死回生的故事。老师们将故事引申到学校日常工作当中,很快得出这学校现行“PBL-STEAM+”教学方法有异曲同工之处的结论。

Principal Yang first invited all teachers to read excerpts from "Making Learning an Instinct for Survival — An Introduction to Communities of Practice," which describes how Chrysler used the Communities of Practice organizational form to shorten product development cycles and revive the company from bankruptcy. Teachers related the story to the school's daily work, quickly concluding that it aligns with the school's current "PBL-STEAM+" teaching method.




接着,杨校带领老师们进入了另一个思考话题:“PBL-STEAM+”在万双学生成长中起到的作用有目共睹,但如果把这一方式引入到教师成长中,建立Communities of practice,又该如何实施呢?至此,杨校宣布了在下学年将实施的这一组织变革形式的决定,并举以实例帮助老师们理解。

Next, Principal Yang led teachers into another topic of contemplation, while the impact of "PBL-STEAM+" on student growth at Vanke is evident, how should it be implemented if introduced for teacher development to establish Communities of Practice? Thus, he announced the decision to implement this organizational change in the next academic year, providing examples to aid understanding.


随后,杨校分析了外部发展条件,指出了民办学校发展现阶段遇到的挑战,并点出万双生存的必由之路则是必须坚持走全人成长路线,必然办出自身特色。而所有特色的实现必须由全体老师共同完成,这也是下学期学校将通过建立Communities of practice这一方式实现组织变革,提升教职工内驱力的重要原因。

Principal Yang then analyzed external development conditions, pointed out the challenges faced by private schools at this stage, and stated that Vanke's survival path must adhere to holistic growth and develop its unique characteristics. Achieving these characteristics requires collective effort from all teachers, which is why the school will implement Communities of Practice to drive organizational change and enhance staff motivation.



Finally, Principal Yang shared part of the three-year future planning outlook (August 2024 - July 2027) with all staff, guiding everyone to clarify their future work direction, striving to build a century-old prestigious school with global influence.


In facing unprecedented changes, no skill is eternal; no knowledge is universal; no model is invincible. Any skill may become outdated the next day, but learning ability never will. If learning ability is likened to speed, then the ability to learn to learn is acceleration. At the end of the term, Principal Yang helped everyone understand that learning is an innate survival skill, accelerating the school's development and all teachers' growth.



Advancing bravely, not bound by mountains or seas; seizing the momentum, not limited by days or months. In the last week before the holiday, every teacher at Vanke summarized their annual work and exchanged insights through various forms such as the class teacher defense meeting, grade leader meetings, subject leader meetings, and mid-level cadre performance reviews. As the summer heat intensifies, the eagerly awaited summer vacation is also approaching. Through this week's work review and with the "summer homework" assigned by Principal Yang, the upcoming holiday will be more than a rest stop for teachers but also a refueling station for adjusting states, gathering strength, and preparing for the journey ahead. Looking forward to seeing you again in the new academic year!

资料提供/ 吴琼

翻译/ 周金凤

排版/ 马葳

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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