New VBS Bell Music Concept_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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New VBS Bell Music Concept

Author:学校 Release time:2019-03-18

万双网讯 (通讯员 张兰)3月4日,万科双语学校师生惊喜地发现,学校上课铃声变为优美悦耳、与众不同的音乐,并且铃声由多才多艺的音乐外教ROSS特别为学校创作。一起来听听ROSS的创作心声吧。


March 4th, VBS teachers and students surprised to find that the scholl bells turned into beautiful melodious, distinctive music, and the bells are created by the versatile music forieign teacher Ross especially for the school. Come and listen to Ross's creation concepts.



New VBS Bell Music Concept


我很荣幸能被赋予万科双语学校铃声设计的责任。我为学校的铃声创作了三个不同的音乐段落: 一个在上课前两分钟响起的预备铃, 第二个是正式上课的铃声, 第三个下课铃声。这三个独特的音乐段落以各种乐器为特色, 包括电子合成器和中西各类乐器, 象征着我们学校的双语特点和文化的融合。


It was an honor to be given the duty of designing new music for the Vanke Bilingual School bells. I created three different musical passages for the school bells: a warning bell that chimes two minutes before class starts, a bell for the start of class, and a bell for the end of class. The three unique musical passages feature a variety of instruments including electronic synthesizers and live Chinese and Western instruments, symbolizing the integration of both Chinese and English language and culture at our school.


两分钟的预备铃为了听起来有一种未来感,同时使学生们感到振奋。在创作的过程中,我想捕捉到万双的核心价值 ——"为未知而教”、“教育面向未来”,我个人 也认为这将是合适的, 因为学校的吉祥物是一名小宇航员。我喜欢将环境音效融入到我的音乐节奏中。因此, 我在编辑的过程中运用了不同的滴答钟样本通过一定的数学比例进行了打击分配, 以创造一个非常机械和学术的声音,这样的预备铃响起时,不仅仅是提醒学生,同时提醒教师们是时候开始上课了。在预备铃声中, 我将古筝乐调整为不同的音乐尺度, 而不是传统的中国五音音阶。我调整它到一个5音符刻度的基础上, 混合体刻度, 以适应和谐和未来主义的心情。


The two-minute warning bell was designed to sound very futuristic and uplifting because I wanted to capture VBS’s core value of “education of the future” and also thought it would be suitable because the school’s mascot is an astronaut. I like to integrate ambient sound effects into the rhythm of my music. So I programmed different samples of ticking clocks to strike at different mathematical ratios to create a very mechanical and academic sound which also reminds students and teachers that it is almost time for class to start. In this music I tuned the guzheng to a different musical scale rather than the traditional Chinese pentatonic scale. Instead I tuned it to a 5 note scale based on the mixolydian scale to fit the harmonies and futuristic mood.


上课铃声播放的钟乐被设计成幸福、平静的基调, 让学生和老师有好的心情和清醒的头脑开始关注课堂。这段铃声的特点是运用了声学吉他、古筝与二胡,很好地将西洋乐器与中国传统乐器进行了结合。


The bell music that plays at the start of class was designed to be blissful and calming so that students and teachers can have a good mood and clear mind to begin focusing on class. This music features acoustic guitar, guzheng, and erhu.


下课铃声被设计得更活泼、更乐观、更积极, 让学生和老师们感到兴奋与活力, 继续他们的下一步活动。这段铃声以钟声、竖琴与低音开始, 然后再加入小提琴和大提琴优美的旋律。


The bell music at the end of class is a little more lively and upbeat so that students and teachers will feel excited and energized to continue to their next activities. The music begins with bells, harp and bass and then is joined by violins and a cello.




New VBS Bell Music Concept

Author:学校 Release time:2019-03-18

万双网讯 (通讯员 张兰)3月4日,万科双语学校师生惊喜地发现,学校上课铃声变为优美悦耳、与众不同的音乐,并且铃声由多才多艺的音乐外教ROSS特别为学校创作。一起来听听ROSS的创作心声吧。


March 4th, VBS teachers and students surprised to find that the scholl bells turned into beautiful melodious, distinctive music, and the bells are created by the versatile music forieign teacher Ross especially for the school. Come and listen to Ross's creation concepts.



New VBS Bell Music Concept


我很荣幸能被赋予万科双语学校铃声设计的责任。我为学校的铃声创作了三个不同的音乐段落: 一个在上课前两分钟响起的预备铃, 第二个是正式上课的铃声, 第三个下课铃声。这三个独特的音乐段落以各种乐器为特色, 包括电子合成器和中西各类乐器, 象征着我们学校的双语特点和文化的融合。


It was an honor to be given the duty of designing new music for the Vanke Bilingual School bells. I created three different musical passages for the school bells: a warning bell that chimes two minutes before class starts, a bell for the start of class, and a bell for the end of class. The three unique musical passages feature a variety of instruments including electronic synthesizers and live Chinese and Western instruments, symbolizing the integration of both Chinese and English language and culture at our school.


两分钟的预备铃为了听起来有一种未来感,同时使学生们感到振奋。在创作的过程中,我想捕捉到万双的核心价值 ——"为未知而教”、“教育面向未来”,我个人 也认为这将是合适的, 因为学校的吉祥物是一名小宇航员。我喜欢将环境音效融入到我的音乐节奏中。因此, 我在编辑的过程中运用了不同的滴答钟样本通过一定的数学比例进行了打击分配, 以创造一个非常机械和学术的声音,这样的预备铃响起时,不仅仅是提醒学生,同时提醒教师们是时候开始上课了。在预备铃声中, 我将古筝乐调整为不同的音乐尺度, 而不是传统的中国五音音阶。我调整它到一个5音符刻度的基础上, 混合体刻度, 以适应和谐和未来主义的心情。


The two-minute warning bell was designed to sound very futuristic and uplifting because I wanted to capture VBS’s core value of “education of the future” and also thought it would be suitable because the school’s mascot is an astronaut. I like to integrate ambient sound effects into the rhythm of my music. So I programmed different samples of ticking clocks to strike at different mathematical ratios to create a very mechanical and academic sound which also reminds students and teachers that it is almost time for class to start. In this music I tuned the guzheng to a different musical scale rather than the traditional Chinese pentatonic scale. Instead I tuned it to a 5 note scale based on the mixolydian scale to fit the harmonies and futuristic mood.


上课铃声播放的钟乐被设计成幸福、平静的基调, 让学生和老师有好的心情和清醒的头脑开始关注课堂。这段铃声的特点是运用了声学吉他、古筝与二胡,很好地将西洋乐器与中国传统乐器进行了结合。


The bell music that plays at the start of class was designed to be blissful and calming so that students and teachers can have a good mood and clear mind to begin focusing on class. This music features acoustic guitar, guzheng, and erhu.


下课铃声被设计得更活泼、更乐观、更积极, 让学生和老师们感到兴奋与活力, 继续他们的下一步活动。这段铃声以钟声、竖琴与低音开始, 然后再加入小提琴和大提琴优美的旋律。


The bell music at the end of class is a little more lively and upbeat so that students and teachers will feel excited and energized to continue to their next activities. The music begins with bells, harp and bass and then is joined by violins and a cello.




Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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