PBL deep learning empowered by AI_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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PBL deep learning empowered by AI

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-12-22


万双网讯   为加强教师对人工智能赋能PBL理念的理解,改革教学方式,并培养创新型教师,12月15日至17日,万科双语学校杨帆校长、“双区”专家袁晖博士、学校督导与课程发展中心的教师们前往上海,参加由DLC中国深度学习中心组织的第五届DLC深度学习年会。与此同时,杨帆校长还受邀参加 了“深潜对话:中国校园里的创新教育:我们的PBL之路”圆桌论坛

VBS Net News  In order to strengthen teachers’ understanding of the concept of artificial intelligence-empowered PBL, reform teaching methods, and cultivate innovative teachers, from December 15th to 17th, Principal Yang Fan of Vanke Bilingual School, “Dual District” expert Dr. Yuan Hui, school supervisors and curriculum teachers from the Development Center went to Shanghai to participate in the 5th Deep Learning China Conference organized by DLC Center.




The annual meeting covered many links including expert lectures, round-table forums and workshop training. In this era of artificial intelligence, where technology and informatization are changing rapidly, effective human-machine collaboration with AI has become a core competency for educators. Experts shared their teaching practice cases during the expert lecture session and discussed how to use artificial intelligence to empower teachers in their teaching work.At the round-table forum, Principal Yang Fan and other educators discussed the problems and challenges encountered in the implementation of PBL teaching in schools, as well as deeper thoughts on PBL in China's educational practice.



In the workshop session, teachers shared their experiences and results in conducting PBL research based on application cases of artificial intelligence in teaching. Teachers have said that through this training, they have gained an in-depth understanding of the application of artificial intelligence in education, and gained a deeper understanding and understanding of PBL empowered learning and reformed curriculum teaching methods.






Vanke Bilingual School will continue to deepen its cooperative relationship with Deep Learning China and actively introduce excellent innovative resources including HTH schools. On the basis of comprehensively strengthening the application of various types of artificial intelligence, the school will continue to empower teachers’ teaching work, further unleash the potential of PBL, and train students to become future talents with innovative thinking and social responsibility.




Some teachers’ experiences:

周金凤:新认知 新思考

Zhou Jinfeng: New cognition, new thinking


此次关于PBL深度学习,主要有三个主题:用 PBL方式学习PBL 、学校之外如何助力孩子成长、Choice, Voice and Reflection。三个工作坊的学习,让我再次加深了对PBL的理解。首先,认识到生活中万事皆可PBL。其次,PBL赋能学习,变革课程教学方法,有利于提升学生的学力。再次,引发了我对教师身份的新认知。同时我们需要思考:一是如何做符合中国教育特色的PBL?二是如何引导家长和学生使用PBL方式去解决社区或社会问题?

There are three main themes for this time: learning PBL using PBL methods, how to help children grow outside of school, and Choice, Voice and Reflection.The study of three workshops allowed me to deepen my understanding of PBL again. First, realize that everything in life can be PBL. Secondly, PBL empowers learning and changes course teaching methods, which is conducive to improving students' academic ability. Once again, it triggered a new understanding of my identity as a teacher.At the same time, we need to think about: First, how to create PBL that suits the characteristics of Chinese education? Second, how to guide parents and students to use PBL methods to solve community or social problems?


黄巧莉:冲击 骄傲 思考

Huang Qiaoli: Shock, Pride, Thinking



I would like to use three words to summarize the feelings of this study: shock, pride, and thinking. 1. Shock: Human-machine collaboration is an essential AI literacy for future educators. This wave of empowering intelligent education has brought impact and shock to me. We hope that with the help of AI, we can create classrooms that allow more students to fully participate and improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning. 2. Pride: Under the forward-looking guidance of Principal Yang, VBS introduced PBL into teaching as early as 2018. Teachers and students have benefited a lot from exploring and learning along the way. Therefore, during the workshop discussion and exchange, I was proud to introduce our school's PBL lessons to my group of friends. 3. Questioning is very important for both teachers and students. We not only need to cultivate students' ability to boldly ask questions and bravely try and make mistakes, teachers themselves must also think and practice more, continue to learn, and improve their digital literacy.



Annie Deng: I believe AI can help you



Through learning, I learned how to write our ideas and requirements in AI conversations. Because the AI's answer is greatly affected by the question words, when talking to the AI, we must pay attention to positioning the role, describing the task clearly, and giving specific standards (rulers) or formats. We can also make further requirements through the examples it gives. The AI Will be further optimized. If you want it to answer accurately, be careful to ask the question using the words it describes. AI empowered teaching inspires us to set higher standards in human-machine dialogue. I believe it can help you!



翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

PBL deep learning empowered by AI

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-12-22


万双网讯   为加强教师对人工智能赋能PBL理念的理解,改革教学方式,并培养创新型教师,12月15日至17日,万科双语学校杨帆校长、“双区”专家袁晖博士、学校督导与课程发展中心的教师们前往上海,参加由DLC中国深度学习中心组织的第五届DLC深度学习年会。与此同时,杨帆校长还受邀参加 了“深潜对话:中国校园里的创新教育:我们的PBL之路”圆桌论坛

VBS Net News  In order to strengthen teachers’ understanding of the concept of artificial intelligence-empowered PBL, reform teaching methods, and cultivate innovative teachers, from December 15th to 17th, Principal Yang Fan of Vanke Bilingual School, “Dual District” expert Dr. Yuan Hui, school supervisors and curriculum teachers from the Development Center went to Shanghai to participate in the 5th Deep Learning China Conference organized by DLC Center.




The annual meeting covered many links including expert lectures, round-table forums and workshop training. In this era of artificial intelligence, where technology and informatization are changing rapidly, effective human-machine collaboration with AI has become a core competency for educators. Experts shared their teaching practice cases during the expert lecture session and discussed how to use artificial intelligence to empower teachers in their teaching work.At the round-table forum, Principal Yang Fan and other educators discussed the problems and challenges encountered in the implementation of PBL teaching in schools, as well as deeper thoughts on PBL in China's educational practice.



In the workshop session, teachers shared their experiences and results in conducting PBL research based on application cases of artificial intelligence in teaching. Teachers have said that through this training, they have gained an in-depth understanding of the application of artificial intelligence in education, and gained a deeper understanding and understanding of PBL empowered learning and reformed curriculum teaching methods.






Vanke Bilingual School will continue to deepen its cooperative relationship with Deep Learning China and actively introduce excellent innovative resources including HTH schools. On the basis of comprehensively strengthening the application of various types of artificial intelligence, the school will continue to empower teachers’ teaching work, further unleash the potential of PBL, and train students to become future talents with innovative thinking and social responsibility.




Some teachers’ experiences:

周金凤:新认知 新思考

Zhou Jinfeng: New cognition, new thinking


此次关于PBL深度学习,主要有三个主题:用 PBL方式学习PBL 、学校之外如何助力孩子成长、Choice, Voice and Reflection。三个工作坊的学习,让我再次加深了对PBL的理解。首先,认识到生活中万事皆可PBL。其次,PBL赋能学习,变革课程教学方法,有利于提升学生的学力。再次,引发了我对教师身份的新认知。同时我们需要思考:一是如何做符合中国教育特色的PBL?二是如何引导家长和学生使用PBL方式去解决社区或社会问题?

There are three main themes for this time: learning PBL using PBL methods, how to help children grow outside of school, and Choice, Voice and Reflection.The study of three workshops allowed me to deepen my understanding of PBL again. First, realize that everything in life can be PBL. Secondly, PBL empowers learning and changes course teaching methods, which is conducive to improving students' academic ability. Once again, it triggered a new understanding of my identity as a teacher.At the same time, we need to think about: First, how to create PBL that suits the characteristics of Chinese education? Second, how to guide parents and students to use PBL methods to solve community or social problems?


黄巧莉:冲击 骄傲 思考

Huang Qiaoli: Shock, Pride, Thinking



I would like to use three words to summarize the feelings of this study: shock, pride, and thinking. 1. Shock: Human-machine collaboration is an essential AI literacy for future educators. This wave of empowering intelligent education has brought impact and shock to me. We hope that with the help of AI, we can create classrooms that allow more students to fully participate and improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning. 2. Pride: Under the forward-looking guidance of Principal Yang, VBS introduced PBL into teaching as early as 2018. Teachers and students have benefited a lot from exploring and learning along the way. Therefore, during the workshop discussion and exchange, I was proud to introduce our school's PBL lessons to my group of friends. 3. Questioning is very important for both teachers and students. We not only need to cultivate students' ability to boldly ask questions and bravely try and make mistakes, teachers themselves must also think and practice more, continue to learn, and improve their digital literacy.



Annie Deng: I believe AI can help you



Through learning, I learned how to write our ideas and requirements in AI conversations. Because the AI's answer is greatly affected by the question words, when talking to the AI, we must pay attention to positioning the role, describing the task clearly, and giving specific standards (rulers) or formats. We can also make further requirements through the examples it gives. The AI Will be further optimized. If you want it to answer accurately, be careful to ask the question using the words it describes. AI empowered teaching inspires us to set higher standards in human-machine dialogue. I believe it can help you!



翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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