Pursuing more possibilities of AI-empowered education_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Pursuing more possibilities of AI-empowered education

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-10-31


万双网讯 为提升教学效率,创新教育模式,追寻AI赋能教育的更多可能,10月26日中午,万科双语学校数智教育启动仪式暨首场培训会在创客教室召开。龙华区教育科学研究院信息化与科技部吴兆斌部长,“双区”专家宁立博士、袁晖博士、李凝华教授参与了此次活动。万科双语学校48位老师自主申报,踊跃加入数智教育先锋教师团队,并参加了首次培训。

 VBS Net News  In order to improve teaching efficiency, innovate education models, and pursue more possibilities for AI-empowered education, at noon on October 26, the launch ceremony and first training session of Vanke Bilingual School’s digital intelligence education was held in the Maker Classroom.Minister Wu Zhaobin of the Information Technology and Science Department of Longhua District Educational Science Research Institute, and "dual-zones" experts Dr.Ning Li, Dr. Yuan Hui, and Professor Li Ninghua participated in this event.48 teachers from Vanke Bilingual School applied and joined the pioneering teacher team of digital intelligence education, and participated in the first training.





Principal Yang Fan: We have the responsibility to integrate AI into teaching



Principal Yang Fan said at the meeting: "Artificial intelligence is one of the most cutting-edge and potential fields in the world today. It is profoundly changing our lives and society. As educators, we have the responsibility and mission to integrate artificial intelligence education into In the school's teaching, students' artificial intelligence literacy and innovation abilities are cultivated, leading them to the future technological world.As a member of the Pioneer Teacher Team, you have an important mission. You must not only continue to learn and explore in the field of artificial intelligence education, but also become leaders and role models in the school.You must be brave enough to innovate and try, and integrate the latest technology and educational concepts into teaching practice to provide students with a broader learning space and a richer learning experience. "


Teachers: Pursue more possibilities for AI-empowered education



At the training meeting, seven teachers (Li Shihao, Jiao Yang, Liu Mei, Liu Sa, Zheng Jiajia, Liu Wenling, and Wu Haiou) who participated in the artificial intelligence seed teacher training for primary and secondary schools in Longhua District shared their views.Through the study, the teachers felt the huge potential of AIGC technology in teaching design, and gained valuable teaching design experience on the core elements of PBL project design, new information technology curriculum standards, artificial intelligence project-based teaching, and AI empowered education, and inspiration, expressing that they will abandon the conservative mentality, bravely embark on the thorny road from the comfort zone, move towards no man's land, and pursue more possibilities of AI-empowered education.


Teacher Peng Ping: AI empowers interdisciplinary project-based course design



Teacher Peng Ping conducted "AI empowered interdisciplinary project-based curriculum design" training at the meeting, explaining AIGC, AIGC tools, the general process of project-based curriculum design, visual results, etc. to the pioneer teachers, and he also used cases to demonstrate how to use AIGC to assist in the design of interdisciplinary project-based courses.


Minister Wu Zhaobin: VBS is at the forefront of all schools



During the teachers’ sharing process, Minister Wu Zhaobin pointed out with emotion: “Future education will be divided into two types of teachers: teachers who cannot use artificial intelligence and teachers who can use artificial intelligence, and the application of artificial intelligence technology should also become a part of schools’ important direction for digital construction. As a leader, VBS is at the forefront of all schools and will surely lead the direction of educational development."


Dr. Yuan Hui: Provide technical support for digital education in schools



Dr. Yuan Hui, an expert on "dual zones", made a concluding speech. He said that he was moved by the enthusiasm of pioneer teachers for the development of digital intelligence education in schools, and said that he would vigorously provide technical support and resources to meet the needs of teachers and ensure the sustainable development of digital intelligence education in schools.


The digital intelligence system provides technical support for teachers to improve teaching organization forms and teaching methods and improve teaching levels; creates conditions for students to carry out autonomous learning, collaborative learning and exploratory learning;  provides a solid guarantee for education managers to grasp all kinds of information in a timely manner and achieve efficient and scientific education management.Through this event, the pioneer teachers of Vanke Bilingual School not only increased their knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence, but also gained more teaching inspiration and innovative ideas. They will apply what they have learned in actual teaching to provide students with a more in-depth and breadth of digital intelligence education.




翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

Pursuing more possibilities of AI-empowered education

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-10-31


万双网讯 为提升教学效率,创新教育模式,追寻AI赋能教育的更多可能,10月26日中午,万科双语学校数智教育启动仪式暨首场培训会在创客教室召开。龙华区教育科学研究院信息化与科技部吴兆斌部长,“双区”专家宁立博士、袁晖博士、李凝华教授参与了此次活动。万科双语学校48位老师自主申报,踊跃加入数智教育先锋教师团队,并参加了首次培训。

 VBS Net News  In order to improve teaching efficiency, innovate education models, and pursue more possibilities for AI-empowered education, at noon on October 26, the launch ceremony and first training session of Vanke Bilingual School’s digital intelligence education was held in the Maker Classroom.Minister Wu Zhaobin of the Information Technology and Science Department of Longhua District Educational Science Research Institute, and "dual-zones" experts Dr.Ning Li, Dr. Yuan Hui, and Professor Li Ninghua participated in this event.48 teachers from Vanke Bilingual School applied and joined the pioneering teacher team of digital intelligence education, and participated in the first training.





Principal Yang Fan: We have the responsibility to integrate AI into teaching



Principal Yang Fan said at the meeting: "Artificial intelligence is one of the most cutting-edge and potential fields in the world today. It is profoundly changing our lives and society. As educators, we have the responsibility and mission to integrate artificial intelligence education into In the school's teaching, students' artificial intelligence literacy and innovation abilities are cultivated, leading them to the future technological world.As a member of the Pioneer Teacher Team, you have an important mission. You must not only continue to learn and explore in the field of artificial intelligence education, but also become leaders and role models in the school.You must be brave enough to innovate and try, and integrate the latest technology and educational concepts into teaching practice to provide students with a broader learning space and a richer learning experience. "


Teachers: Pursue more possibilities for AI-empowered education



At the training meeting, seven teachers (Li Shihao, Jiao Yang, Liu Mei, Liu Sa, Zheng Jiajia, Liu Wenling, and Wu Haiou) who participated in the artificial intelligence seed teacher training for primary and secondary schools in Longhua District shared their views.Through the study, the teachers felt the huge potential of AIGC technology in teaching design, and gained valuable teaching design experience on the core elements of PBL project design, new information technology curriculum standards, artificial intelligence project-based teaching, and AI empowered education, and inspiration, expressing that they will abandon the conservative mentality, bravely embark on the thorny road from the comfort zone, move towards no man's land, and pursue more possibilities of AI-empowered education.


Teacher Peng Ping: AI empowers interdisciplinary project-based course design



Teacher Peng Ping conducted "AI empowered interdisciplinary project-based curriculum design" training at the meeting, explaining AIGC, AIGC tools, the general process of project-based curriculum design, visual results, etc. to the pioneer teachers, and he also used cases to demonstrate how to use AIGC to assist in the design of interdisciplinary project-based courses.


Minister Wu Zhaobin: VBS is at the forefront of all schools



During the teachers’ sharing process, Minister Wu Zhaobin pointed out with emotion: “Future education will be divided into two types of teachers: teachers who cannot use artificial intelligence and teachers who can use artificial intelligence, and the application of artificial intelligence technology should also become a part of schools’ important direction for digital construction. As a leader, VBS is at the forefront of all schools and will surely lead the direction of educational development."


Dr. Yuan Hui: Provide technical support for digital education in schools



Dr. Yuan Hui, an expert on "dual zones", made a concluding speech. He said that he was moved by the enthusiasm of pioneer teachers for the development of digital intelligence education in schools, and said that he would vigorously provide technical support and resources to meet the needs of teachers and ensure the sustainable development of digital intelligence education in schools.


The digital intelligence system provides technical support for teachers to improve teaching organization forms and teaching methods and improve teaching levels; creates conditions for students to carry out autonomous learning, collaborative learning and exploratory learning;  provides a solid guarantee for education managers to grasp all kinds of information in a timely manner and achieve efficient and scientific education management.Through this event, the pioneer teachers of Vanke Bilingual School not only increased their knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence, but also gained more teaching inspiration and innovative ideas. They will apply what they have learned in actual teaching to provide students with a more in-depth and breadth of digital intelligence education.




翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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