Hard Work + Skillful Work! Strategies to Create Charming Class Head Teachers_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Hard Work + Skillful Work! Strategies to Create Charming Class Head Teachers

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-09-21


万双网讯  为构筑班主任成长的基石,提升育人方略,在班主任中形成一个交流互助、共同成长的共同体,9月18日,万科双语学校第十九期“班主任成长帮帮团”活动分别在剧场和105会议室举行。学校大队部辅导员胡雅琼老师、9F班班主任刘静老师进行了主题分享。全校班主任与会。

VBS Net News  In order to build the cornerstone for the growth of class head teachers, improve the education strategy, and form a community of exchanges, mutual help, and common growth among class head teachers, on September 18, the 19th "Class Head Teacher Growth Help Group" event of Vanke Bilingual School was held in the theater and Room 105. Teacher Hu Yaqiong, the counselor of the Young Pioneers Brigade, and Teacher Liu Jing, the head teacher of Class 9F, shared their stories. All head teachers of the school attended the meeting.



Under the leadership of Principal Yang Fan of Vanke Bilingual School, the Life Planning curriculum team plans a bi-weekly "Head Teachers’ Growth Help Group" activity. The activities come in various forms, covering many aspects such as team building, how to deal with student conflicts, and creating a class atmosphere. After one and a half years of practice, 19 events have been carried out and a good atmosphere has been formed.


胡雅琼:实干+巧干 水深火热也有岸

Hu Yaqiong: Hard work + skillful work can lead to success



在第十九期活动中,胡雅琼老师以“实干+巧干 水深火热也有岸”为题,从认识班主任、班主任工作职责、怎样做好班主任、班主任的自我提升四个部分,结合自己的班主任工作实践全面梳理了班主任工作流程。

In the 19th event, teacher Hu Yaqiong took the theme of "hard work + skillful work", and combined the four parts of understanding the head teacher, the work responsibilities of the head teacher, how to be a good head teacher, and the self-improvement of the head teacher, combined with her own work practice as a head teacher comprehensively sorted out the work process of the head teacher.



She pointed out that to be a good head teacher, you need to have: the persuasiveness of reasoning, the appeal of emotion, and the endurance to guide students; truly care for and respect underachievers, and strengthen the pertinence of transformation work; and communicate in depth with school leaders, parents, and teachers to obtain support, understanding, and cooperation; listen to students' voices and improve methods.



刘静:春风化雨 润物无声

Liu Jing: Spring breeze turns into rain, moistening things silently



刘静老师做了题为“春风化雨 润物无声”的主题分享。刘老师从引导学生拥有自主管理的能力、重视任课教师和家长的力量、营造积极向上的班级氛围三个方面展开。

Teacher Liu Jing gave a speech titled "Spring Breeze Turns into Rain, Moisturizing Things Silently". Teacher Liu started from three aspects: guiding students to have the ability to manage independently, paying attention to the power of teachers and parents, and creating a positive class atmosphere.



In class management work, she fully mobilizes the internal driving force of her classmates to enable students to manage themselves; she attaches great importance to the strength of teachers, expresses her sincere gratitude and recognition to each teacher, and regards them as her solid backing to work together. Meet various challenges in class work. At the same time, she attaches great importance to close contact with parents, sharing students' learning status through private messages to parents every week, and putting forward specific learning suggestions. She serves as a bridge between teachers and parents, promoting good home-school partnerships.




The class head teacher is a imparter of knowledge, an effective communicator, a shaper of healthy personality, a moral inspiration, a life mentor, and an academic leader on the students’ life journey...Vanke Bilingual School uses the "Head Teachers’ Growth Help Group" activity to enable head teachers to continuously improve themselves, teach through words and deeds, and strive to become an educator with charming personality, profound knowledge and a good attitude.







撰稿/戴黎琪 韩璞

翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

Hard Work + Skillful Work! Strategies to Create Charming Class Head Teachers

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-09-21


万双网讯  为构筑班主任成长的基石,提升育人方略,在班主任中形成一个交流互助、共同成长的共同体,9月18日,万科双语学校第十九期“班主任成长帮帮团”活动分别在剧场和105会议室举行。学校大队部辅导员胡雅琼老师、9F班班主任刘静老师进行了主题分享。全校班主任与会。

VBS Net News  In order to build the cornerstone for the growth of class head teachers, improve the education strategy, and form a community of exchanges, mutual help, and common growth among class head teachers, on September 18, the 19th "Class Head Teacher Growth Help Group" event of Vanke Bilingual School was held in the theater and Room 105. Teacher Hu Yaqiong, the counselor of the Young Pioneers Brigade, and Teacher Liu Jing, the head teacher of Class 9F, shared their stories. All head teachers of the school attended the meeting.



Under the leadership of Principal Yang Fan of Vanke Bilingual School, the Life Planning curriculum team plans a bi-weekly "Head Teachers’ Growth Help Group" activity. The activities come in various forms, covering many aspects such as team building, how to deal with student conflicts, and creating a class atmosphere. After one and a half years of practice, 19 events have been carried out and a good atmosphere has been formed.


胡雅琼:实干+巧干 水深火热也有岸

Hu Yaqiong: Hard work + skillful work can lead to success



在第十九期活动中,胡雅琼老师以“实干+巧干 水深火热也有岸”为题,从认识班主任、班主任工作职责、怎样做好班主任、班主任的自我提升四个部分,结合自己的班主任工作实践全面梳理了班主任工作流程。

In the 19th event, teacher Hu Yaqiong took the theme of "hard work + skillful work", and combined the four parts of understanding the head teacher, the work responsibilities of the head teacher, how to be a good head teacher, and the self-improvement of the head teacher, combined with her own work practice as a head teacher comprehensively sorted out the work process of the head teacher.



She pointed out that to be a good head teacher, you need to have: the persuasiveness of reasoning, the appeal of emotion, and the endurance to guide students; truly care for and respect underachievers, and strengthen the pertinence of transformation work; and communicate in depth with school leaders, parents, and teachers to obtain support, understanding, and cooperation; listen to students' voices and improve methods.



刘静:春风化雨 润物无声

Liu Jing: Spring breeze turns into rain, moistening things silently



刘静老师做了题为“春风化雨 润物无声”的主题分享。刘老师从引导学生拥有自主管理的能力、重视任课教师和家长的力量、营造积极向上的班级氛围三个方面展开。

Teacher Liu Jing gave a speech titled "Spring Breeze Turns into Rain, Moisturizing Things Silently". Teacher Liu started from three aspects: guiding students to have the ability to manage independently, paying attention to the power of teachers and parents, and creating a positive class atmosphere.



In class management work, she fully mobilizes the internal driving force of her classmates to enable students to manage themselves; she attaches great importance to the strength of teachers, expresses her sincere gratitude and recognition to each teacher, and regards them as her solid backing to work together. Meet various challenges in class work. At the same time, she attaches great importance to close contact with parents, sharing students' learning status through private messages to parents every week, and putting forward specific learning suggestions. She serves as a bridge between teachers and parents, promoting good home-school partnerships.




The class head teacher is a imparter of knowledge, an effective communicator, a shaper of healthy personality, a moral inspiration, a life mentor, and an academic leader on the students’ life journey...Vanke Bilingual School uses the "Head Teachers’ Growth Help Group" activity to enable head teachers to continuously improve themselves, teach through words and deeds, and strive to become an educator with charming personality, profound knowledge and a good attitude.







撰稿/戴黎琪 韩璞

翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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