Looking back with tears in my eyes_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Looking back with tears in my eyes

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-09-12


万双网讯 “教育就是在学生的心灵上种花。” 9月7日晚,在第39个教师节来临前夕,一场简短而热烈的“教师节”庆祝大会在万科双语学校剧场举行。本场大会的主题为“用热爱和勤奋装点我们的教师生涯”。全体教职员工欢聚一堂,畅谈对教师职业的认知,相互祝贺节日,同时见证从教三十年老教师温和而坚定的教育情怀,禁不住热泪盈眶

VBS Net News  “Education is about planting flowers in students’ hearts.” On the evening of September 7, on the eve of the 39th Teachers’ Day, a brief but enthusiastic “Teachers’ Day” celebration was held in the theater of Vanke Bilingual School.The theme of this conference is "Decorating our teaching careers with love and diligence." All the teachers and staff gathered together to talk about their understanding of the teaching profession, congratulate each other on the holidays, and at the same time witness the gentle but firm educational sentiments of the teachers who have been teaching for 30 years. They could not help but burst into tears.





"The spring silkworms will die when their silk is gone, and the wax torches will dry up when they turn to ashes and shed tears." For 30 years, she persisted and worked hard. From the vigorous life to the early birth of her white hair, she always insists on being a teacher with high moral standards, uprightness as a model, gives children the energy to grow with high-level education and teaching, creates an immortal soul with the warmth of the spring breeze, welcomes students all over the world with a loving smile, and lays a solid foundation for the happy lives of waves of children...At the meeting, the school awarded an honorary award to Teacher Chen Hongliang, who has been teaching for 30 years. This unexpected surprise made teacher Chen Hongliang burst into tears on the spot. Watching the video playback of 30 years of teaching, Teacher Chen choked up and said: "Teaching is a profession that pays with heart, educates with love, keeps learning, and keeps pace with the times. I will continue to move forward!"




At the same time, the school issued honorary certificates to outstanding teachers and head teachers of Longhua District, and Mesha Stars, Meisha Newcomers, and Mesha Teams. It also awarded merit awards to teachers who breathed the same breath and shared fate with VBS and worked hard for five years. At the same time, all faculty and staff were creatively rewarded, and the "Goddess" Award and the "Goddess Award" were awarded respectively.






Mr. Li Shihao, the winner of the "Male God" Award, said: "This is a school of love. Under the leadership of Principal Yang, the school can see traces of love everywhere. 'Education is to plant flowers in the hearts of students', which has always been with us." A word about my education and teaching work.I have always hoped, and will always believe, that the seeds of love we sow in our children will one day take root, sprout, and grow into towering trees. I hope all the male heroes will continue to shine in their positions and protect the growth of children! "




Teacher Xie Dongmei, the winner of the "Goddess" Award, said: "VBS is a good platform for each of our teachers to grow, so VBS's development is closely related to us! Today's results are hard-won, and we must take care of it like we take care of our bodies." On behalf of female teachers, I would like to say: We will do our best to work hard for the development of the school and ourselves."




Teacher representative Liu Lingling looked back fondly on her five years of growth at VBS. She said: “Being the best teacher is a relentless motivation and a peaceful mind.Stand on the podium and teach and educate people; step off the podium and be a role model for others; to be the best teacher is passion, pride, and solid action; to be the best teacher is to have a persistent love for this profession, and then no matter how hard it is, never give up. "




On this day, every employee became an award winner. Principal Yang Fan said affectionately to all the staff: "I love you!" Next, she shared her learning results with the theme of "Being an Excellent Teacher".I hope that every teacher can find happiness and joy in professional development, establish a good teacher-student relationship, learn to love every child, enter the child's heart, and be a guide on the child's growth path. Only love can withstand the long years. Let the education of love become the foundation of VBS Education and help children stand in the center of the future!



活动开始前,每位老师都写下了自己对教师职业的深刻认识,学校录制了部分教师的心声。金怀红老师说:“教师总是倾情付出,不计回报,但求学生成长进步。是一种良心活!彭婷老师说:“教师是一个能不断成长,获得爱,给予爱的幸福职业。” 李荣菊老师说:“教师应具备高尚的职业精神,以责任感、使命感、奉献精神承担社会责任,不断提高自身的教育教学水平,为学生的成长和发展贡献自己的力量。”魏素敏老师说:“教师的最大幸福就是把一群群孩子送往理想的彼岸。”……

Before the event began, each teacher wrote down his or her deep understanding of the teaching profession, and the school recorded the voices of some teachers. Teacher Jin Huaihong said: "Teachers always give with all their heart, without expecting anything in return, but only hope that students will grow and progress. It is a kind of conscientious life!"Teacher Peng Ting said: "Teaching is a happy profession that can continue to grow, receive love, and give love." Teacher Li Rongju said: "Teachers should have a noble professional spirit, shoulder social responsibilities with a sense of responsibility, mission, and dedication, and constantly improve Our own education and teaching standards will contribute to the growth and development of students.”Teacher Wei Sumin said: "The greatest happiness of a teacher is to send groups of children to the other side of their ideals."...



"Every day in this prosperous age, the mountains and rivers are intact, and the fireworks are ordinary, but you look out as you wish, children, sleep peacefully, just like you love it so much..." The party came to a successful conclusion with the teachers' soulful chorus "As You Wish".




Outside the venue, there were cards filled with praise and thanks. The teachers expressed their praise for the hard-working teachers and expressed their gratitude to the teachers who had helped them. They all said that they would do their best to do their jobs with diligence and love as the purpose to create a better future.








【In the five years since the school was founded, Vanke Bilingual School has used rich and diversified courses to give children the nutrients of life, used differentiated, responsive, and individualized classrooms and a growth mindset to fully stimulate children's inner drive to learn, and poured out sincere love. Strive to build a community of shared future for home and school, and foresee a bright future for children through innovation and creativity.】















































杨校说:“为了这个世界永葆多彩的生态,我们要站在人类命运共同体的高度去思考我们需要做出的改变。” 新学期,我们要大力推动数智教育在万双发展,大胆进行课堂变革,在改变中与技术、与人工智能一起创造更加美好的教育,让孩子站在未来中央!








翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

Looking back with tears in my eyes

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-09-12


万双网讯 “教育就是在学生的心灵上种花。” 9月7日晚,在第39个教师节来临前夕,一场简短而热烈的“教师节”庆祝大会在万科双语学校剧场举行。本场大会的主题为“用热爱和勤奋装点我们的教师生涯”。全体教职员工欢聚一堂,畅谈对教师职业的认知,相互祝贺节日,同时见证从教三十年老教师温和而坚定的教育情怀,禁不住热泪盈眶

VBS Net News  “Education is about planting flowers in students’ hearts.” On the evening of September 7, on the eve of the 39th Teachers’ Day, a brief but enthusiastic “Teachers’ Day” celebration was held in the theater of Vanke Bilingual School.The theme of this conference is "Decorating our teaching careers with love and diligence." All the teachers and staff gathered together to talk about their understanding of the teaching profession, congratulate each other on the holidays, and at the same time witness the gentle but firm educational sentiments of the teachers who have been teaching for 30 years. They could not help but burst into tears.





"The spring silkworms will die when their silk is gone, and the wax torches will dry up when they turn to ashes and shed tears." For 30 years, she persisted and worked hard. From the vigorous life to the early birth of her white hair, she always insists on being a teacher with high moral standards, uprightness as a model, gives children the energy to grow with high-level education and teaching, creates an immortal soul with the warmth of the spring breeze, welcomes students all over the world with a loving smile, and lays a solid foundation for the happy lives of waves of children...At the meeting, the school awarded an honorary award to Teacher Chen Hongliang, who has been teaching for 30 years. This unexpected surprise made teacher Chen Hongliang burst into tears on the spot. Watching the video playback of 30 years of teaching, Teacher Chen choked up and said: "Teaching is a profession that pays with heart, educates with love, keeps learning, and keeps pace with the times. I will continue to move forward!"




At the same time, the school issued honorary certificates to outstanding teachers and head teachers of Longhua District, and Mesha Stars, Meisha Newcomers, and Mesha Teams. It also awarded merit awards to teachers who breathed the same breath and shared fate with VBS and worked hard for five years. At the same time, all faculty and staff were creatively rewarded, and the "Goddess" Award and the "Goddess Award" were awarded respectively.






Mr. Li Shihao, the winner of the "Male God" Award, said: "This is a school of love. Under the leadership of Principal Yang, the school can see traces of love everywhere. 'Education is to plant flowers in the hearts of students', which has always been with us." A word about my education and teaching work.I have always hoped, and will always believe, that the seeds of love we sow in our children will one day take root, sprout, and grow into towering trees. I hope all the male heroes will continue to shine in their positions and protect the growth of children! "




Teacher Xie Dongmei, the winner of the "Goddess" Award, said: "VBS is a good platform for each of our teachers to grow, so VBS's development is closely related to us! Today's results are hard-won, and we must take care of it like we take care of our bodies." On behalf of female teachers, I would like to say: We will do our best to work hard for the development of the school and ourselves."




Teacher representative Liu Lingling looked back fondly on her five years of growth at VBS. She said: “Being the best teacher is a relentless motivation and a peaceful mind.Stand on the podium and teach and educate people; step off the podium and be a role model for others; to be the best teacher is passion, pride, and solid action; to be the best teacher is to have a persistent love for this profession, and then no matter how hard it is, never give up. "




On this day, every employee became an award winner. Principal Yang Fan said affectionately to all the staff: "I love you!" Next, she shared her learning results with the theme of "Being an Excellent Teacher".I hope that every teacher can find happiness and joy in professional development, establish a good teacher-student relationship, learn to love every child, enter the child's heart, and be a guide on the child's growth path. Only love can withstand the long years. Let the education of love become the foundation of VBS Education and help children stand in the center of the future!



活动开始前,每位老师都写下了自己对教师职业的深刻认识,学校录制了部分教师的心声。金怀红老师说:“教师总是倾情付出,不计回报,但求学生成长进步。是一种良心活!彭婷老师说:“教师是一个能不断成长,获得爱,给予爱的幸福职业。” 李荣菊老师说:“教师应具备高尚的职业精神,以责任感、使命感、奉献精神承担社会责任,不断提高自身的教育教学水平,为学生的成长和发展贡献自己的力量。”魏素敏老师说:“教师的最大幸福就是把一群群孩子送往理想的彼岸。”……

Before the event began, each teacher wrote down his or her deep understanding of the teaching profession, and the school recorded the voices of some teachers. Teacher Jin Huaihong said: "Teachers always give with all their heart, without expecting anything in return, but only hope that students will grow and progress. It is a kind of conscientious life!"Teacher Peng Ting said: "Teaching is a happy profession that can continue to grow, receive love, and give love." Teacher Li Rongju said: "Teachers should have a noble professional spirit, shoulder social responsibilities with a sense of responsibility, mission, and dedication, and constantly improve Our own education and teaching standards will contribute to the growth and development of students.”Teacher Wei Sumin said: "The greatest happiness of a teacher is to send groups of children to the other side of their ideals."...



"Every day in this prosperous age, the mountains and rivers are intact, and the fireworks are ordinary, but you look out as you wish, children, sleep peacefully, just like you love it so much..." The party came to a successful conclusion with the teachers' soulful chorus "As You Wish".




Outside the venue, there were cards filled with praise and thanks. The teachers expressed their praise for the hard-working teachers and expressed their gratitude to the teachers who had helped them. They all said that they would do their best to do their jobs with diligence and love as the purpose to create a better future.








【In the five years since the school was founded, Vanke Bilingual School has used rich and diversified courses to give children the nutrients of life, used differentiated, responsive, and individualized classrooms and a growth mindset to fully stimulate children's inner drive to learn, and poured out sincere love. Strive to build a community of shared future for home and school, and foresee a bright future for children through innovation and creativity.】















































杨校说:“为了这个世界永葆多彩的生态,我们要站在人类命运共同体的高度去思考我们需要做出的改变。” 新学期,我们要大力推动数智教育在万双发展,大胆进行课堂变革,在改变中与技术、与人工智能一起创造更加美好的教育,让孩子站在未来中央!








翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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Copyright © Vanke Bilingual School