Principal Yang Fan: The Power of Curriculum Pointing to Core Competence_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Principal Yang Fan: The Power of Curriculum Pointing to Core Competence

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-06-19


万双网讯 “生活在未来的孩子,想要有未来时代的竞争力,需要有超越人工智能的能力。面对不可预知的未来,学校怎么办?”6月15日下午,“聚焦高质量,探索新变革——2023 年龙华区教育领导力系列论坛启动仪式暨第一期主题论坛活动”在龙华区实验学校教育集团至真校区举办。万科双语学校杨帆校长应邀在指向核心素养的课程领导力主题论坛中做了分享。龙华区教育局领导、深圳市教育专家及全区公民办中小学校党组织书记、校长、副校长、专职副书记、派驻民办学校第一书记近300人参加了此次论坛。

VBS Net News  "Children living in the future, if they want to be competitive in the future era, they need to have the ability to surpass artificial intelligence. Facing the unpredictable future, what should schools do?" On the afternoon of June 15th, "Focus on high quality, explore new changes - the launching ceremony of the 2023 Longhua District Educational Leadership Series Forum and the first theme forum activity" was held at the Zhizhen Campus of the Longhua District Experimental School Education Group.




In the past five years since its establishment, Vanke Bilingual School has been determined to innovate, change the curriculum, and achieve outstanding results.At the meeting, Principal Yang Fan took "The Power of the Curriculum" as the theme and explained that in the face of an unpredictable future, Vanke Bilingual School actively implements the school-running philosophy of "letting children stand in the center of the future", looks at the growth of students from the perspective of the future, and creates the future-oriented VBS curriculum system of Chinese and Western integration,through PBL, STEM+ and other learning methods, Artificial Intelligence, Architecture, VBS cloud class, Life Planning and other special courses, cultivate students' essential core literacy in the 21st century, open a window for children with rich courses, and provide them with nutrients for life creation. "We use creation to foresee a bright future for children. "


In her speech, Principal Yang talked about the definition of courses, MOOC, ChatGPT and Zero One College of the future university,and quoted American educator Dole's viewpoint in "Postmodern Curriculum View", pointing out that a new educational order will appear in the new curriculum concept, and a new teacher-student relationship will be formed, and curriculum reform will inevitably lead to educational reform. 


本次活动由龙华区教育局、教育科学研究院联合举办,以“聚焦高质量 探索新变革”为主题,旨在搭建教育交流平台、探索新理念新模式,加强校际合作、促进成果共享,进一步提升龙华区中小学校级领导干部的教育领导力,推动学校深度改革,促进区域教育高质量发展

The event was jointly organized by the Education Bureau of Longhua District and the Academy of Educational Sciences,with the theme of "focusing on high quality and exploring new changes", it aims to build an educational exchange platform, explore new ideas and models, strengthen inter-school cooperation, promote the sharing of achievements, further enhance the educational leadership of school-level leaders in Longhua District, and promote school In-depth reforms to promote the high-quality development of regional education.












学术引航 问道求真 | 龙华区教育领导力系列论坛启动



翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子


Principal Yang Fan: The Power of Curriculum Pointing to Core Competence

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-06-19


万双网讯 “生活在未来的孩子,想要有未来时代的竞争力,需要有超越人工智能的能力。面对不可预知的未来,学校怎么办?”6月15日下午,“聚焦高质量,探索新变革——2023 年龙华区教育领导力系列论坛启动仪式暨第一期主题论坛活动”在龙华区实验学校教育集团至真校区举办。万科双语学校杨帆校长应邀在指向核心素养的课程领导力主题论坛中做了分享。龙华区教育局领导、深圳市教育专家及全区公民办中小学校党组织书记、校长、副校长、专职副书记、派驻民办学校第一书记近300人参加了此次论坛。

VBS Net News  "Children living in the future, if they want to be competitive in the future era, they need to have the ability to surpass artificial intelligence. Facing the unpredictable future, what should schools do?" On the afternoon of June 15th, "Focus on high quality, explore new changes - the launching ceremony of the 2023 Longhua District Educational Leadership Series Forum and the first theme forum activity" was held at the Zhizhen Campus of the Longhua District Experimental School Education Group.




In the past five years since its establishment, Vanke Bilingual School has been determined to innovate, change the curriculum, and achieve outstanding results.At the meeting, Principal Yang Fan took "The Power of the Curriculum" as the theme and explained that in the face of an unpredictable future, Vanke Bilingual School actively implements the school-running philosophy of "letting children stand in the center of the future", looks at the growth of students from the perspective of the future, and creates the future-oriented VBS curriculum system of Chinese and Western integration,through PBL, STEM+ and other learning methods, Artificial Intelligence, Architecture, VBS cloud class, Life Planning and other special courses, cultivate students' essential core literacy in the 21st century, open a window for children with rich courses, and provide them with nutrients for life creation. "We use creation to foresee a bright future for children. "


In her speech, Principal Yang talked about the definition of courses, MOOC, ChatGPT and Zero One College of the future university,and quoted American educator Dole's viewpoint in "Postmodern Curriculum View", pointing out that a new educational order will appear in the new curriculum concept, and a new teacher-student relationship will be formed, and curriculum reform will inevitably lead to educational reform. 


本次活动由龙华区教育局、教育科学研究院联合举办,以“聚焦高质量 探索新变革”为主题,旨在搭建教育交流平台、探索新理念新模式,加强校际合作、促进成果共享,进一步提升龙华区中小学校级领导干部的教育领导力,推动学校深度改革,促进区域教育高质量发展

The event was jointly organized by the Education Bureau of Longhua District and the Academy of Educational Sciences,with the theme of "focusing on high quality and exploring new changes", it aims to build an educational exchange platform, explore new ideas and models, strengthen inter-school cooperation, promote the sharing of achievements, further enhance the educational leadership of school-level leaders in Longhua District, and promote school In-depth reforms to promote the high-quality development of regional education.












学术引航 问道求真 | 龙华区教育领导力系列论坛启动



翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子


Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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