The responsible supervisor of Longhua District went to VBS for special supervision_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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The responsible supervisor of Longhua District went to VBS for special supervision

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-05-11


万双网讯   3月22日、5月4日,龙华区责任督学江坚、督学助理沈祥忠到万科双语学校进行专项督导。万科双语学校杨帆校长、林红英校长助理等热情接待了来访领导。

VBS Net News   On March 22 and May 4, Jiang Jian, the responsible school supervisor of Longhua District, and Shen Xiangzhong, the school supervisor's assistant, went to Vanke Bilingual School for special supervision. Principal Yang Fan and Assistant Principal Lin Hongying of Vanke Bilingual School warmly received the visiting leaders.



两次检查采取学校自查、督学实地督导等形式进行,重点检查学校学生体质健康提升行动计划落实情况,儿童青少年近视防控落实情况, “双减”工作落实情况,义务教育阶段学校学生艺术素养、科学素养、劳动素养提升情况。

The two inspections were carried out in the form of school self-inspection and on-the-spot supervision by school inspectors, focusing on the implementation of the action plan for improving the physical health of school students, the implementation of the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, the implementation of the "double reduction" work, and the artistic literacy of school students in the compulsory education stage, scientific literacy, and labor literacy improvement.



The supervision team carefully checked the school's relevant work materials, watched the school's physical education class, rock climbing class, swimming class, music class, etc., and communicated with school leaders and teachers.



Vanke Bilingual School attaches great importance to students' physical health and includes it in their growth goals. The school comprehensively improves the comprehensive quality of students through rich Chinese and foreign integration courses, sports events, art salons, scientist days, etc., so that they can better stand in the center of the future.

翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

The responsible supervisor of Longhua District went to VBS for special supervision

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-05-11


万双网讯   3月22日、5月4日,龙华区责任督学江坚、督学助理沈祥忠到万科双语学校进行专项督导。万科双语学校杨帆校长、林红英校长助理等热情接待了来访领导。

VBS Net News   On March 22 and May 4, Jiang Jian, the responsible school supervisor of Longhua District, and Shen Xiangzhong, the school supervisor's assistant, went to Vanke Bilingual School for special supervision. Principal Yang Fan and Assistant Principal Lin Hongying of Vanke Bilingual School warmly received the visiting leaders.



两次检查采取学校自查、督学实地督导等形式进行,重点检查学校学生体质健康提升行动计划落实情况,儿童青少年近视防控落实情况, “双减”工作落实情况,义务教育阶段学校学生艺术素养、科学素养、劳动素养提升情况。

The two inspections were carried out in the form of school self-inspection and on-the-spot supervision by school inspectors, focusing on the implementation of the action plan for improving the physical health of school students, the implementation of the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, the implementation of the "double reduction" work, and the artistic literacy of school students in the compulsory education stage, scientific literacy, and labor literacy improvement.



The supervision team carefully checked the school's relevant work materials, watched the school's physical education class, rock climbing class, swimming class, music class, etc., and communicated with school leaders and teachers.



Vanke Bilingual School attaches great importance to students' physical health and includes it in their growth goals. The school comprehensively improves the comprehensive quality of students through rich Chinese and foreign integration courses, sports events, art salons, scientist days, etc., so that they can better stand in the center of the future.

翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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