VBS held the first-quarter tea party of "Secretary's Evening Talk"_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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VBS held the first-quarter tea party of "Secretary's Evening Talk"

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-04-11


万双网讯  为畅通言路,搭建教师与校领导交流的桥梁,充分了解教师思想动态,为教师排忧解难,3月29日下午,万科双语学校在学校会议室召开 “书记夜话”第一季度茶话会。学校党支部书记、校长杨帆,第一书记杨艺娟及18位教师代表参会。

VBS Net News   In order to open the way of communication, build a bridge between teachers and school leaders, fully understand teachers' thinking trends, and solve problems for teachers, on the afternoon of March 29, Vanke Bilingual School held the first quarter "Secretary Evening Talk" tea party in the school conference room. Party Branch Secretary and Principal Yang Fan, First Secretary Yang Yijuan and 18 teacher representatives attended the meeting.




At the meeting, the teachers reviewed their growth process, expressed their gratitude to the school, and put forward their own suggestions. Party Branch Secretary Yang Fan listened carefully to the voices of the employees.




Teacher Wei Yougu: Focus on cultivating students' growth mindset



I came to VBS because I was attracted by Principal Yang's keynote speech. In VBS, the cultivation of students is not only the teaching of knowledge, but more importantly, the cultivation of comprehensive quality. What moved me the most was that affected by the curriculum reform, our entire team cooperated very well, and the class atmosphere was also positively affected, focusing on cultivating students' growth mindset.



Teacher Wang Juanli: Let the children stand in the center of the podium


The reform of the classroom is one thing that surprised me. Every child can come to the stage to share and express their own ideas. Whenever a student stands on the stage, I think how wonderful it would be if my child could stand in the middle of the stage like this. What kind of teacher I hope my children meet, I will try my best to be such a teacher, and I am working hard to do it.



Teacher Lu Jiarui: All children can become talents


I think all children can become talents in the future in my eyes. With such a mentality, I often reflect on my educational behavior, not afraid of mistakes, and then make more corrections, learn more from other excellent teachers, and continue to grow.



Teacher Qiu Danjie: The power of the team is strong


In VBS, I am not fighting alone, it is a team, I have a deep understanding of this. Teacher Huang Qiaoli helped me a lot, and I saw a lot of bright spots from her; and Teacher Xie gave me guidance in class, which moved me very much.



Teacher Xiang Bingnan: Thank you for the teachers’ help


Thanks to all the teachers in the architectural education group for their help, which made me improve in classroom management and student management. In the process of getting along with students, I feel very relaxed and happy. I majored in printmaking in college, and I really hope to achieve integration in the courses in the future.

蒋馨老师:迎接挑战 化繁为简

Teacher Jiang Xin: Meeting the Challenge and simplifying the complexity


After I came to VBS, because I taught different grades, I had to constantly think about how to simplify complex historical issues so that children can better understand these things. At the same time, I also reaped the love of the children, and the hugs between teachers and students made me feel very happy. It is suggested that small plastic shovels should be added to the archaeological area, and picture books on historical themes should be added for students to read.



At the meeting, the teachers spoke freely, saying that after coming to VBS, challenges and growth coexisted, and they found their professional happiness in an increasingly harmonious teacher-student relationship.




After listening to the voices of the teachers, Principal Yang Fan said: "The children are very happy to have teachers like you. This is their luck. This is very important to their future life. Thank you all." At the same time, Principal Yang encouraged teachers should move forward under the pressure of VBS's philosophy and curriculum tide, take the initiative to accept it, and continuously improve the quality of being a teacher.



This tea party has enhanced communication and created a frank, harmonious and positive working atmosphere. It is an important measure for the stable development of the school and the continuous improvement of employees' professional happiness.


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翻译/魏素敏 周金凤



VBS held the first-quarter tea party of "Secretary's Evening Talk"

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-04-11


万双网讯  为畅通言路,搭建教师与校领导交流的桥梁,充分了解教师思想动态,为教师排忧解难,3月29日下午,万科双语学校在学校会议室召开 “书记夜话”第一季度茶话会。学校党支部书记、校长杨帆,第一书记杨艺娟及18位教师代表参会。

VBS Net News   In order to open the way of communication, build a bridge between teachers and school leaders, fully understand teachers' thinking trends, and solve problems for teachers, on the afternoon of March 29, Vanke Bilingual School held the first quarter "Secretary Evening Talk" tea party in the school conference room. Party Branch Secretary and Principal Yang Fan, First Secretary Yang Yijuan and 18 teacher representatives attended the meeting.




At the meeting, the teachers reviewed their growth process, expressed their gratitude to the school, and put forward their own suggestions. Party Branch Secretary Yang Fan listened carefully to the voices of the employees.




Teacher Wei Yougu: Focus on cultivating students' growth mindset



I came to VBS because I was attracted by Principal Yang's keynote speech. In VBS, the cultivation of students is not only the teaching of knowledge, but more importantly, the cultivation of comprehensive quality. What moved me the most was that affected by the curriculum reform, our entire team cooperated very well, and the class atmosphere was also positively affected, focusing on cultivating students' growth mindset.



Teacher Wang Juanli: Let the children stand in the center of the podium


The reform of the classroom is one thing that surprised me. Every child can come to the stage to share and express their own ideas. Whenever a student stands on the stage, I think how wonderful it would be if my child could stand in the middle of the stage like this. What kind of teacher I hope my children meet, I will try my best to be such a teacher, and I am working hard to do it.



Teacher Lu Jiarui: All children can become talents


I think all children can become talents in the future in my eyes. With such a mentality, I often reflect on my educational behavior, not afraid of mistakes, and then make more corrections, learn more from other excellent teachers, and continue to grow.



Teacher Qiu Danjie: The power of the team is strong


In VBS, I am not fighting alone, it is a team, I have a deep understanding of this. Teacher Huang Qiaoli helped me a lot, and I saw a lot of bright spots from her; and Teacher Xie gave me guidance in class, which moved me very much.



Teacher Xiang Bingnan: Thank you for the teachers’ help


Thanks to all the teachers in the architectural education group for their help, which made me improve in classroom management and student management. In the process of getting along with students, I feel very relaxed and happy. I majored in printmaking in college, and I really hope to achieve integration in the courses in the future.

蒋馨老师:迎接挑战 化繁为简

Teacher Jiang Xin: Meeting the Challenge and simplifying the complexity


After I came to VBS, because I taught different grades, I had to constantly think about how to simplify complex historical issues so that children can better understand these things. At the same time, I also reaped the love of the children, and the hugs between teachers and students made me feel very happy. It is suggested that small plastic shovels should be added to the archaeological area, and picture books on historical themes should be added for students to read.



At the meeting, the teachers spoke freely, saying that after coming to VBS, challenges and growth coexisted, and they found their professional happiness in an increasingly harmonious teacher-student relationship.




After listening to the voices of the teachers, Principal Yang Fan said: "The children are very happy to have teachers like you. This is their luck. This is very important to their future life. Thank you all." At the same time, Principal Yang encouraged teachers should move forward under the pressure of VBS's philosophy and curriculum tide, take the initiative to accept it, and continuously improve the quality of being a teacher.



This tea party has enhanced communication and created a frank, harmonious and positive working atmosphere. It is an important measure for the stable development of the school and the continuous improvement of employees' professional happiness.


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翻译/魏素敏 周金凤



Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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