Secretary Yang Yijuan came to Vanke Bilingual School to report_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Secretary Yang Yijuan came to Vanke Bilingual School to report

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-11-28


Facing the golden autumn wind in September, she walked into VBS with a refreshing smile—she is Yang Yijuan, the first secretary of Vanke Bilingual School assigned by the Education Work Committee of Shenzhen Longhua District Committee of the Communist Party of China.







On the morning of September 13, 2022, under the escort of Party branch secretary Qiu Rusong and deputy secretary Liu Fang of the dispatched public school Shuxiang Primary School, Secretary Yang Yijuan came to Vanke Bilingual School to report. Yang Fan, Secretary of the school's Party branch, and the backbone of Party members extended a warm welcome to Secretary Yang's arrival.



Inauguration Ceremony


On the morning of October 21, 2022, the Education Working Committee of the Longhua District Committee held a meeting for the appointment of the first secretary at the Vanke Bilingual School. Duan Xianqing, a member of the Education Working Committee of the District Party Committee, a member of the Party group of the District Education Bureau and a second-level investigator, Qiu Xiaoqin, the chief of the Basic Education Section of the District Education Bureau, representatives of the school board, the principal, the first secretary and teacher representatives attended the meeting.

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At the meeting, Duan Xianqing introduced the situation of the first secretary stationed and put forward requirements: the first secretary should conscientiously perform his/her duties, strive to create a new situation, do a good job of research, clarify his/her thinking, and clarify her responsibilities; strictly observe work discipline, strengthen responsibility, and always be alert to herself, she must work hard, be responsible to teachers and students, and be responsible for the future; gather forces from all parties to build a solid foundation for Party building, and while promoting Party building in Vanke Bilingual School, a high-quality and high-end school, learn management and education and teaching experience with an open mind. During the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promoting the high-quality development of education with practical actions is the fundamental way to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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Yang Yijuan, the first secretary said that she will grow her talents and strengthened her muscles and bones through weathering the wind and rain and seeing the world; after in-depth research, she will set goals and set new heights; under the guidance of Party building, she will create brands and solve problems.



Consolidate the foundation of Party building


Three meetings and one lesson


During her work in VBS, Secretary Yang Yijuan strictly implemented the system of "three meetings and one lesson" and "the first topic" to promote the study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech. Every Friday afternoon is VBS's Party member study day. The school uses the "three-step learning method" of first reading the original text, second reading the model, and third sharing the experience to carry out the study of the first topic. Through study, Party members have further improved their Party spirit and consolidated their theoretical foundation. In daily life and work, they can strictly demand themselves according to the standards of Party members, and play a good role in the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members.





Party class


In order to strengthen the building of a clean and honest government, Secretary Yang Yijuan launched a special Party class on anti-corruption and upholding integrity. By studying a series of important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s adherence to strictly governing the Party and sharing historical cases, Party members can deeply understand that “not wanting to be corrupt” is the root cause of corruption prevention, and they must remain pure in their ideology to sublimate their Party membership original intention.




Theme Party day activities

在万双,杨艺娟书记多次参与主题党日活动,如:9月30日, 参与“重温誓词铭初心,明晰责任表决心”活动,与党员们一起重温入党誓词、齐唱《我和我的祖国》、讲述入党心路历程;10月11日,杨艺娟书记邀请书香小学党支部到万双参与“感恩遇见 感谢有你”感谢日活动;11月4日,学校党支部开展“勇于自我革命,永葆先进纯洁——观看党风廉政警示教育片”活动,进一步弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神,鼓励党员同志以无悔的奋斗奋进新征程,建功新时代。

In VBS, Secretary Yang Yijuan participated in many themed Party day activities, such as: on September 30, participated in the activity of "revisiting the oath, remembering the original heart, clarifying the determination of responsibility", reviewing the oath of joining the Party with Party members, and singing "I and My Motherland", telling the journey of joining the Party; on October 11, Secretary Yang Yijuan invited the Party Branch of Shuxiang Primary School to VBS to participate in the "Gratitude for Meeting and Thanking You" Thanks-giving Day activity; on November 4, the school Party branch launched the "Brave in Self-Revolution, Always Advanced and Pure - Watch the Party Style Integrity Warning Educational Film" activity, further carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, and encourage Party members and comrades to forge ahead with no regrets on the new journey and make contributions to the new era.

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Party member volunteer activities


In order to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, members of the VBS Party branch actively supported the epidemic prevention and control work in the related street community, assisted in nucleic acid testing, order maintenance, appeasement and persuasion, and ensured that the epidemic prevention work was stable and orderly.




Strengthen Ideological and Political Education

杨艺娟书记每周一在国旗下开展“时事思政微课堂”。如: 9月26日,做了主题为“丰收节里感党恩,硕果满仓话幸福”的演讲;10月8日,做了主题为“礼赞新时代,奋进新征程”的演讲;10月17日,做主题为“以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴”的演讲;10月24日,做主题为“祝贺党的二十大胜利闭幕,在新征程贡献‘万双力量’”的演讲;10月31日,做了主题为“推进文化自信自强,展望中国动画新未来”的演讲;11月14日,做了主题为“共建网络世界,共创数字未来”的演讲……她真诚地祝愿万双的未来少年们,克服困难、不断创新、勇往直前,努力成长为德智体美劳全面发展、身心健康、品学兼优的社会主义建设者和接班人。

Secretary Yang Yijuan thoroughly implemented the first secretary's teaching "first ideological and political lesson" system, and insisted on conducting ideological and political education speeches on current affairs under the national flag every Monday. For example: On September 26, he gave a speech on the theme of "Thanks to the Party in the Harvest Festival, and the harvest is full of happiness"; on October 8, he made a speech on the theme of "Praise the New Era, Forge ahead on a New Journey";On October 17th, give a speech on the theme of "Comprehensively Promoting the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation with Chinese-style Modernization"; on October 24th, give a speech on the theme of "Congratulations on the successful conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and contribute 'Wan Shuang Power' in the new journey " on October 31, gave a speech on the theme of "promoting cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and looking forward to the new future of Chinese animation"; on November 14, gave a speech on the theme of "co-constructing the network world and creating a digital future" ...She sincerely wished VBS's future teenagers to overcome difficulties, innovate constantly, move forward bravely, and strive to grow into socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, physical and mental health, and excellent character and learning ability.

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Get closer to teachers and students and enter the classroom


The first secretary Yang Yijuan, like the VBS Party branch secretary Yang Fan, came to the school early every day, greeted the teachers and students cordially at the school gate, and welcomed the teachers and students into the school; walked into the classroom every day to observe the real learning activities of the teachers and students; often Holding a mobile phone to take pictures of various "weird" works displayed outside the classroom door; talk with VBS Party members, teachers and students, and feel the growth of VBS teachers and students here; actively participate in every school activity, such as all-round development of various clubs independently established by students, PBL, cloud classes, archeology, Olympic Week , Science and Technology Festival, Art Salon, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Reading, Faculty Club, lesson preparation group meeting...For VBS's rich curriculum, the immersive teaching and research status of the teachers, and the aura of classroom expressions of the students, she marveled that this is a veritable future-style classroom.

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Secretary Yang Yijuan said that during the one-year stay, she will give full play to the effectiveness of the work of the first secretary, according to the "1+1+N" first secretary stationed work model, fully combine the resource advantages of all parties, and integrate the development requirements of Vanke Bilingual School and the characteristics of running a school, leading the overall progress of education and teaching with Party building, and realizing the dual integration and promotion of Party building and business.




杨艺娟,中共党员,书香小学安全办主任、语文教师。龙华区骨干教师,龙华区教育督导评估专家库成员。曾任大队辅导员、教学处副主任、德育处主要负责人、党支部组织委员、幼儿园理事长等多个岗位,2020年至今担任安全主任。曾获全国信息技术与学科融合优质课大赛一等奖;市、区中小学语文录像课大赛一等奖;区德育论文评比一等奖; 区优秀班主任、区优秀安全主任等荣誉。

Secretary Yang Yijuan came to Vanke Bilingual School to report

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-11-28


Facing the golden autumn wind in September, she walked into VBS with a refreshing smile—she is Yang Yijuan, the first secretary of Vanke Bilingual School assigned by the Education Work Committee of Shenzhen Longhua District Committee of the Communist Party of China.







On the morning of September 13, 2022, under the escort of Party branch secretary Qiu Rusong and deputy secretary Liu Fang of the dispatched public school Shuxiang Primary School, Secretary Yang Yijuan came to Vanke Bilingual School to report. Yang Fan, Secretary of the school's Party branch, and the backbone of Party members extended a warm welcome to Secretary Yang's arrival.



Inauguration Ceremony


On the morning of October 21, 2022, the Education Working Committee of the Longhua District Committee held a meeting for the appointment of the first secretary at the Vanke Bilingual School. Duan Xianqing, a member of the Education Working Committee of the District Party Committee, a member of the Party group of the District Education Bureau and a second-level investigator, Qiu Xiaoqin, the chief of the Basic Education Section of the District Education Bureau, representatives of the school board, the principal, the first secretary and teacher representatives attended the meeting.

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At the meeting, Duan Xianqing introduced the situation of the first secretary stationed and put forward requirements: the first secretary should conscientiously perform his/her duties, strive to create a new situation, do a good job of research, clarify his/her thinking, and clarify her responsibilities; strictly observe work discipline, strengthen responsibility, and always be alert to herself, she must work hard, be responsible to teachers and students, and be responsible for the future; gather forces from all parties to build a solid foundation for Party building, and while promoting Party building in Vanke Bilingual School, a high-quality and high-end school, learn management and education and teaching experience with an open mind. During the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promoting the high-quality development of education with practical actions is the fundamental way to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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Yang Yijuan, the first secretary said that she will grow her talents and strengthened her muscles and bones through weathering the wind and rain and seeing the world; after in-depth research, she will set goals and set new heights; under the guidance of Party building, she will create brands and solve problems.



Consolidate the foundation of Party building


Three meetings and one lesson


During her work in VBS, Secretary Yang Yijuan strictly implemented the system of "three meetings and one lesson" and "the first topic" to promote the study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech. Every Friday afternoon is VBS's Party member study day. The school uses the "three-step learning method" of first reading the original text, second reading the model, and third sharing the experience to carry out the study of the first topic. Through study, Party members have further improved their Party spirit and consolidated their theoretical foundation. In daily life and work, they can strictly demand themselves according to the standards of Party members, and play a good role in the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members.





Party class


In order to strengthen the building of a clean and honest government, Secretary Yang Yijuan launched a special Party class on anti-corruption and upholding integrity. By studying a series of important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s adherence to strictly governing the Party and sharing historical cases, Party members can deeply understand that “not wanting to be corrupt” is the root cause of corruption prevention, and they must remain pure in their ideology to sublimate their Party membership original intention.




Theme Party day activities

在万双,杨艺娟书记多次参与主题党日活动,如:9月30日, 参与“重温誓词铭初心,明晰责任表决心”活动,与党员们一起重温入党誓词、齐唱《我和我的祖国》、讲述入党心路历程;10月11日,杨艺娟书记邀请书香小学党支部到万双参与“感恩遇见 感谢有你”感谢日活动;11月4日,学校党支部开展“勇于自我革命,永葆先进纯洁——观看党风廉政警示教育片”活动,进一步弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神,鼓励党员同志以无悔的奋斗奋进新征程,建功新时代。

In VBS, Secretary Yang Yijuan participated in many themed Party day activities, such as: on September 30, participated in the activity of "revisiting the oath, remembering the original heart, clarifying the determination of responsibility", reviewing the oath of joining the Party with Party members, and singing "I and My Motherland", telling the journey of joining the Party; on October 11, Secretary Yang Yijuan invited the Party Branch of Shuxiang Primary School to VBS to participate in the "Gratitude for Meeting and Thanking You" Thanks-giving Day activity; on November 4, the school Party branch launched the "Brave in Self-Revolution, Always Advanced and Pure - Watch the Party Style Integrity Warning Educational Film" activity, further carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, and encourage Party members and comrades to forge ahead with no regrets on the new journey and make contributions to the new era.

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Party member volunteer activities


In order to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, members of the VBS Party branch actively supported the epidemic prevention and control work in the related street community, assisted in nucleic acid testing, order maintenance, appeasement and persuasion, and ensured that the epidemic prevention work was stable and orderly.




Strengthen Ideological and Political Education

杨艺娟书记每周一在国旗下开展“时事思政微课堂”。如: 9月26日,做了主题为“丰收节里感党恩,硕果满仓话幸福”的演讲;10月8日,做了主题为“礼赞新时代,奋进新征程”的演讲;10月17日,做主题为“以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴”的演讲;10月24日,做主题为“祝贺党的二十大胜利闭幕,在新征程贡献‘万双力量’”的演讲;10月31日,做了主题为“推进文化自信自强,展望中国动画新未来”的演讲;11月14日,做了主题为“共建网络世界,共创数字未来”的演讲……她真诚地祝愿万双的未来少年们,克服困难、不断创新、勇往直前,努力成长为德智体美劳全面发展、身心健康、品学兼优的社会主义建设者和接班人。

Secretary Yang Yijuan thoroughly implemented the first secretary's teaching "first ideological and political lesson" system, and insisted on conducting ideological and political education speeches on current affairs under the national flag every Monday. For example: On September 26, he gave a speech on the theme of "Thanks to the Party in the Harvest Festival, and the harvest is full of happiness"; on October 8, he made a speech on the theme of "Praise the New Era, Forge ahead on a New Journey";On October 17th, give a speech on the theme of "Comprehensively Promoting the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation with Chinese-style Modernization"; on October 24th, give a speech on the theme of "Congratulations on the successful conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and contribute 'Wan Shuang Power' in the new journey " on October 31, gave a speech on the theme of "promoting cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and looking forward to the new future of Chinese animation"; on November 14, gave a speech on the theme of "co-constructing the network world and creating a digital future" ...She sincerely wished VBS's future teenagers to overcome difficulties, innovate constantly, move forward bravely, and strive to grow into socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, physical and mental health, and excellent character and learning ability.

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Get closer to teachers and students and enter the classroom


The first secretary Yang Yijuan, like the VBS Party branch secretary Yang Fan, came to the school early every day, greeted the teachers and students cordially at the school gate, and welcomed the teachers and students into the school; walked into the classroom every day to observe the real learning activities of the teachers and students; often Holding a mobile phone to take pictures of various "weird" works displayed outside the classroom door; talk with VBS Party members, teachers and students, and feel the growth of VBS teachers and students here; actively participate in every school activity, such as all-round development of various clubs independently established by students, PBL, cloud classes, archeology, Olympic Week , Science and Technology Festival, Art Salon, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Reading, Faculty Club, lesson preparation group meeting...For VBS's rich curriculum, the immersive teaching and research status of the teachers, and the aura of classroom expressions of the students, she marveled that this is a veritable future-style classroom.

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Secretary Yang Yijuan said that during the one-year stay, she will give full play to the effectiveness of the work of the first secretary, according to the "1+1+N" first secretary stationed work model, fully combine the resource advantages of all parties, and integrate the development requirements of Vanke Bilingual School and the characteristics of running a school, leading the overall progress of education and teaching with Party building, and realizing the dual integration and promotion of Party building and business.




杨艺娟,中共党员,书香小学安全办主任、语文教师。龙华区骨干教师,龙华区教育督导评估专家库成员。曾任大队辅导员、教学处副主任、德育处主要负责人、党支部组织委员、幼儿园理事长等多个岗位,2020年至今担任安全主任。曾获全国信息技术与学科融合优质课大赛一等奖;市、区中小学语文录像课大赛一等奖;区德育论文评比一等奖; 区优秀班主任、区优秀安全主任等荣誉。

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


School Web code

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