Large-scale investigation of hidden safety hazards on campus_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Large-scale investigation of hidden safety hazards on campus

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-11-04


万双网讯  2022年6月20日至 2022 年9月30日,在经历了因疫情紧急停课开始假期和延迟开学的插曲后,万双全体师生们共同开展的“共寻找 同安全”校园安全隐患排查整治活动画上了圆满的句号。

VBS Net News   From June 20, 2022 to September 30, 2022, after experiencing the emergency suspension of classes due to the epidemic and the start of the holiday and the delayed start of the school, all the teachers and students of VBS jointly carried out the investigation and rectification of hidden safety hazards in the campus of "Searching for Security Hazards Together". The event came to a successful conclusion.


All teachers and students participated in this activity, which included: large-scale investigation of hidden safety hazards on campus, class safety education to enhance safety awareness, special rectification, achievement display and commendation and rewards. Each class teacher is responsible for the organization of this activity in accordance with "one post, two responsibilities, and joint management".



Through the joint efforts of teachers and students of the whole school, focusing on classes, offices, and functional rooms, we will conduct a large-scale investigation of potential safety hazards in all teaching and activity areas within the campus, including equipment and facilities, activity environment, teacher and student behavior norms, daily management and other aspects, Equipment, behaviors and phenomena that are likely to lead to safety accidents, and the "Safety Hidden Troubleshooting and Remediation Table" is compiled by class as a unit. Then each of them conducted a "safety topic discussion class" according to the safety hazards identified, focusing on "how to avoid safety accidents after discovering problems".




In this activity, a total of 50 potential safety hazards that teachers and students thought existed were identified. The security center dealt with and gave feedback on these safety issues one by one, and commended individuals and groups that performed well in this activity. The final winners of the "VBS Little Safety Guard" award are:






The classes that get most concerned about school safety are:1E、3Y、4E


Through the effective combination of hidden dangers and safety education, this activity allows all teachers and students to learn safety knowledge and improve risk avoidance awareness while participating independently, and jointly promote the school's daily safety management and the implementation of various safety work. 





翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

Large-scale investigation of hidden safety hazards on campus

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-11-04


万双网讯  2022年6月20日至 2022 年9月30日,在经历了因疫情紧急停课开始假期和延迟开学的插曲后,万双全体师生们共同开展的“共寻找 同安全”校园安全隐患排查整治活动画上了圆满的句号。

VBS Net News   From June 20, 2022 to September 30, 2022, after experiencing the emergency suspension of classes due to the epidemic and the start of the holiday and the delayed start of the school, all the teachers and students of VBS jointly carried out the investigation and rectification of hidden safety hazards in the campus of "Searching for Security Hazards Together". The event came to a successful conclusion.


All teachers and students participated in this activity, which included: large-scale investigation of hidden safety hazards on campus, class safety education to enhance safety awareness, special rectification, achievement display and commendation and rewards. Each class teacher is responsible for the organization of this activity in accordance with "one post, two responsibilities, and joint management".



Through the joint efforts of teachers and students of the whole school, focusing on classes, offices, and functional rooms, we will conduct a large-scale investigation of potential safety hazards in all teaching and activity areas within the campus, including equipment and facilities, activity environment, teacher and student behavior norms, daily management and other aspects, Equipment, behaviors and phenomena that are likely to lead to safety accidents, and the "Safety Hidden Troubleshooting and Remediation Table" is compiled by class as a unit. Then each of them conducted a "safety topic discussion class" according to the safety hazards identified, focusing on "how to avoid safety accidents after discovering problems".




In this activity, a total of 50 potential safety hazards that teachers and students thought existed were identified. The security center dealt with and gave feedback on these safety issues one by one, and commended individuals and groups that performed well in this activity. The final winners of the "VBS Little Safety Guard" award are:






The classes that get most concerned about school safety are:1E、3Y、4E


Through the effective combination of hidden dangers and safety education, this activity allows all teachers and students to learn safety knowledge and improve risk avoidance awareness while participating independently, and jointly promote the school's daily safety management and the implementation of various safety work. 





翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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