VBS builds a learning school with a growth mindset_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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VBS builds a learning school with a growth mindset

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-10-31

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Vanke Bilingual School adheres to the school-running philosophy of "letting children experience the future" and the cultivation (growth) goal of cultivating Chinese citizens with "healthy body, sound personality, excellent academic ability, patriotism and international vision, and the courage to create a better future". VBS strives to build a first-class school facing the future, and has carried out a series of professional training activities and practical activities which focusing on teachers’ teaching philosophy and teaching ethics.



Establish a growth mindset and escort students' growth with love and diligence – multi-dimensional training comprehensively improves teachers' professional quality



Vanke Bilingual School builds a learning school with a growth mindset, conducts one-week professional teacher training before the start of each semester, holds a monthly work meeting, and conducts a work summary meeting at the end of each semester to comprehensively improve teachers' professional quality through multi-dimensional training and team building.

1 杨帆校长做培训 (2).JPG



Among them, Principal Yang Fan, Principal Assistant Zheng Shiying, and Principal Assistant Lin Hongying have repeatedly interpreted the school's school running ideas, work plans and key tasks from many aspects such as macro thinking on education under the new situation, the thinking and actions of Vanke Bilingual School, the work of the school in the new school year, the reform of teaching methods, the cultivation of teacher morality and teaching style, various methods to stimulate students' internal drive for learning, and creating a "differentiated and responsive classroom for teaching according to their aptitude". They expounded the main ways and methods of the school to cultivate morality and cultivate people from an all-round and multi-dimensional perspective such as how to cultivate children with growth thinking, the literacy of VBS teachers, the growth goals of VBS students, how to build a student's independent development system, and how to communicate between home and school.It is hoped that all teachers will always look at education from the strategic perspective of "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation", strictly abide by the "Teachers Law" and the "Staff Handbook" of the school, undertake the mission of improving the quality of the nation, make every effort to teach and educate people, develop themselves, grow into four good teachers with ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolent hearts, and education experts with rich skills and love for students, and always uphold the love for education, students and schools, adhere to lifelong learning with diligent study and work, and contribute to the excellent growth of students and the greater development of VBS.

2 林红英校长助理培训.JPG

3 郑世英校长助理培训.JPG



The school has formulated the Action Plan of Shenzhen Vanke Bilingual School, which includes: school strategy, training goals, organizational structure, teacher development, student literacy, teacher-student relationship, curriculum construction, education and teaching, education and scientific research, management methods, evaluation system, home-school cooperation and social responsibility. At the same time, the "Handbook of the Teacher Career Development College" and the "Teacher Independent Development Award Program" have been formulated, which have pointed out the direction for the teachers and staff of the whole school in an all-round and meticulous way and provided a platform for self-growth.



Through systematic professional training, from macro to micro, from theory to practice, from school running ideas to work plans, from moral education to teaching, from curriculum reform to classroom innovation, from self-growth to team building, all-round, multi-dimensional and three-dimensional development provides the direction and methods for the development of teachers, laying a solid foundation for the school to open a new chapter of quality and efficiency, innovation and development, and a higher level. With full enthusiasm and boundless love, the teachers and staff of the school provide VBS students with the highest standard of educational companionship, and strive to realize the beautiful vision of "letting children experience the future".



The enlightened person is the teacher, do the best education - constantly reflect and grow under the guidance of experts



In order to enable teachers to grow rapidly, change their concepts and keep up with the times, Vanke Bilingual School has repeatedly invited well-known experts, professors and lecturers to conduct all-round training for teachers, from teacher etiquette to positive discipline, from growth thinking to teacher style, from PBL design to "Internet + PBL" innovative learning mode... Let the teachers be empowered and benefit a lot.



For example, Mr. Li Zhenxi, a nationally renowned educator, gave a keynote speech on "What is a good education" for VBS teachers. Teacher Li pointed out that the primary task of education is to cultivate people, and people are the highest value of education, followed by cultivating talents. A good education should be an education that goes into the heart and puts children in mind. He used his dozens of struggle experiences to tell teachers how to become a good teacher: that is, to keep practicing, thinking, reading, and writing. He encouraged teachers to spend their whole lives looking for the self that surprised them, read a lot of books, have a broad humanistic vision, and lead students to the vast humanistic world.

6 李镇西讲座.JPG



Ye Wenzi, Dean of Shenzhen Education Science and Research Institute, gave a special lecture on the topic of "Teachers with conscientiousness'". He started with what kind of society the future society will be, and pointed out that the times have changed, and the original teaching for a prosperous and strong China is now for a civilized China. At present, the Internet, Big Data, Cloud computing, Virtual Reality technology, Artificial Intelligence, etc. are starting one after another, which has an impact on various industries and traditional education. The future society does not need nerds, the future education should shift from successful education to happiness education, and children should be cultivated into happy people and innovative people who love life, create life, and enjoy life.

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In addition, Ms. Wang Xiaofei, a  founder of New Hope International Positive Discipline Academy, conducted positive discipline training for all teachers and staff. The theme is "How to encourage children".

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IPA International Registered Gold Medal Etiquette Lecturer Feng Ju gave teacher etiquette training to all teachers and staff of VBS.




The guidance of experts has enabled all employees to have a deeper understanding of what good education is, found a clearer direction for their career planning, radiated teachers' passion for education, ignited the spark of creative learning among teachers, and laid a deep foundation for Vanke Bilingual School to build a learning school and teachers to grow faster.


互帮互助 师徒结对——青蓝工程、班主任帮帮团助力教师发展

Mutual help Mentor-apprentice pairing - Young Teachers Helping Project, Headteachers Helping Group enforce teachers development.




In order to strengthen the construction of the teaching team and promote the rapid growth of young teachers, Vanke Bilingual School carries out the "Hand in Hand, Passing on the Torch" young teachers and experienced teachers pairing activity every school year, and the mentors and apprentices formulate pairing plans for learning, teaching practice, teaching research, experience summary and other activities, and determine the goals and measures to achieve the standards for the school year, so that there are monthly arrangements and weekly implementation, and at the same time carry out various teaching and research, preparation and exhibition class activities such as Headteachers Helping Group and new curriculum standard study, to help young teachers and headteachers to progress professionally step by step, constantly forge ahead, and grow into an expert teacher.


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Lifelong growth and the construction of a learning school - the Teacher Career Development College came into being


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In order to build a learning school, practice the concept of lifelong learning, and improve the professional quality of VBS teachers, the Teacher Career Development College of Vanke Bilingual School came into being. Each teacher participates in learning, and the school distributes books to each teacher, including "Lifelong Growth", "Children's Personality Education", "Teaching for the Unknown, Learning for the Future" and so on.

17 教师职业发展学院书籍.JPG



In spare time, the school offers various interest classes such as swimming, fitness, English, and Tai Chi to help teachers improve their physical fitness and subject literacy. At the same time, the teachers and staff of the school carried out PBL research in the summer, and each group went to Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, Shanxi and other places to conduct in-depth research on local culture and folklore. Teachers said that they will apply the knowledge and skills they have learned to classroom teaching, take a growth mindset as guidance, combine theory and practice, constantly broaden their thinking, and better guide students in PBL project-based learning.

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All faculty and staff cultivate noble teacher ethics, love education, love school, love students, have high-level education and teaching ability, work diligently, and do their best for the growth of students by participating in the Teacher Career Development College. Through the activities of the college, the school allows teachers to become role models for students, leading students to establish a growth mindset, learn to study, and carry out the VBS learning revolution to the end to achieve lifelong growth.

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Party building leads and gives full play to the exemplary role of Party members as pioneers - Party building work is closely integrated with education and teaching


为保持共产党员的先进性,引导和激励党员坚定理想信念,坚持党的宗旨,增强党性观念,发扬优良传统,展示时代风采,发挥先锋模范作用,万科双语学校党支部开展了多次党建活动。通过组织党员上党课、学习党中央精神、参观红色展览、参与抗疫志愿者行动、开展 “书记面对面”茶话会等,将党建工作与教育教学紧密结合,积极发挥党员带头作用,形成积极向上、风清气正的工作氛围。

In order to maintain the advanced nature of Communist Party members, guide and encourage Party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, adhere to the Party's purpose, strengthen the concept of Party spirit, carry forward the fine traditions, display the style of the times, and play a pioneer and exemplary role, the Party Branch of Vanke Bilingual School has carried out many Party building activities. By organizing Party members to attend Party classes, learning the spirit of the Party Central Committee, visiting red exhibitions, participating in anti-epidemic volunteer actions, and holding "secretary face-to-face" tea parties, we will closely integrate Party building work with education and teaching, actively give play to the leading role of Party members, and form a positive and upright working atmosphere.

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22 杨校当志愿者.JPG




Care for employees, go forward with perseverance and warm blessings - create a beautiful education ecology


Every special day (such as Teachers' Day, Christmas, Winter Solstice Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, etc.), teachers' birthdays and school opening days, the school will carefully prepare flowers, gifts, and awards for teachers, so that teachers can persevere with warm blessings. At the same time, Principal Yang Fan sent letters to parents and teachers respectively, advocating a clean holiday, doing a good job in education with love, creating a beautiful education ecology, and promoting the healthy and happy growth of students. For example, the school sets the Chongyang Festival as the VBS Thanksgiving Day every year, and carries out a series of colorful "Thank you, warm in my heart" Thanksgiving Day activities, so as to conserve the strong feelings of home and country among teachers and students, enhance national self-confidence, and bravely create a better future.

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24-1 教师获奖.JPG

25 冬至包饺子活动.JPG

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Principal Yang Fan pointed out that the overall trend of education is: stimulate students' interest in learning, cultivate students' innovative thinking, cultivate students' hands-on ability, cultivate teamwork spirit, and connect with the real world to solve real problems. Teaching methods should be transformed from passive receptive learning to active inquiry and creative learning; From textbook-centered teaching to holistic development; From emphasizing the learning of knowledge and skills to the development of a new era of education that builds virtue and cultivates people. She stressed that education is the greatest good. Vanke Bilingual School should do a career with feelings, run a warm education, recruit talents at home and abroad with a broad platform, dare to be the first, create a benchmark, actively build a new type of international school, and make the school a place where students, teachers and parents grow together.

29  杨校校门口迎接学生5.JPG


编辑/图片 燕子

翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

VBS builds a learning school with a growth mindset

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-10-31

4 培训.JPG


Vanke Bilingual School adheres to the school-running philosophy of "letting children experience the future" and the cultivation (growth) goal of cultivating Chinese citizens with "healthy body, sound personality, excellent academic ability, patriotism and international vision, and the courage to create a better future". VBS strives to build a first-class school facing the future, and has carried out a series of professional training activities and practical activities which focusing on teachers’ teaching philosophy and teaching ethics.



Establish a growth mindset and escort students' growth with love and diligence – multi-dimensional training comprehensively improves teachers' professional quality



Vanke Bilingual School builds a learning school with a growth mindset, conducts one-week professional teacher training before the start of each semester, holds a monthly work meeting, and conducts a work summary meeting at the end of each semester to comprehensively improve teachers' professional quality through multi-dimensional training and team building.

1 杨帆校长做培训 (2).JPG



Among them, Principal Yang Fan, Principal Assistant Zheng Shiying, and Principal Assistant Lin Hongying have repeatedly interpreted the school's school running ideas, work plans and key tasks from many aspects such as macro thinking on education under the new situation, the thinking and actions of Vanke Bilingual School, the work of the school in the new school year, the reform of teaching methods, the cultivation of teacher morality and teaching style, various methods to stimulate students' internal drive for learning, and creating a "differentiated and responsive classroom for teaching according to their aptitude". They expounded the main ways and methods of the school to cultivate morality and cultivate people from an all-round and multi-dimensional perspective such as how to cultivate children with growth thinking, the literacy of VBS teachers, the growth goals of VBS students, how to build a student's independent development system, and how to communicate between home and school.It is hoped that all teachers will always look at education from the strategic perspective of "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation", strictly abide by the "Teachers Law" and the "Staff Handbook" of the school, undertake the mission of improving the quality of the nation, make every effort to teach and educate people, develop themselves, grow into four good teachers with ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolent hearts, and education experts with rich skills and love for students, and always uphold the love for education, students and schools, adhere to lifelong learning with diligent study and work, and contribute to the excellent growth of students and the greater development of VBS.

2 林红英校长助理培训.JPG

3 郑世英校长助理培训.JPG



The school has formulated the Action Plan of Shenzhen Vanke Bilingual School, which includes: school strategy, training goals, organizational structure, teacher development, student literacy, teacher-student relationship, curriculum construction, education and teaching, education and scientific research, management methods, evaluation system, home-school cooperation and social responsibility. At the same time, the "Handbook of the Teacher Career Development College" and the "Teacher Independent Development Award Program" have been formulated, which have pointed out the direction for the teachers and staff of the whole school in an all-round and meticulous way and provided a platform for self-growth.



Through systematic professional training, from macro to micro, from theory to practice, from school running ideas to work plans, from moral education to teaching, from curriculum reform to classroom innovation, from self-growth to team building, all-round, multi-dimensional and three-dimensional development provides the direction and methods for the development of teachers, laying a solid foundation for the school to open a new chapter of quality and efficiency, innovation and development, and a higher level. With full enthusiasm and boundless love, the teachers and staff of the school provide VBS students with the highest standard of educational companionship, and strive to realize the beautiful vision of "letting children experience the future".



The enlightened person is the teacher, do the best education - constantly reflect and grow under the guidance of experts



In order to enable teachers to grow rapidly, change their concepts and keep up with the times, Vanke Bilingual School has repeatedly invited well-known experts, professors and lecturers to conduct all-round training for teachers, from teacher etiquette to positive discipline, from growth thinking to teacher style, from PBL design to "Internet + PBL" innovative learning mode... Let the teachers be empowered and benefit a lot.



For example, Mr. Li Zhenxi, a nationally renowned educator, gave a keynote speech on "What is a good education" for VBS teachers. Teacher Li pointed out that the primary task of education is to cultivate people, and people are the highest value of education, followed by cultivating talents. A good education should be an education that goes into the heart and puts children in mind. He used his dozens of struggle experiences to tell teachers how to become a good teacher: that is, to keep practicing, thinking, reading, and writing. He encouraged teachers to spend their whole lives looking for the self that surprised them, read a lot of books, have a broad humanistic vision, and lead students to the vast humanistic world.

6 李镇西讲座.JPG



Ye Wenzi, Dean of Shenzhen Education Science and Research Institute, gave a special lecture on the topic of "Teachers with conscientiousness'". He started with what kind of society the future society will be, and pointed out that the times have changed, and the original teaching for a prosperous and strong China is now for a civilized China. At present, the Internet, Big Data, Cloud computing, Virtual Reality technology, Artificial Intelligence, etc. are starting one after another, which has an impact on various industries and traditional education. The future society does not need nerds, the future education should shift from successful education to happiness education, and children should be cultivated into happy people and innovative people who love life, create life, and enjoy life.

7 叶文梓.jpg



In addition, Ms. Wang Xiaofei, a  founder of New Hope International Positive Discipline Academy, conducted positive discipline training for all teachers and staff. The theme is "How to encourage children".

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IPA International Registered Gold Medal Etiquette Lecturer Feng Ju gave teacher etiquette training to all teachers and staff of VBS.




The guidance of experts has enabled all employees to have a deeper understanding of what good education is, found a clearer direction for their career planning, radiated teachers' passion for education, ignited the spark of creative learning among teachers, and laid a deep foundation for Vanke Bilingual School to build a learning school and teachers to grow faster.


互帮互助 师徒结对——青蓝工程、班主任帮帮团助力教师发展

Mutual help Mentor-apprentice pairing - Young Teachers Helping Project, Headteachers Helping Group enforce teachers development.




In order to strengthen the construction of the teaching team and promote the rapid growth of young teachers, Vanke Bilingual School carries out the "Hand in Hand, Passing on the Torch" young teachers and experienced teachers pairing activity every school year, and the mentors and apprentices formulate pairing plans for learning, teaching practice, teaching research, experience summary and other activities, and determine the goals and measures to achieve the standards for the school year, so that there are monthly arrangements and weekly implementation, and at the same time carry out various teaching and research, preparation and exhibition class activities such as Headteachers Helping Group and new curriculum standard study, to help young teachers and headteachers to progress professionally step by step, constantly forge ahead, and grow into an expert teacher.


14 新课标研讨会.JPG

13 研读新课标.JPG

12  蓝青工程.JPG



Lifelong growth and the construction of a learning school - the Teacher Career Development College came into being


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In order to build a learning school, practice the concept of lifelong learning, and improve the professional quality of VBS teachers, the Teacher Career Development College of Vanke Bilingual School came into being. Each teacher participates in learning, and the school distributes books to each teacher, including "Lifelong Growth", "Children's Personality Education", "Teaching for the Unknown, Learning for the Future" and so on.

17 教师职业发展学院书籍.JPG



In spare time, the school offers various interest classes such as swimming, fitness, English, and Tai Chi to help teachers improve their physical fitness and subject literacy. At the same time, the teachers and staff of the school carried out PBL research in the summer, and each group went to Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, Shanxi and other places to conduct in-depth research on local culture and folklore. Teachers said that they will apply the knowledge and skills they have learned to classroom teaching, take a growth mindset as guidance, combine theory and practice, constantly broaden their thinking, and better guide students in PBL project-based learning.

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16 教师职业发展学院.jpg




All faculty and staff cultivate noble teacher ethics, love education, love school, love students, have high-level education and teaching ability, work diligently, and do their best for the growth of students by participating in the Teacher Career Development College. Through the activities of the college, the school allows teachers to become role models for students, leading students to establish a growth mindset, learn to study, and carry out the VBS learning revolution to the end to achieve lifelong growth.

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Party building leads and gives full play to the exemplary role of Party members as pioneers - Party building work is closely integrated with education and teaching


为保持共产党员的先进性,引导和激励党员坚定理想信念,坚持党的宗旨,增强党性观念,发扬优良传统,展示时代风采,发挥先锋模范作用,万科双语学校党支部开展了多次党建活动。通过组织党员上党课、学习党中央精神、参观红色展览、参与抗疫志愿者行动、开展 “书记面对面”茶话会等,将党建工作与教育教学紧密结合,积极发挥党员带头作用,形成积极向上、风清气正的工作氛围。

In order to maintain the advanced nature of Communist Party members, guide and encourage Party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, adhere to the Party's purpose, strengthen the concept of Party spirit, carry forward the fine traditions, display the style of the times, and play a pioneer and exemplary role, the Party Branch of Vanke Bilingual School has carried out many Party building activities. By organizing Party members to attend Party classes, learning the spirit of the Party Central Committee, visiting red exhibitions, participating in anti-epidemic volunteer actions, and holding "secretary face-to-face" tea parties, we will closely integrate Party building work with education and teaching, actively give play to the leading role of Party members, and form a positive and upright working atmosphere.

21 党建活动.JPG

22 杨校当志愿者.JPG




Care for employees, go forward with perseverance and warm blessings - create a beautiful education ecology


Every special day (such as Teachers' Day, Christmas, Winter Solstice Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, etc.), teachers' birthdays and school opening days, the school will carefully prepare flowers, gifts, and awards for teachers, so that teachers can persevere with warm blessings. At the same time, Principal Yang Fan sent letters to parents and teachers respectively, advocating a clean holiday, doing a good job in education with love, creating a beautiful education ecology, and promoting the healthy and happy growth of students. For example, the school sets the Chongyang Festival as the VBS Thanksgiving Day every year, and carries out a series of colorful "Thank you, warm in my heart" Thanksgiving Day activities, so as to conserve the strong feelings of home and country among teachers and students, enhance national self-confidence, and bravely create a better future.

24 教师节,向老师送鲜花.JPG

24-1 教师获奖.JPG

25 冬至包饺子活动.JPG

26 感谢日.JPG

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Principal Yang Fan pointed out that the overall trend of education is: stimulate students' interest in learning, cultivate students' innovative thinking, cultivate students' hands-on ability, cultivate teamwork spirit, and connect with the real world to solve real problems. Teaching methods should be transformed from passive receptive learning to active inquiry and creative learning; From textbook-centered teaching to holistic development; From emphasizing the learning of knowledge and skills to the development of a new era of education that builds virtue and cultivates people. She stressed that education is the greatest good. Vanke Bilingual School should do a career with feelings, run a warm education, recruit talents at home and abroad with a broad platform, dare to be the first, create a benchmark, actively build a new type of international school, and make the school a place where students, teachers and parents grow together.

29  杨校校门口迎接学生5.JPG


编辑/图片 燕子

翻译/魏素敏 周金凤

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



School Web code

School Public Number code

Copyright © Vanke Bilingual School