Teachers and students of VBS won many awards_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Teachers and students of VBS won many awards

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-07-05

万双网讯  近日,万科双语学校师生在深圳市、龙华区多项大赛中荣获多个奖项,展示了学校师生卓越的综合素养。

VBS Net News

Recently, teachers and students of Vanke Bilingual School won many awards in different competitions in Shenzhen and Longhua District, demonstrating the excellent comprehensive qualities of teachers and students of VBS.


2022年5月至6 月,深圳市龙华区教育科学研究院组织了“闪亮的日子”——深圳市龙华区第六届中小学班主任节系列活动。经过专家评审,在班主任论坛 PK 赛中,熊旺、张轶珺、胡雅琼荣获小学组三等奖,董春月、郭鸾、江泮荣获中学组三等奖。在班主任能力大赛中,郭鸾荣获中学组一等奖,胡雅琼荣获小学组三等奖。

From May to June 2022, Shenzhen Longhua Institute of Education and Science organized a series of activities during the 6th Primary and Secondary School Head Teachers' Festival with the theme of "Shining Days" in Longhua District, Shenzhen. After expert evaluation, Xiong Wang, Zhang Yijun and Hu Yaqiong won the third prize in the primary school group and Dong Chunyue, Guo Luan and Jiang Pan won the third prize in the middle school group in the competition of the head teacher forum. In the head teacher ability competition, Guo Luan won the first prize in the middle school group and Hu Yaqiong won the third prize in the primary school group.






2021 年 12 月-2022 年 1 月,深圳市教育科学研究院面向全市中小学开展了2021 年深圳市义务教育阶段“生活劳动美”第二届微视频云端评比活动,刘英杰同学的微视频《长大了的小男孩》荣获二等奖。

From December 2021 to January 2022, Shenzhen Institute of Education and Science held the 2nd Short Online Video Competition of Teaching named "The Beauty of Life and Work" in Shenzhen compulsory education stage in 2021, and Liu Yingjie won the second prize with his micro video "The Grown-up Boy".



In the activity named “We Go Hand in Hand to Build a Water Ecological Civilization” jointly organized by Longhua District Water Affairs Bureau and Education Bureau, Chan Yanqing won the first prize in the painting group, Wu Songchen won the excellent prize in the painting group.






翻译/陈李 周金凤

Teachers and students of VBS won many awards

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-07-05

万双网讯  近日,万科双语学校师生在深圳市、龙华区多项大赛中荣获多个奖项,展示了学校师生卓越的综合素养。

VBS Net News

Recently, teachers and students of Vanke Bilingual School won many awards in different competitions in Shenzhen and Longhua District, demonstrating the excellent comprehensive qualities of teachers and students of VBS.


2022年5月至6 月,深圳市龙华区教育科学研究院组织了“闪亮的日子”——深圳市龙华区第六届中小学班主任节系列活动。经过专家评审,在班主任论坛 PK 赛中,熊旺、张轶珺、胡雅琼荣获小学组三等奖,董春月、郭鸾、江泮荣获中学组三等奖。在班主任能力大赛中,郭鸾荣获中学组一等奖,胡雅琼荣获小学组三等奖。

From May to June 2022, Shenzhen Longhua Institute of Education and Science organized a series of activities during the 6th Primary and Secondary School Head Teachers' Festival with the theme of "Shining Days" in Longhua District, Shenzhen. After expert evaluation, Xiong Wang, Zhang Yijun and Hu Yaqiong won the third prize in the primary school group and Dong Chunyue, Guo Luan and Jiang Pan won the third prize in the middle school group in the competition of the head teacher forum. In the head teacher ability competition, Guo Luan won the first prize in the middle school group and Hu Yaqiong won the third prize in the primary school group.






2021 年 12 月-2022 年 1 月,深圳市教育科学研究院面向全市中小学开展了2021 年深圳市义务教育阶段“生活劳动美”第二届微视频云端评比活动,刘英杰同学的微视频《长大了的小男孩》荣获二等奖。

From December 2021 to January 2022, Shenzhen Institute of Education and Science held the 2nd Short Online Video Competition of Teaching named "The Beauty of Life and Work" in Shenzhen compulsory education stage in 2021, and Liu Yingjie won the second prize with his micro video "The Grown-up Boy".



In the activity named “We Go Hand in Hand to Build a Water Ecological Civilization” jointly organized by Longhua District Water Affairs Bureau and Education Bureau, Chan Yanqing won the first prize in the painting group, Wu Songchen won the excellent prize in the painting group.






翻译/陈李 周金凤

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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