The Party branch of Vanke Bilingual School held the second party class_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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The Party branch of Vanke Bilingual School held the second party class

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-06-21


万双网讯  为强化党员的党性意识,提升党员素养,6月17日下午,万科双语学校党支部第二季度党课在STEAM创客空间开上。党支部书记杨帆校长以“建设科技强国时不我待”为题,为全体党员讲述了当前的国际形势与国家科技发展概况。

VBS Net News

In order to strengthen the party spirit awareness of Party members and improve their quality, the Party branch of Vanke Bilingual School held the second party class in STEAM classroom on the afternoon of June 17th. Principal Yang Fan, Secretary of the Party branch, told all Party members about the current international situation and the general situation of national science and technology development under the title of "Building a Strong Country With Science and Technology".




Principal Yang Fan pointed out that at present, scientific and technological innovation has become the main battlefield of international strategic competition, and the competition around the commanding heights of science and technology is unprecedented fierce. In the background of China- US economic and trade frictions, in the face of this situation, we can firmly grasp the initiative in our own hands only by adhering to self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, accelerating the breakthrough of technology and realizing self-control of key core technologies.





Principal Yang led all Party members to review China's innovation achievements in the past five years, and shared with us about her own experiences in teaching. She hoped that everyone would take social responsibilities as their own responsibilities, continuously improve their own quality, move forward firmly, live up to their youth, and devote themselves to cultivating scientific and technological innovation talents with international vision and national feelings, so as to contribute to the construction of a scientific and technological power.







This party class has opened a scientific and technological vision for all Party members, and laid a foundation for teachers to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, clarify their educational objectives, further innovate teaching models, and give full play to the exemplary role of Party members.




资料提供/董春月  马葳

编辑/图片 燕子

翻译/陈李 周金凤

The Party branch of Vanke Bilingual School held the second party class

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-06-21


万双网讯  为强化党员的党性意识,提升党员素养,6月17日下午,万科双语学校党支部第二季度党课在STEAM创客空间开上。党支部书记杨帆校长以“建设科技强国时不我待”为题,为全体党员讲述了当前的国际形势与国家科技发展概况。

VBS Net News

In order to strengthen the party spirit awareness of Party members and improve their quality, the Party branch of Vanke Bilingual School held the second party class in STEAM classroom on the afternoon of June 17th. Principal Yang Fan, Secretary of the Party branch, told all Party members about the current international situation and the general situation of national science and technology development under the title of "Building a Strong Country With Science and Technology".




Principal Yang Fan pointed out that at present, scientific and technological innovation has become the main battlefield of international strategic competition, and the competition around the commanding heights of science and technology is unprecedented fierce. In the background of China- US economic and trade frictions, in the face of this situation, we can firmly grasp the initiative in our own hands only by adhering to self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, accelerating the breakthrough of technology and realizing self-control of key core technologies.





Principal Yang led all Party members to review China's innovation achievements in the past five years, and shared with us about her own experiences in teaching. She hoped that everyone would take social responsibilities as their own responsibilities, continuously improve their own quality, move forward firmly, live up to their youth, and devote themselves to cultivating scientific and technological innovation talents with international vision and national feelings, so as to contribute to the construction of a scientific and technological power.







This party class has opened a scientific and technological vision for all Party members, and laid a foundation for teachers to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, clarify their educational objectives, further innovate teaching models, and give full play to the exemplary role of Party members.




资料提供/董春月  马葳

编辑/图片 燕子

翻译/陈李 周金凤

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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