With Love and Diligence,Work Together for a Shared Future_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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With Love and Diligence,Work Together for a Shared Future

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-09-09


万双网讯  9月9日清晨,秋高气爽,疫情持续。为迎接即将到来的第38个教师节,深圳市龙华区万科双语学校为每位教职员工送上了象征希望、阳光的鲜花,并于下午举行了“热爱+勤奋,一起向未来”现场加云端颁奖典礼

VBS Net News

On the morning of September 9th, with the cool autumn and the epidemic,to welcome the upcoming 38th Teachers' Day, Vanke Bilingual School sent flowers symbolizing hope and sunshine to all staff. Vanke Bilingual School held an online award ceremony with the theme of "With Love and Diligence,Work Together for a Shared Future" in the afternoon.


Since the establishment of VBS, teachers have creatively implemented the school concept and curriculum concept with their unswerving enthusiasm for children, and made outstanding contributions to building a school based on the growth of students with the spirit of pioneer. In order to commend the teachers and teams, who have worked hard for school development, VBS has set up "Perseverance Award", "Pangu Award", "Responsibility Award" and "Teamwork Award" respectively to commend the excellent teaching and research groups, lesson preparation groups, PBL teams, Life Teachers’ Department team, foreign teachers’ team, monitors of Teachers’ Professional Development College, excellent teaching staff and three service centers. Principal Yang Fan, Assistant Principal Zheng Shiying and Assistant Principal Lin Hongying presented certificates to the representatives of the winning teachers. (In order to avoid gathering, only a few teacher representatives received awards in the theater, and the rest participated in the online award ceremony.)

获奖教师代表纷纷发表感言,表示将坚持“为未知而教 为未来而学”的办学理念和“让孩子站在未来中央”的办学愿景,致力于培养身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野,敢于创造美好未来的中国公民,积极践行万双终身成长的理念,坚持学习,坚守职业道德,用热爱与勤奋,创造更加美好的未来。

Award-winning representatives delivered speeches one after another. They said that they would adhere to the school philosophy of "Educating Our Students for a Changing World" and the school vision of "Letting Our Children Experience the Future", devote themselves to cultivating our students to become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future. They would also actively practice the concept of life-long growth, adhere to learning, adhere to professional ethics and create a better future with love and diligence.




At the same time, the outstanding graduates from VBS and the students who need have classes at home during epidemic recorded videos to express their gratitude to their teachers. And teachers also express their love and adherence to their careers through the videos. What was surprising was that some teachers' families expressed their understanding, support, love and best wishes through the video. Their humorous and sincere expression brought different feelings to the struggling teachers. This online + offline award ceremony was warm and interesting, celebrating a special Teachers' Day for teachers in advance. Teachers expressed that they were moved and grateful. They have grown up here and lived a particularly full and happy life!


In order to show appreciation to the school canteen, logistics and security service personnel, Principal Yang Fan sent them Mid-Autumn Festival gifts and warm greetings.


Principal Yang said that education is the greatest benefaction. The mission of VBS is to be responsible for students' lifelong development and cultivate talents for our country and the world. All VBS staff will not forget their original intention and continue to pursue the most beautiful educational dream.



 Exploring Happiness in Education



Dear teachers, it has been the 38th Teachers’ Day since September 10th, 1985. At that time, Teachers' Day was set up to improve the status of teachers, enhance the awareness of respecting teachers and valuing education, encourage teachers to love education and constantly improve their professional quality. Over the past 38 years, the awareness of respecting teachers and the status of teachers in the whole society have been continuously improved. More importantly, this festival has aroused the sense of responsibility and mission of teachers!



In the morning, I also got a very touching gift. I presented a birthday gift to Mr. Xiang Bingnan, the new Architecture teacher who joined VBS this semester, and then I wanted to talk with him about his feelings after joining VBS. He said, "I'm very happy. I'm not good at expressing. But I have the opportunity to share with you today. At the Meisha Education Induction Training Meeting, I watched the short film you played with the tears in my eyes. As I was relatively introverted, I didn't share my feelings at that time." Listening to what he said, I remembered the short film I played at that time. It was about a child named Teddy. When his head teacher took over the class in Grade 5, she put him among the troublemakers and because she lost her patience. Later on, when the teacher looked through Teddy's comments, she realized that the child had lost his mother and the reason why he behaved so abnormally. The teacher blamed herself and changed her methods. Just as what she said, she had changed her teaching style from "Teaching" to "Educating ". With the help of the teacher, Teddy changed and his mind began to recover. The more encouragement the teacher gave him, the faster his progress was. Later on, he continued studying until he graduated from the Doctor's Degree. Finally, he invited his teacher to attend his wedding. At the wedding, when hugging the teacher, Dr. Teddy whispered in the teacher's ear, "Thanks for your trust in me. You make me feel that I existed. You make me understand that I can make a difference."



It was this short film that moved Mr. Xiang. He said that he had a similar experience to the teacher in the short film. In his previous classes, there was a child who was not very focused. He always criticized that child at the beginning. Later, he happened to know that the child's parents had divorced. He didn't want his parents to divorce and tore up their divorce certificates. After knowing about it, Mr. Xiang changed the way he talked with that student. He comforted him more and taught him more patiently. The child was moved and changed. Later on, he would suddenly say to Mr. Xiang, "I love you!" in class, which would make Mr. Xiang feel a little embarrassed but a little happy! Mr. Xiang said, "Sometimes young people are really confused and don't know what they want to pursue. But it made me changed a lot. I have found the meaning of being a teacher." He also told to Principal Yang, "When you were training, you asked us to write down the important people in our lives. I wrote down the student's name because he is the one."



After listening to Mr. Xiang’s narration, I was so moved! Thanks for his sharing about his life experience and happiness with me. With the consent of Mr. Xiang, I would also share with all VBS teachers. As a teacher, our happiness is very simple, only from the growth and progress of students. But our happiness is very powerful, like a silent trickle that follows us forward with determination. I think this is what VBS wrote in Article 9 of Chapter IV about "teachers" of the “Platform for Action”. It is said that the professional orientation of teachers is “Letting Students Stand in the Center of the Future”, so that students can live in the future confidently and happily, find their own life value in their future contributions to society, and find a happy education life in their love today and memories in the future.



Mr. Ji Xianlin said in his book named “Talking About the Meaning and Value of Life”, "No matter how many difficulties and twists we have to go through, no matter how much time we have to go through, mankind will always get better and better. The realm of human harmony will never be just an empty ideal. However, to achieve this goal, we must go through the joint efforts of countless generations. Like relay races, each generation has its own part to run. Also like a chain, it is composed of many links, each of which is nothing but a trifle in itself. But without this, the chain cannot be assembled. If life has meaning and value, its meaning and value are here. " When we raise the education we are engaged in to the life scale to reflect and ask questions, we will strengthen our faith more! As a teacher, as a VBS teacher, on the road to realizing the ideal of "Letting Students Stand in the Center of the Future". What a meaningful part of the journey we are going to run! Let's uphold our love for education and work hard together, so that the profession of teachers will always shine in our life!




Dear teachers, thanks for your persistence and hard work since August 20th! It is rare that Teachers’ Day is on the same day as the Mid-Autumn Festival this year. As Teachers’ Day is on the weekend this year, so that everyone can have a good rest. I wish all a happy Teachers’ Day! Dear VBS families, thanks for your tolerance and support to VBS teachers. I wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

























Timothy: 助力学生全面发展


Thank you VBS for honoring us foreign teachers with this award. Our team consists of teachers from all over the world. Some are from North America, some from Europe, some from Africa, and also a few from Australia and New Zealand. When we came here to the school, we brought not only our academic expertise in our respective subjects, but also our cultural insights and ways of life. We have been given a unique opportunity here in China to serve as cultural ambassadors. Whether that be interacting with the people around us and respecting local customs, collaborating with our Chinese colleagues here at work, or sharing our knowledge and values with the students, we should always be working hard to put our best foot forward and show everyone that there is much to be learned and gained from international cooperation. We hope that we can continue to serve in this capacity for years to come, and to help our students grow into becoming well rounded individuals. Thank you again for recognizing us with this award!

























乐观 包容 坚毅地追寻最美的教育梦






Education depends on edification

A letter from Principal Yang to parents



Dear parents,




Hello! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are coming. I wish you a happy holiday!




In the three years since its establishment, Vanke Bilingual School has received parents' understanding and full support. On behalf of the school, I would like to express my gratitude to you here! Education is the greatest benefaction. The mission of VBS is to be responsible for students' lifelong development and cultivate talents for our country and the world.

全体教职员工将继续努力,在确保师生和学校安全的前提下,坚持“为未知而教 为未来而学”的办学理念和“身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有国际视野和家国情怀,敢于创造美好未来的中国公民”的培养(成长)目标,竭尽全力,落实办学理念,优化学校、家庭的教育生态,以保护孩子们的好奇心,激发他们的成长内驱力,培养他们的卓越学力为目标建设课程、开展活动、进行教学,指导家庭教育,关注每一位学生,帮助每一位学生取得成功、获得快乐,为孩子们“站在未来中央”积极准备。


All teaching staff will continue to make efforts to adhere to the school concept of teaching for the unknown and learning for the future and the goal of nurturing Chinese citizens who possess good health, sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future. VBS will implement the school concept, optimize the educational ecology of schools and families, improve courses, carry out activities, pay attention to every student, help them experience the future, protect their curiosity, stimulate their internal drive for growth, and cultivate their learning ability.


自主学习意识和能力的培养,是万双的日常。这要求教师和学生深度变革教与学的方式充分激发学生学习的内驱力让学习变成一场有趣的旅程。为此,学校在开学前夕充分发挥网络优势,通过DLC中国深度学习中心组织,与美国High tech high学校的导师们跨越时空连线,开展了为期一周的暑期在线培训。High tech high是一所以创新闻名于世的学校,也是PBL理念的创史学校。从理念到实际行动,我们都做好了准备,为学生更好地成长打下了坚实的基础。


The cultivation of self-learning consciousness and ability is the daily work of VBS, which requires teachers and students to change their way of teaching and learning. We will try to stimulate students' internal drive for learning and make learning an interesting journey. The DLC China deep learning center carried out online training with High Tech High school tutors in the United States. High tech high is a school famous for its innovation and a founding school of the PBL concept. We are ready to lay a solid foundation for students' better growth.




VBS is a learning school with a growth mindset, takes lifelong growth as the core value, sets up life planning courses for students, a VBS Academy for Teachers' Professional Development, and a VBS Academy for Parents' Development, striving to make the school a place where students, teachers, and parents grow together. At the beginning of this semester, the school will restart the VBS Academy for Parents' Development to provide you with professional support.




At the moment of the 100th anniversary founding of the CPC, VBS incorporated the party history into the History, Morality, and Law courses from primary school to junior high school, which guided the students to pay more attention to the world, their motherland, the social development, and the fate of mankind. VBS strives to cultivate qualified successors with the courage to take responsibility.




This year, the government has issued several policies for the healthy growth of children. Please believe that children will learn more happily, independently, and efficiently. We are willing to accept any inspection. I hope parents can understand, think and plan their child's future from the essence of education, reduce anxiety, work with the school to reduce the burden of students' schoolwork and after-school training, return the time of independent learning to the children, and return the happy childhood to the children.




In the high school entrance examination in 2022, we proved that VBS's practice is outstanding with students' excellent physical and mental health and excellent academic achievements. We will keep following up with the students in the graduating class. We believe that these students will give satisfactory answers in their personal life and social responsibility in the future. VBS will work harder and use our creative practice to foresee the bright future of children!




The 38th Teacher's Day is coming. It is a time for students and parents to express their gratitude to teachers. Every Teacher's Day, we are immersed in happiness and moving. I am very appreciated that. Education depends on edification. Since this year, all our teaching staff will have a special Teacher's Day.We also prepared cards for each student to express their gratitude to teachers. As the principal, I sincerely propose that love and gratitude should be kept in your hearts. We will study and progress together and try our best to create a better educational ecology for children. We will refuse all material gifts such as flowers and banquets from parents. Please understand us as usual, and let our campus be full of sincere love and joy!




VBS's teaching staff will keep learning, become a model for students and give children the highest standard of education and companionship.




Thank you again for your understanding and support! I wish you a happy life!

万科双语学校校长    杨帆



Yang Fan, Principal of Vanke Bilingual School

September 8, 2022

编辑/图片 燕子

翻译/陈李 周金凤

With Love and Diligence,Work Together for a Shared Future

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-09-09


万双网讯  9月9日清晨,秋高气爽,疫情持续。为迎接即将到来的第38个教师节,深圳市龙华区万科双语学校为每位教职员工送上了象征希望、阳光的鲜花,并于下午举行了“热爱+勤奋,一起向未来”现场加云端颁奖典礼

VBS Net News

On the morning of September 9th, with the cool autumn and the epidemic,to welcome the upcoming 38th Teachers' Day, Vanke Bilingual School sent flowers symbolizing hope and sunshine to all staff. Vanke Bilingual School held an online award ceremony with the theme of "With Love and Diligence,Work Together for a Shared Future" in the afternoon.


Since the establishment of VBS, teachers have creatively implemented the school concept and curriculum concept with their unswerving enthusiasm for children, and made outstanding contributions to building a school based on the growth of students with the spirit of pioneer. In order to commend the teachers and teams, who have worked hard for school development, VBS has set up "Perseverance Award", "Pangu Award", "Responsibility Award" and "Teamwork Award" respectively to commend the excellent teaching and research groups, lesson preparation groups, PBL teams, Life Teachers’ Department team, foreign teachers’ team, monitors of Teachers’ Professional Development College, excellent teaching staff and three service centers. Principal Yang Fan, Assistant Principal Zheng Shiying and Assistant Principal Lin Hongying presented certificates to the representatives of the winning teachers. (In order to avoid gathering, only a few teacher representatives received awards in the theater, and the rest participated in the online award ceremony.)

获奖教师代表纷纷发表感言,表示将坚持“为未知而教 为未来而学”的办学理念和“让孩子站在未来中央”的办学愿景,致力于培养身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野,敢于创造美好未来的中国公民,积极践行万双终身成长的理念,坚持学习,坚守职业道德,用热爱与勤奋,创造更加美好的未来。

Award-winning representatives delivered speeches one after another. They said that they would adhere to the school philosophy of "Educating Our Students for a Changing World" and the school vision of "Letting Our Children Experience the Future", devote themselves to cultivating our students to become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future. They would also actively practice the concept of life-long growth, adhere to learning, adhere to professional ethics and create a better future with love and diligence.




At the same time, the outstanding graduates from VBS and the students who need have classes at home during epidemic recorded videos to express their gratitude to their teachers. And teachers also express their love and adherence to their careers through the videos. What was surprising was that some teachers' families expressed their understanding, support, love and best wishes through the video. Their humorous and sincere expression brought different feelings to the struggling teachers. This online + offline award ceremony was warm and interesting, celebrating a special Teachers' Day for teachers in advance. Teachers expressed that they were moved and grateful. They have grown up here and lived a particularly full and happy life!


In order to show appreciation to the school canteen, logistics and security service personnel, Principal Yang Fan sent them Mid-Autumn Festival gifts and warm greetings.


Principal Yang said that education is the greatest benefaction. The mission of VBS is to be responsible for students' lifelong development and cultivate talents for our country and the world. All VBS staff will not forget their original intention and continue to pursue the most beautiful educational dream.



 Exploring Happiness in Education



Dear teachers, it has been the 38th Teachers’ Day since September 10th, 1985. At that time, Teachers' Day was set up to improve the status of teachers, enhance the awareness of respecting teachers and valuing education, encourage teachers to love education and constantly improve their professional quality. Over the past 38 years, the awareness of respecting teachers and the status of teachers in the whole society have been continuously improved. More importantly, this festival has aroused the sense of responsibility and mission of teachers!



In the morning, I also got a very touching gift. I presented a birthday gift to Mr. Xiang Bingnan, the new Architecture teacher who joined VBS this semester, and then I wanted to talk with him about his feelings after joining VBS. He said, "I'm very happy. I'm not good at expressing. But I have the opportunity to share with you today. At the Meisha Education Induction Training Meeting, I watched the short film you played with the tears in my eyes. As I was relatively introverted, I didn't share my feelings at that time." Listening to what he said, I remembered the short film I played at that time. It was about a child named Teddy. When his head teacher took over the class in Grade 5, she put him among the troublemakers and because she lost her patience. Later on, when the teacher looked through Teddy's comments, she realized that the child had lost his mother and the reason why he behaved so abnormally. The teacher blamed herself and changed her methods. Just as what she said, she had changed her teaching style from "Teaching" to "Educating ". With the help of the teacher, Teddy changed and his mind began to recover. The more encouragement the teacher gave him, the faster his progress was. Later on, he continued studying until he graduated from the Doctor's Degree. Finally, he invited his teacher to attend his wedding. At the wedding, when hugging the teacher, Dr. Teddy whispered in the teacher's ear, "Thanks for your trust in me. You make me feel that I existed. You make me understand that I can make a difference."



It was this short film that moved Mr. Xiang. He said that he had a similar experience to the teacher in the short film. In his previous classes, there was a child who was not very focused. He always criticized that child at the beginning. Later, he happened to know that the child's parents had divorced. He didn't want his parents to divorce and tore up their divorce certificates. After knowing about it, Mr. Xiang changed the way he talked with that student. He comforted him more and taught him more patiently. The child was moved and changed. Later on, he would suddenly say to Mr. Xiang, "I love you!" in class, which would make Mr. Xiang feel a little embarrassed but a little happy! Mr. Xiang said, "Sometimes young people are really confused and don't know what they want to pursue. But it made me changed a lot. I have found the meaning of being a teacher." He also told to Principal Yang, "When you were training, you asked us to write down the important people in our lives. I wrote down the student's name because he is the one."



After listening to Mr. Xiang’s narration, I was so moved! Thanks for his sharing about his life experience and happiness with me. With the consent of Mr. Xiang, I would also share with all VBS teachers. As a teacher, our happiness is very simple, only from the growth and progress of students. But our happiness is very powerful, like a silent trickle that follows us forward with determination. I think this is what VBS wrote in Article 9 of Chapter IV about "teachers" of the “Platform for Action”. It is said that the professional orientation of teachers is “Letting Students Stand in the Center of the Future”, so that students can live in the future confidently and happily, find their own life value in their future contributions to society, and find a happy education life in their love today and memories in the future.



Mr. Ji Xianlin said in his book named “Talking About the Meaning and Value of Life”, "No matter how many difficulties and twists we have to go through, no matter how much time we have to go through, mankind will always get better and better. The realm of human harmony will never be just an empty ideal. However, to achieve this goal, we must go through the joint efforts of countless generations. Like relay races, each generation has its own part to run. Also like a chain, it is composed of many links, each of which is nothing but a trifle in itself. But without this, the chain cannot be assembled. If life has meaning and value, its meaning and value are here. " When we raise the education we are engaged in to the life scale to reflect and ask questions, we will strengthen our faith more! As a teacher, as a VBS teacher, on the road to realizing the ideal of "Letting Students Stand in the Center of the Future". What a meaningful part of the journey we are going to run! Let's uphold our love for education and work hard together, so that the profession of teachers will always shine in our life!




Dear teachers, thanks for your persistence and hard work since August 20th! It is rare that Teachers’ Day is on the same day as the Mid-Autumn Festival this year. As Teachers’ Day is on the weekend this year, so that everyone can have a good rest. I wish all a happy Teachers’ Day! Dear VBS families, thanks for your tolerance and support to VBS teachers. I wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

























Timothy: 助力学生全面发展


Thank you VBS for honoring us foreign teachers with this award. Our team consists of teachers from all over the world. Some are from North America, some from Europe, some from Africa, and also a few from Australia and New Zealand. When we came here to the school, we brought not only our academic expertise in our respective subjects, but also our cultural insights and ways of life. We have been given a unique opportunity here in China to serve as cultural ambassadors. Whether that be interacting with the people around us and respecting local customs, collaborating with our Chinese colleagues here at work, or sharing our knowledge and values with the students, we should always be working hard to put our best foot forward and show everyone that there is much to be learned and gained from international cooperation. We hope that we can continue to serve in this capacity for years to come, and to help our students grow into becoming well rounded individuals. Thank you again for recognizing us with this award!

























乐观 包容 坚毅地追寻最美的教育梦






Education depends on edification

A letter from Principal Yang to parents



Dear parents,




Hello! Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are coming. I wish you a happy holiday!




In the three years since its establishment, Vanke Bilingual School has received parents' understanding and full support. On behalf of the school, I would like to express my gratitude to you here! Education is the greatest benefaction. The mission of VBS is to be responsible for students' lifelong development and cultivate talents for our country and the world.

全体教职员工将继续努力,在确保师生和学校安全的前提下,坚持“为未知而教 为未来而学”的办学理念和“身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有国际视野和家国情怀,敢于创造美好未来的中国公民”的培养(成长)目标,竭尽全力,落实办学理念,优化学校、家庭的教育生态,以保护孩子们的好奇心,激发他们的成长内驱力,培养他们的卓越学力为目标建设课程、开展活动、进行教学,指导家庭教育,关注每一位学生,帮助每一位学生取得成功、获得快乐,为孩子们“站在未来中央”积极准备。


All teaching staff will continue to make efforts to adhere to the school concept of teaching for the unknown and learning for the future and the goal of nurturing Chinese citizens who possess good health, sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future. VBS will implement the school concept, optimize the educational ecology of schools and families, improve courses, carry out activities, pay attention to every student, help them experience the future, protect their curiosity, stimulate their internal drive for growth, and cultivate their learning ability.


自主学习意识和能力的培养,是万双的日常。这要求教师和学生深度变革教与学的方式充分激发学生学习的内驱力让学习变成一场有趣的旅程。为此,学校在开学前夕充分发挥网络优势,通过DLC中国深度学习中心组织,与美国High tech high学校的导师们跨越时空连线,开展了为期一周的暑期在线培训。High tech high是一所以创新闻名于世的学校,也是PBL理念的创史学校。从理念到实际行动,我们都做好了准备,为学生更好地成长打下了坚实的基础。


The cultivation of self-learning consciousness and ability is the daily work of VBS, which requires teachers and students to change their way of teaching and learning. We will try to stimulate students' internal drive for learning and make learning an interesting journey. The DLC China deep learning center carried out online training with High Tech High school tutors in the United States. High tech high is a school famous for its innovation and a founding school of the PBL concept. We are ready to lay a solid foundation for students' better growth.




VBS is a learning school with a growth mindset, takes lifelong growth as the core value, sets up life planning courses for students, a VBS Academy for Teachers' Professional Development, and a VBS Academy for Parents' Development, striving to make the school a place where students, teachers, and parents grow together. At the beginning of this semester, the school will restart the VBS Academy for Parents' Development to provide you with professional support.




At the moment of the 100th anniversary founding of the CPC, VBS incorporated the party history into the History, Morality, and Law courses from primary school to junior high school, which guided the students to pay more attention to the world, their motherland, the social development, and the fate of mankind. VBS strives to cultivate qualified successors with the courage to take responsibility.




This year, the government has issued several policies for the healthy growth of children. Please believe that children will learn more happily, independently, and efficiently. We are willing to accept any inspection. I hope parents can understand, think and plan their child's future from the essence of education, reduce anxiety, work with the school to reduce the burden of students' schoolwork and after-school training, return the time of independent learning to the children, and return the happy childhood to the children.




In the high school entrance examination in 2022, we proved that VBS's practice is outstanding with students' excellent physical and mental health and excellent academic achievements. We will keep following up with the students in the graduating class. We believe that these students will give satisfactory answers in their personal life and social responsibility in the future. VBS will work harder and use our creative practice to foresee the bright future of children!




The 38th Teacher's Day is coming. It is a time for students and parents to express their gratitude to teachers. Every Teacher's Day, we are immersed in happiness and moving. I am very appreciated that. Education depends on edification. Since this year, all our teaching staff will have a special Teacher's Day.We also prepared cards for each student to express their gratitude to teachers. As the principal, I sincerely propose that love and gratitude should be kept in your hearts. We will study and progress together and try our best to create a better educational ecology for children. We will refuse all material gifts such as flowers and banquets from parents. Please understand us as usual, and let our campus be full of sincere love and joy!




VBS's teaching staff will keep learning, become a model for students and give children the highest standard of education and companionship.




Thank you again for your understanding and support! I wish you a happy life!

万科双语学校校长    杨帆



Yang Fan, Principal of Vanke Bilingual School

September 8, 2022

编辑/图片 燕子

翻译/陈李 周金凤

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



School Web code

School Public Number code

Copyright © Vanke Bilingual School