Grow into expert teachers_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Grow into expert teachers

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-08-29


万双网讯  星河璀璨,青山灼灼。踔厉奋发,履践致远。为迎接新学期的到来,倾力打造面向未来的一流学校,万科双语学校全体教职员工提前返校,开展了一系列务实高效的教师专业培训活动。全体员工通过培训,明确奋斗目标,梳理个人规划,决心以热爱和勤奋,努力成长为专家型教师,为学校创新发展、学生健康成长赋能。

VBS Net News

The stars are shining, the green mountains are majestic, and we work hard to achieve the goal. In order to welcome the new semester and strive to build a top school facing the future, all VBS staff returned to school ahead of schedule and carried out a series of practical and efficient professional training activities. Through training, all staff have made clear their goals, sorted out their personal plans, and determined to strive to grow into expert teachers with love and diligence, so as to empower the innovative development of school and the healthy growth of students.



Clear objectives: work plan for the new academic year and VBS Three-year Development Plan



From August 20th to 21st, under the leadership of Principal Yang Fan, all middle-level leaders, grade leaders, lesson preparation leaders and other key staff reviewed VBS Three-year Development Plan (2021.09-2024.08), collectively discussed and revised the work plan for the new academic year, analyzed the current situation of school, and formulated the development goals and key measures for the new academic year.







Principal Yang Fan: go your own way, only love can overcome the long years




On August 25th, in the staff meeting, Principal Yang Fan explained in detail school philosophy, work plan and key work of this academic year from three aspects with the theme of "going your own way", including macro thinking on education under the new situation, thoughts and actions of Vanke Bilingual School and work of the new academic year. Principal Yang pointed out that since the establishment of Vanke Bilingual School, it has initially won the recognition of students, parents and society. She also mentioned that it was the mission of Vanke Bilingual School to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, lay a foundation for talent training for national and world development, be responsible for the lifelong development of students, and benefit every VBS family. Finally, she stressed that we should regard education as the greatest good.




In the future, our school will continue to adhere to the school concept of “let our children experience the future" and the goal of "cultivating Chinese citizens with good health, sound personalities, excellent academic abilities, patriotism and international vision, who dare to create a better future". We will do the best to implement the school philosophy and objectives on the basis of optimizing the school and family education ecology and deeply constructing and implementing the curriculum. In addition, we pay attention to every student, protect their curiosity, stimulate their internal drive for growth, help every student achieve success and happiness, and actively prepare to help them " experience the future ".






In terms of specific measures, school takes growth-oriented thinking as the foundation, standardized school running and comprehensive improvement of teaching quality as the core objectives, and boldly carries out curriculum innovation and reform based on respect and concern for the principles of students' growth and cognitive. For example, we carry out the foreign teacher courses, VBS online courses, Architectural Education courses and STEM courses, comprehensively construct the integrated implementation of all courses in all grades, and deeply explore and practice the differentiated and responsive classroom culture of teaching students according to their aptitude.



Principal Yang hopes that teachers will always adhere to their love for education, students and school, make contributions to the excellent growth of students and the greater development of VBS through diligent study and work. Teachers should adhere to lifelong learning, read more useful books, and grow into expert teachers.




Assistant Principal Lin Hongying: experience the "real learning"




On the morning of August 23rd, Assistant Principal Lin Hongying gave a lecture on "experiencing the real learning" for all staff members from the perspective of education and teaching. She shared a variety of methods to stimulate students' learning drive, the basic steps to create a "differentiated and responsive classroom of teaching according to their aptitude", and sorted out the "real learning" process and the "real learning" teaching design for more than 20 minutes of each subject class. On August 26th, Assistant Principal Lin Hongying once again had a training about teaching design for all teachers. She took the new curriculum standard as the foundation, introduced the professional standard of teaching design consistent with learning, teaching and evaluation, how to write learning objectives, teaching objectives and evaluation tasks. After that, she required teachers should prepare lessons according to "road map for teaching design of real learning”, so as to fully stimulate students' curiosity in learning and cultivate their creative and critical thinking.


Assistant Principal Zheng Shiying: lifelong learning and growth




On the afternoon of August 23rd, Assistant Principal Zheng Shiying had a special training for all staff from the perspective of teachers' ethics and style with the theme of "lifelong growth – VBS philosophy". She explained school concept and educational thought in detail, and explained the main ways and methods of cultivating students in VBS from a comprehensive and multidimensional perspective, such as how to cultivate children with growth thinking, the quality of VBS teachers, the growth goals of VBS students, how to build an independent development system for students, and how to communicate with parents. She hoped that all teachers would always regard education from the strategic perspective of "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" and strictly abide by the teachers' law, undertake the mission of improving the quality of the nation, make every effort to educate students, develop themselves, and grow into good teachers with ideals and convictions, moral sentiments, solid knowledge and benevolence, and education experts with various skills and students' love.






Study on the new curriculum standard: pay attention to the disciplinary literacy




On August 22nd, teachers divided into different groups according to subject to study the new curriculum standards. They carried out collective teaching and research activities based on the new curriculum standards through careful reading, logical sorting, in-depth interpretation, brainstorming, group display, etc. Teachers wrote in their study notes, “In terms of education and teaching objectives, it is necessary to enrich students' spiritual world and cultivate students' thinking methods, reading methods and research abilities. In terms of the span of teaching contents, the new curriculum standard emphasizes linking schools, society, families and nature, and creating learning scenes for students in an all-round way. In terms of teaching methods and students' learning methods, it is necessary to face up to the new epidemic era and integrate online and offline teaching methods. In terms of students' learning methods, teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of students' interest in learning. " Through learning, teachers have a new understanding of the education and teaching work and the core disciplinary literacy in the new semester.



Annie Deng: deeply study the PBL education concept




On August 25th, Miss Deng had a PBL (project-based learning) subject training for all teachers. She introduced in detail the definition and core of PBL and the development of VBS PBL courses. She shared the PBL design process with real cases. She pointed out that in PBL students should apply what they have learned to solve problems comprehensively and become independent lifelong learners. Teachers should change their concepts, return the initiative of learning to students and deeply study PBL education concepts and teaching methods. She also mentioned that in this semester all subjects would use the PBL concept to guide teaching, design subject projects with the goal of core concepts and high-level cognition, and all students would participate (from Grade 1 to Grade 8). In this way, students will improve quality comprehensively.



Peng Ping: actively build a "Double Zone" Experimental School




On August 25th, in view of how to carry out the work of the "Double Zone" experimental school in the new academic year, Mr. Peng had a training for teachers about the work of the "Double Zone" experimental school and the STEM + courses. The "Double Zone" refers to the construction of the experimental zone and the smart education demonstration zone of the Ministry of Education for the "new teaching and learning mode based on teaching reform and integration of information technology". Among them, the experimental direction of Longhua District is the construction of regional education reform practice mode with the concept of "active education + artificial intelligence". In July, Vanke Bilingual School made a report on behalf of Longhua schools in Shenzhen. At the meeting, Mr. Peng explained school's STEM + curriculum practice, generation mode, and main direction of integration. He hoped that all VBS teachers would deeply understand the STEM concept, apply the STEM concept to their own teaching properly, actively cultivate students' scientific thinking methods and help students build self-confidence.





PBL group presentations: improve professional quality in class


8月23日,万科双语学校10个教师暑期PBL项目小组在剧场进行了精彩纷呈的学习成果展示和汇报。在此次研学旅行中,各小组分别前往四川、云南、贵州、西藏、山西等地,对各地文化、民俗进行了深入探究。如贵州的蜡染文化、云贵川的美食文化、西藏的宗教文化、广东的民宿文化、云南的茶文化、山西的晋商文化,并对“零碳排放海岛”—— 南澳岛进行了调研。老师们表示,他们将把学习到的知识和技能运用到课堂教学中,以成长型思维为指导,做到理论与实践相结合,不断开阔自己的思路,更好地指导学生进行PBL项目式学习。

On August 23rd, 10 PBL project teams in summer vacation of Vanke Bilingual School presented and reported their learning achievements in the theater. During this study tour, they went to Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, Shanxi and other places to conduct in-depth research on local culture and folk customs. For example, the batik culture in Guizhou, the food culture in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, the religious culture in Tibet, the homestay culture in Guangdong, the tea culture in Yunnan, the Shanxi Merchant Culture in Shanxi, and the investigation of the "zero carbon emission island" - Nan'ao Island. The teachers said that they would apply the knowledge and skills which they had learned in the study tour to teaching, take growth thinking as the guide, combine theory with practice, constantly broaden their thinking, and better guide students to PBL project-based learning.


团队拓展:同节奏  共“鼓”舞

Team development: dance with the same rhythm, and encourage each other



8月26日下午,以“勤奋向新”为主旨的2022万科双语学校团建活动在学校地下篮球馆火热开展,全校教职员工200多人分为9个组开展了形式多样的团队竞赛。队员们在疯狂大力神 、经典投篮、动感单车、玩转飞盘等活动中奋勇争先;在非洲鼓部落演奏活动中,大家画上独特的面部图腾,换上非洲特有服饰,相互“鼓”舞;在团队建设中,同心协力,高招频出……在整齐划一的鼓声和欢声笑语中,全校员工开启崭新的奋斗乐章。正如杨帆校长在总结时说的,万科双语学校已经进入全面发展、团结奋进的阶段,251位教职员工将汇聚起磅礴的力量,为学生的发展做出创造性的努力。

On the afternoon of August 26th, the team building activity of 2022 Vanke Bilingual School with the theme of "Be Diligent in Hard Work Towards New Future" was held in the underground basketball court. More than 200 staff members were divided into nine groups to carry out various team competitions. The team members competed bravely in activities such as Crazy Hercules, Classic Shooting, Spinning Bike, and Frisbee Spinning. In the performance of African drum, everyone painted unique facial totems, changed into African unique costumes, and danced with each other. In the team building, teachers worked together to achieve high scores with special skills. In the drums and laughter, all staff started a new struggle. As Principal Yang Fan said in her conclusion that Vanke Bilingual School had entered a stage of comprehensive development and unity. 251 staff would gather great strength and make creative efforts for the development of students.



2022 Meisha Education Star Plan: help new employees grow rapidly



8月24日,2022梅沙教育·星计划Star Plan在美丽的大梅沙顺利举行,万科双语学校新员工参与了本次培训,开启了他们的梅沙新征程。此次星计划聚焦于文化价值观普及和专业技能培养,梅沙教育分别邀请了来自万科集团、梅沙教育事业部、梅沙旗下学校的八位重量级嘉宾为学员们授课,为即将到来的新学年打下坚实的基础。

On August 24th, the 2022 Meisha Education Star Plan was successfully held in the Meisha Education Company. The new employees of Vanke Bilingual School participated in the training and started their new journey in Meisha. This star plan focused on the popularization of cultural values and the cultivation of professional skills. Meisha Education invited eight guests from Vanke Group, Meisha Education Department and Meisha schools to give lectures to new employees, laying a solid foundation for the coming new academic year.


万科双语学校的杨帆校长跟大家分享了 “新时代,我们该如何做老师”的心得体会。她强调,新时代的老师,应该成为学生人生中的“重要他人”,让教育回归本真,让“终身学习”的理念成为共识。

Principal Yang Fan of Vanke Bilingual School shared her experience of "how to be a teacher in the new era". She stressed that teachers in the new era should become "important others" in the students' lives, return education to the truth, and make the concept of "lifelong learning" a consensus.






In the new semester, based on school characteristics, through systematic professional training, from macro to micro, from theory to practice, from school concept to work plans, from moral education to teaching, from curriculum reform to classroom innovation, and from self-development to team building, Vanke Bilingual School has provided the direction and method for teachers' career development in an all-round, multi-dimensional and three-dimensional way, and laid a solid foundation for school to improve quality, increase efficiency, and reach a higher level. All staff will provide VBS students with the highest standard of education with full enthusiasm and unlimited love, and realize the beautiful vision of "let children experience the future".







今天一天的学习,语文组由理论到实践,逐步解读新课标,受益匪浅。新课标从“课程性质和课程理念”阐述了语文是什么性质的学科;课程目标以终为始解释语文学科对于人的培养目标是什么? 接着课程内容分述了各个学段,以“学习任务群”为逻辑,梳理了各学段基础型、发展型、拓展型任务群的递进。而学业质量即评价体系和量表量规的体现,是“你教的怎么样了?学生学得怎么样了”。课标的设计逻辑贯通,自成体系。老师们全天分秒必争,度过了充实的学习日。


































赵芮(科学):做中学 学中思










经过学科组的研读讨论,我们对新课标的体会有了更深刻的理解。美术新课程标准打破了传统美术教学的知识框架,从全新的角度,按学习方式,把美术课程分为四个领域,即“造型·表现”、“设计·应用”、“欣赏·评述”、“综合·探索”, 它改变了传统的美术教学模式,更加注重学生的自主探究能力、创造性、主动性,注重培养学生自学能力、合作精神和学习兴趣。










资料提供/ 各学科组长

文/图  燕子

翻译/陈李 周金凤 陈珣珣 王茜瑶 张君婷 胡照晴

Grow into expert teachers

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-08-29


万双网讯  星河璀璨,青山灼灼。踔厉奋发,履践致远。为迎接新学期的到来,倾力打造面向未来的一流学校,万科双语学校全体教职员工提前返校,开展了一系列务实高效的教师专业培训活动。全体员工通过培训,明确奋斗目标,梳理个人规划,决心以热爱和勤奋,努力成长为专家型教师,为学校创新发展、学生健康成长赋能。

VBS Net News

The stars are shining, the green mountains are majestic, and we work hard to achieve the goal. In order to welcome the new semester and strive to build a top school facing the future, all VBS staff returned to school ahead of schedule and carried out a series of practical and efficient professional training activities. Through training, all staff have made clear their goals, sorted out their personal plans, and determined to strive to grow into expert teachers with love and diligence, so as to empower the innovative development of school and the healthy growth of students.



Clear objectives: work plan for the new academic year and VBS Three-year Development Plan



From August 20th to 21st, under the leadership of Principal Yang Fan, all middle-level leaders, grade leaders, lesson preparation leaders and other key staff reviewed VBS Three-year Development Plan (2021.09-2024.08), collectively discussed and revised the work plan for the new academic year, analyzed the current situation of school, and formulated the development goals and key measures for the new academic year.







Principal Yang Fan: go your own way, only love can overcome the long years




On August 25th, in the staff meeting, Principal Yang Fan explained in detail school philosophy, work plan and key work of this academic year from three aspects with the theme of "going your own way", including macro thinking on education under the new situation, thoughts and actions of Vanke Bilingual School and work of the new academic year. Principal Yang pointed out that since the establishment of Vanke Bilingual School, it has initially won the recognition of students, parents and society. She also mentioned that it was the mission of Vanke Bilingual School to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, lay a foundation for talent training for national and world development, be responsible for the lifelong development of students, and benefit every VBS family. Finally, she stressed that we should regard education as the greatest good.




In the future, our school will continue to adhere to the school concept of “let our children experience the future" and the goal of "cultivating Chinese citizens with good health, sound personalities, excellent academic abilities, patriotism and international vision, who dare to create a better future". We will do the best to implement the school philosophy and objectives on the basis of optimizing the school and family education ecology and deeply constructing and implementing the curriculum. In addition, we pay attention to every student, protect their curiosity, stimulate their internal drive for growth, help every student achieve success and happiness, and actively prepare to help them " experience the future ".






In terms of specific measures, school takes growth-oriented thinking as the foundation, standardized school running and comprehensive improvement of teaching quality as the core objectives, and boldly carries out curriculum innovation and reform based on respect and concern for the principles of students' growth and cognitive. For example, we carry out the foreign teacher courses, VBS online courses, Architectural Education courses and STEM courses, comprehensively construct the integrated implementation of all courses in all grades, and deeply explore and practice the differentiated and responsive classroom culture of teaching students according to their aptitude.



Principal Yang hopes that teachers will always adhere to their love for education, students and school, make contributions to the excellent growth of students and the greater development of VBS through diligent study and work. Teachers should adhere to lifelong learning, read more useful books, and grow into expert teachers.




Assistant Principal Lin Hongying: experience the "real learning"




On the morning of August 23rd, Assistant Principal Lin Hongying gave a lecture on "experiencing the real learning" for all staff members from the perspective of education and teaching. She shared a variety of methods to stimulate students' learning drive, the basic steps to create a "differentiated and responsive classroom of teaching according to their aptitude", and sorted out the "real learning" process and the "real learning" teaching design for more than 20 minutes of each subject class. On August 26th, Assistant Principal Lin Hongying once again had a training about teaching design for all teachers. She took the new curriculum standard as the foundation, introduced the professional standard of teaching design consistent with learning, teaching and evaluation, how to write learning objectives, teaching objectives and evaluation tasks. After that, she required teachers should prepare lessons according to "road map for teaching design of real learning”, so as to fully stimulate students' curiosity in learning and cultivate their creative and critical thinking.


Assistant Principal Zheng Shiying: lifelong learning and growth




On the afternoon of August 23rd, Assistant Principal Zheng Shiying had a special training for all staff from the perspective of teachers' ethics and style with the theme of "lifelong growth – VBS philosophy". She explained school concept and educational thought in detail, and explained the main ways and methods of cultivating students in VBS from a comprehensive and multidimensional perspective, such as how to cultivate children with growth thinking, the quality of VBS teachers, the growth goals of VBS students, how to build an independent development system for students, and how to communicate with parents. She hoped that all teachers would always regard education from the strategic perspective of "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" and strictly abide by the teachers' law, undertake the mission of improving the quality of the nation, make every effort to educate students, develop themselves, and grow into good teachers with ideals and convictions, moral sentiments, solid knowledge and benevolence, and education experts with various skills and students' love.






Study on the new curriculum standard: pay attention to the disciplinary literacy




On August 22nd, teachers divided into different groups according to subject to study the new curriculum standards. They carried out collective teaching and research activities based on the new curriculum standards through careful reading, logical sorting, in-depth interpretation, brainstorming, group display, etc. Teachers wrote in their study notes, “In terms of education and teaching objectives, it is necessary to enrich students' spiritual world and cultivate students' thinking methods, reading methods and research abilities. In terms of the span of teaching contents, the new curriculum standard emphasizes linking schools, society, families and nature, and creating learning scenes for students in an all-round way. In terms of teaching methods and students' learning methods, it is necessary to face up to the new epidemic era and integrate online and offline teaching methods. In terms of students' learning methods, teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of students' interest in learning. " Through learning, teachers have a new understanding of the education and teaching work and the core disciplinary literacy in the new semester.



Annie Deng: deeply study the PBL education concept




On August 25th, Miss Deng had a PBL (project-based learning) subject training for all teachers. She introduced in detail the definition and core of PBL and the development of VBS PBL courses. She shared the PBL design process with real cases. She pointed out that in PBL students should apply what they have learned to solve problems comprehensively and become independent lifelong learners. Teachers should change their concepts, return the initiative of learning to students and deeply study PBL education concepts and teaching methods. She also mentioned that in this semester all subjects would use the PBL concept to guide teaching, design subject projects with the goal of core concepts and high-level cognition, and all students would participate (from Grade 1 to Grade 8). In this way, students will improve quality comprehensively.



Peng Ping: actively build a "Double Zone" Experimental School




On August 25th, in view of how to carry out the work of the "Double Zone" experimental school in the new academic year, Mr. Peng had a training for teachers about the work of the "Double Zone" experimental school and the STEM + courses. The "Double Zone" refers to the construction of the experimental zone and the smart education demonstration zone of the Ministry of Education for the "new teaching and learning mode based on teaching reform and integration of information technology". Among them, the experimental direction of Longhua District is the construction of regional education reform practice mode with the concept of "active education + artificial intelligence". In July, Vanke Bilingual School made a report on behalf of Longhua schools in Shenzhen. At the meeting, Mr. Peng explained school's STEM + curriculum practice, generation mode, and main direction of integration. He hoped that all VBS teachers would deeply understand the STEM concept, apply the STEM concept to their own teaching properly, actively cultivate students' scientific thinking methods and help students build self-confidence.





PBL group presentations: improve professional quality in class


8月23日,万科双语学校10个教师暑期PBL项目小组在剧场进行了精彩纷呈的学习成果展示和汇报。在此次研学旅行中,各小组分别前往四川、云南、贵州、西藏、山西等地,对各地文化、民俗进行了深入探究。如贵州的蜡染文化、云贵川的美食文化、西藏的宗教文化、广东的民宿文化、云南的茶文化、山西的晋商文化,并对“零碳排放海岛”—— 南澳岛进行了调研。老师们表示,他们将把学习到的知识和技能运用到课堂教学中,以成长型思维为指导,做到理论与实践相结合,不断开阔自己的思路,更好地指导学生进行PBL项目式学习。

On August 23rd, 10 PBL project teams in summer vacation of Vanke Bilingual School presented and reported their learning achievements in the theater. During this study tour, they went to Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, Shanxi and other places to conduct in-depth research on local culture and folk customs. For example, the batik culture in Guizhou, the food culture in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, the religious culture in Tibet, the homestay culture in Guangdong, the tea culture in Yunnan, the Shanxi Merchant Culture in Shanxi, and the investigation of the "zero carbon emission island" - Nan'ao Island. The teachers said that they would apply the knowledge and skills which they had learned in the study tour to teaching, take growth thinking as the guide, combine theory with practice, constantly broaden their thinking, and better guide students to PBL project-based learning.


团队拓展:同节奏  共“鼓”舞

Team development: dance with the same rhythm, and encourage each other



8月26日下午,以“勤奋向新”为主旨的2022万科双语学校团建活动在学校地下篮球馆火热开展,全校教职员工200多人分为9个组开展了形式多样的团队竞赛。队员们在疯狂大力神 、经典投篮、动感单车、玩转飞盘等活动中奋勇争先;在非洲鼓部落演奏活动中,大家画上独特的面部图腾,换上非洲特有服饰,相互“鼓”舞;在团队建设中,同心协力,高招频出……在整齐划一的鼓声和欢声笑语中,全校员工开启崭新的奋斗乐章。正如杨帆校长在总结时说的,万科双语学校已经进入全面发展、团结奋进的阶段,251位教职员工将汇聚起磅礴的力量,为学生的发展做出创造性的努力。

On the afternoon of August 26th, the team building activity of 2022 Vanke Bilingual School with the theme of "Be Diligent in Hard Work Towards New Future" was held in the underground basketball court. More than 200 staff members were divided into nine groups to carry out various team competitions. The team members competed bravely in activities such as Crazy Hercules, Classic Shooting, Spinning Bike, and Frisbee Spinning. In the performance of African drum, everyone painted unique facial totems, changed into African unique costumes, and danced with each other. In the team building, teachers worked together to achieve high scores with special skills. In the drums and laughter, all staff started a new struggle. As Principal Yang Fan said in her conclusion that Vanke Bilingual School had entered a stage of comprehensive development and unity. 251 staff would gather great strength and make creative efforts for the development of students.



2022 Meisha Education Star Plan: help new employees grow rapidly



8月24日,2022梅沙教育·星计划Star Plan在美丽的大梅沙顺利举行,万科双语学校新员工参与了本次培训,开启了他们的梅沙新征程。此次星计划聚焦于文化价值观普及和专业技能培养,梅沙教育分别邀请了来自万科集团、梅沙教育事业部、梅沙旗下学校的八位重量级嘉宾为学员们授课,为即将到来的新学年打下坚实的基础。

On August 24th, the 2022 Meisha Education Star Plan was successfully held in the Meisha Education Company. The new employees of Vanke Bilingual School participated in the training and started their new journey in Meisha. This star plan focused on the popularization of cultural values and the cultivation of professional skills. Meisha Education invited eight guests from Vanke Group, Meisha Education Department and Meisha schools to give lectures to new employees, laying a solid foundation for the coming new academic year.


万科双语学校的杨帆校长跟大家分享了 “新时代,我们该如何做老师”的心得体会。她强调,新时代的老师,应该成为学生人生中的“重要他人”,让教育回归本真,让“终身学习”的理念成为共识。

Principal Yang Fan of Vanke Bilingual School shared her experience of "how to be a teacher in the new era". She stressed that teachers in the new era should become "important others" in the students' lives, return education to the truth, and make the concept of "lifelong learning" a consensus.






In the new semester, based on school characteristics, through systematic professional training, from macro to micro, from theory to practice, from school concept to work plans, from moral education to teaching, from curriculum reform to classroom innovation, and from self-development to team building, Vanke Bilingual School has provided the direction and method for teachers' career development in an all-round, multi-dimensional and three-dimensional way, and laid a solid foundation for school to improve quality, increase efficiency, and reach a higher level. All staff will provide VBS students with the highest standard of education with full enthusiasm and unlimited love, and realize the beautiful vision of "let children experience the future".







今天一天的学习,语文组由理论到实践,逐步解读新课标,受益匪浅。新课标从“课程性质和课程理念”阐述了语文是什么性质的学科;课程目标以终为始解释语文学科对于人的培养目标是什么? 接着课程内容分述了各个学段,以“学习任务群”为逻辑,梳理了各学段基础型、发展型、拓展型任务群的递进。而学业质量即评价体系和量表量规的体现,是“你教的怎么样了?学生学得怎么样了”。课标的设计逻辑贯通,自成体系。老师们全天分秒必争,度过了充实的学习日。


































赵芮(科学):做中学 学中思










经过学科组的研读讨论,我们对新课标的体会有了更深刻的理解。美术新课程标准打破了传统美术教学的知识框架,从全新的角度,按学习方式,把美术课程分为四个领域,即“造型·表现”、“设计·应用”、“欣赏·评述”、“综合·探索”, 它改变了传统的美术教学模式,更加注重学生的自主探究能力、创造性、主动性,注重培养学生自学能力、合作精神和学习兴趣。










资料提供/ 各学科组长

文/图  燕子

翻译/陈李 周金凤 陈珣珣 王茜瑶 张君婷 胡照晴

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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