The special supervision group of Longhua District Education Bureau came to Vanke Bilingual School to_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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The special supervision group of Longhua District Education Bureau came to Vanke Bilingual School to

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-08-31


万双网讯 为科学、精准、细致做好 2022年秋季学期开学准备工作,8月26日,龙华区教育局开学工作专项督导组来到万科双语学校开展全面督导检查。杨帆校长与学校多位专项工作负责人参与了迎检。

VBS Net News

In order to make scientific, accurate and meticulous preparations for the new autumn semester in 2022, on August 26th, the special supervision group of Longhua District Education Bureau came to Vanke Bilingual School to carry out comprehensive supervision and inspection. Principal Yang Fan and several relevant teachers in charge participated in the inspection.




The contents of this supervision included Party building, cultural creation, ideological and political work, teachers' ethics and style, students' mental health, teaching order, key projects, teaching materials, school buildings, facilities and equipment and campus safety (epidemic prevention and control, fire safety, health and epidemic prevention, food safety, lunch break, hazardous chemicals and laboratory safety, network and information security), etc. The supervision team inspected item by item by means of inspection on site and data access.


Chen Yunzhu, the inspector from the Supervision Office of Longhua District Education Bureau visited the campus environment, classrooms, the swimming pool, underground basketball halls, the theatre, the rock-climbing wall, etc., and made an in-depth inspection of the environment and preparations for the new semester of Vanke Bilingual School. Finally, the project leaders of the inspection team gave simple feedback, fully affirmed the school's preparations for the new semester, and hoped that VBS could continue doing a good job to ensure the smooth start of new semester.



On August 22nd, all staff of Vanke Bilingual School returned to school to carry out various professional training, comprehensively implement measures and address both the symptoms and the root causes to grasp the construction of Party and the construction of teachers' ethics, and conduct emergency response training on the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in the form of sitcom, to ensure the safety of teachers and students, and create a united, upward, safe and harmonious campus atmosphere.


踔厉奋发 履践致远——万科双语学校多维度培训全面提升教师专业素养

Links about related reports

Working Hard and Practicing to Achieve a Long-term Goal -- Multi-dimensional Training of Vanke Bilingual School to Comprehensively Improve Teachers' Professional Quality




翻译/陈李 周金凤

The special supervision group of Longhua District Education Bureau came to Vanke Bilingual School to

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-08-31


万双网讯 为科学、精准、细致做好 2022年秋季学期开学准备工作,8月26日,龙华区教育局开学工作专项督导组来到万科双语学校开展全面督导检查。杨帆校长与学校多位专项工作负责人参与了迎检。

VBS Net News

In order to make scientific, accurate and meticulous preparations for the new autumn semester in 2022, on August 26th, the special supervision group of Longhua District Education Bureau came to Vanke Bilingual School to carry out comprehensive supervision and inspection. Principal Yang Fan and several relevant teachers in charge participated in the inspection.




The contents of this supervision included Party building, cultural creation, ideological and political work, teachers' ethics and style, students' mental health, teaching order, key projects, teaching materials, school buildings, facilities and equipment and campus safety (epidemic prevention and control, fire safety, health and epidemic prevention, food safety, lunch break, hazardous chemicals and laboratory safety, network and information security), etc. The supervision team inspected item by item by means of inspection on site and data access.


Chen Yunzhu, the inspector from the Supervision Office of Longhua District Education Bureau visited the campus environment, classrooms, the swimming pool, underground basketball halls, the theatre, the rock-climbing wall, etc., and made an in-depth inspection of the environment and preparations for the new semester of Vanke Bilingual School. Finally, the project leaders of the inspection team gave simple feedback, fully affirmed the school's preparations for the new semester, and hoped that VBS could continue doing a good job to ensure the smooth start of new semester.



On August 22nd, all staff of Vanke Bilingual School returned to school to carry out various professional training, comprehensively implement measures and address both the symptoms and the root causes to grasp the construction of Party and the construction of teachers' ethics, and conduct emergency response training on the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in the form of sitcom, to ensure the safety of teachers and students, and create a united, upward, safe and harmonious campus atmosphere.


踔厉奋发 履践致远——万科双语学校多维度培训全面提升教师专业素养

Links about related reports

Working Hard and Practicing to Achieve a Long-term Goal -- Multi-dimensional Training of Vanke Bilingual School to Comprehensively Improve Teachers' Professional Quality




翻译/陈李 周金凤

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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