All Party members of the VBS Party branch held a sharing session_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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All Party members of the VBS Party branch held a sharing session

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-01-19

万双网讯  12月30日晚6点,万科双语学校党支部全体党员在学校党员活动室开展《中国共产党简史》读书分享会。在第一书记梁小文的带领下,党员们分别分享了《中国共产党简史》各章节的心得体会。


VBS News Net: At 6 p.m. on December 30, all Party members of the VBS Party branch held a sharing session on the brief history of the CPC in the Party member activity room. Under the leadership of the first Secretary, Liang Xiaowen, the party members shared their impressions of each chapter of the brief history of the CPC.


梁小文第一书记以"坚持人民至上  秉持初心使命——读《中国共产党简史》有感"为标题,进行了《第四章 夺取新民主主义革命的全国性胜利》的读书分享。她说:"中国共产党新民主主义革命的历史,就是一部团结全国各阶层人民群众同心同德、砥砺前行的历史。作为党员教师,我们要善待每一个学生,团结每一个同事,讲好每一堂课,认真对待每一项学校交给的任务,做到民有所呼、我有所应,真正让人民群众得益、受惠、满意。"


The first Secretary, Liang Xiaowen, shared her impressions of reading 'Chapter IV, winning the victory of the new democratic revolution.' She said, 'The history of the new democratic revolution of the CPC is a history of uniting the people at all levels of the country. As Party members and teachers, we should be kind to every student and colleague, work hard, and benefit the people.'


马葳老师分享了《第五章 中华人民共和国的成立和社会主义制度的建立》的心得。她总结出两条心得与大家共勉:"党仍然坚持和强调自力更生为主,凡能自己解决的尽量自己解决。为了美好生活,我们要继续努力奋斗!"


Ms. Ma Wei shared her impressions of Chapter V, the establishment of the people's Republic of China, and the socialist system. She encouraged everyone, 'the party still tries to solve what can be solved by itself. We should continue to work hard for a better life!'

吴萍老师分享了《第六章 社会主义建设的探索和曲折发展》的心得。她指出:"通过阅读历史资料,个人党性修养得到了极大的提升,最大的体会就是我们必须重视历史,正确总结历史。在当下,为了持续推进和深化社会主义道路,实现中国梦,我们更要以史为鉴,坚定走中国特色社会主义道路的决心和信心。"


Ms. Wu Ping shared her impressions of Chapter VI, exploration and development of socialist construction. She pointed out that we must pay attention to history and correctly summarize history. At present, to promote and deepen socialism and realize the Chinese dream, we should take history as a mirror and strengthen our determination and confidence to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.

蒋雪莹老师分享了《第八章 把中国特色社会主义全面推向21世纪》的心得。她表示:"通过学习,我更加深刻的认识到,正是因为有了中国共产党的正确领导,我们的人民才有了不断的经济提升和社会有序发展。"


Ms. Jiang Xueying shared her impressions of Chapter 8, comprehensively pushing socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century. She said, 'through learning, I have a deeper understanding that our country has continuous economic improvement and social development because of the correct leadership of the CPC.


董春月老师分享了《第九章 在新的形势下坚持和发展中国特色社会主义》的心得。她指出:近年来,国家取得的各种成就充分显示了我们党抵御各种风险、驾驭各种复杂局面的能力,显示了党的坚强领导和我国社会主义制度能够集中力量办大事的政治优势,显示了"任何困难都难不倒英雄的中国人民"的大无畏气概。


Ms. Dong Chunyue shared her impressions of Chapter IX, developing socialism with Chinese characteristics under the new situation. She pointed out that in recent years, the various achievements made by the country have demonstrated our party's ability to resist risks and control complex situations, which also showed the strong leadership and political advantage of the party.


王光辉老师分享了《中国特色社会主义进入新时代》的心得。他表示,自己要增强贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的自觉性和坚定性,学思践悟、知行合一,不断提升自身能力和素养,为龙华教育事业的高质量发展及万科双语学校第二个《三年行动计划》的高标准实施而努力奋斗 !


Mr. Wang Guanghui shared his impressions of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era. He said that he should implement Chairman Xi's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and strive for the development of Longhua education and the implementation of the second three-year action plan of VBS.



资料提供/刘梅 马葳




The documents provided by Ms. Liu Mei, Ms, Ma Wei

Edited by Linda

Translated by Reny

All Party members of the VBS Party branch held a sharing session

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2022-01-19

万双网讯  12月30日晚6点,万科双语学校党支部全体党员在学校党员活动室开展《中国共产党简史》读书分享会。在第一书记梁小文的带领下,党员们分别分享了《中国共产党简史》各章节的心得体会。


VBS News Net: At 6 p.m. on December 30, all Party members of the VBS Party branch held a sharing session on the brief history of the CPC in the Party member activity room. Under the leadership of the first Secretary, Liang Xiaowen, the party members shared their impressions of each chapter of the brief history of the CPC.


梁小文第一书记以"坚持人民至上  秉持初心使命——读《中国共产党简史》有感"为标题,进行了《第四章 夺取新民主主义革命的全国性胜利》的读书分享。她说:"中国共产党新民主主义革命的历史,就是一部团结全国各阶层人民群众同心同德、砥砺前行的历史。作为党员教师,我们要善待每一个学生,团结每一个同事,讲好每一堂课,认真对待每一项学校交给的任务,做到民有所呼、我有所应,真正让人民群众得益、受惠、满意。"


The first Secretary, Liang Xiaowen, shared her impressions of reading 'Chapter IV, winning the victory of the new democratic revolution.' She said, 'The history of the new democratic revolution of the CPC is a history of uniting the people at all levels of the country. As Party members and teachers, we should be kind to every student and colleague, work hard, and benefit the people.'


马葳老师分享了《第五章 中华人民共和国的成立和社会主义制度的建立》的心得。她总结出两条心得与大家共勉:"党仍然坚持和强调自力更生为主,凡能自己解决的尽量自己解决。为了美好生活,我们要继续努力奋斗!"


Ms. Ma Wei shared her impressions of Chapter V, the establishment of the people's Republic of China, and the socialist system. She encouraged everyone, 'the party still tries to solve what can be solved by itself. We should continue to work hard for a better life!'

吴萍老师分享了《第六章 社会主义建设的探索和曲折发展》的心得。她指出:"通过阅读历史资料,个人党性修养得到了极大的提升,最大的体会就是我们必须重视历史,正确总结历史。在当下,为了持续推进和深化社会主义道路,实现中国梦,我们更要以史为鉴,坚定走中国特色社会主义道路的决心和信心。"


Ms. Wu Ping shared her impressions of Chapter VI, exploration and development of socialist construction. She pointed out that we must pay attention to history and correctly summarize history. At present, to promote and deepen socialism and realize the Chinese dream, we should take history as a mirror and strengthen our determination and confidence to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.

蒋雪莹老师分享了《第八章 把中国特色社会主义全面推向21世纪》的心得。她表示:"通过学习,我更加深刻的认识到,正是因为有了中国共产党的正确领导,我们的人民才有了不断的经济提升和社会有序发展。"


Ms. Jiang Xueying shared her impressions of Chapter 8, comprehensively pushing socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century. She said, 'through learning, I have a deeper understanding that our country has continuous economic improvement and social development because of the correct leadership of the CPC.


董春月老师分享了《第九章 在新的形势下坚持和发展中国特色社会主义》的心得。她指出:近年来,国家取得的各种成就充分显示了我们党抵御各种风险、驾驭各种复杂局面的能力,显示了党的坚强领导和我国社会主义制度能够集中力量办大事的政治优势,显示了"任何困难都难不倒英雄的中国人民"的大无畏气概。


Ms. Dong Chunyue shared her impressions of Chapter IX, developing socialism with Chinese characteristics under the new situation. She pointed out that in recent years, the various achievements made by the country have demonstrated our party's ability to resist risks and control complex situations, which also showed the strong leadership and political advantage of the party.


王光辉老师分享了《中国特色社会主义进入新时代》的心得。他表示,自己要增强贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的自觉性和坚定性,学思践悟、知行合一,不断提升自身能力和素养,为龙华教育事业的高质量发展及万科双语学校第二个《三年行动计划》的高标准实施而努力奋斗 !


Mr. Wang Guanghui shared his impressions of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era. He said that he should implement Chairman Xi's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and strive for the development of Longhua education and the implementation of the second three-year action plan of VBS.



资料提供/刘梅 马葳




The documents provided by Ms. Liu Mei, Ms, Ma Wei

Edited by Linda

Translated by Reny

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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