Principal Yang gave the first lesson on Ideological and political to VBS teachers and students_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Principal Yang gave the first lesson on Ideological and political to VBS teachers and students

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2021-09-27


VBS News Net: On September 23, Secretary Yang Fan of the VBS Party branch gave the first lesson on Ideological and political education to VBS teachers and students, which was an in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech in celebrating the 100th-anniversary congress of the CPC. Student representatives, student union representatives, Party member representatives, teacher representatives participated in the study.



On July 1, the 100th-anniversary congress of CPC was held in Beijing Tiananmen square. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He recalled the glorious course of the CPC and looked forward to the bright future of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He systematically expounded the experience and fundamental requirements of 'nine essential.' His speech has defined the direction for developing various undertakings of the party and the state on the new journey. Principal Yang gave a detailed explanation to the representatives of teachers and students about the significance, the essence and the core meaning of the speech. She hoped that we would study the great achievements of the party and respond to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping to enhance the ambition and spirit of the Chinese people. 






Related activities

On the morning of September 18, all Party members of VBS, led by Principal Yang, visited the Longhua struggle time memory Museum and carried out a series of activities. The museum has eight theme exhibition areas: blueprint, start, oath, tackling difficulties, good news, Party construction, echo and time, which reflect the achievements of improving the quality and efficiency of urban development space. Teachers learned the construction and development of Longhua District. They will not forget their original intention and keep working hard.




Edited by Linda

Photo by Linda & Leon

Translated by Reny

Principal Yang gave the first lesson on Ideological and political to VBS teachers and students

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2021-09-27


VBS News Net: On September 23, Secretary Yang Fan of the VBS Party branch gave the first lesson on Ideological and political education to VBS teachers and students, which was an in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech in celebrating the 100th-anniversary congress of the CPC. Student representatives, student union representatives, Party member representatives, teacher representatives participated in the study.



On July 1, the 100th-anniversary congress of CPC was held in Beijing Tiananmen square. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He recalled the glorious course of the CPC and looked forward to the bright future of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He systematically expounded the experience and fundamental requirements of 'nine essential.' His speech has defined the direction for developing various undertakings of the party and the state on the new journey. Principal Yang gave a detailed explanation to the representatives of teachers and students about the significance, the essence and the core meaning of the speech. She hoped that we would study the great achievements of the party and respond to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping to enhance the ambition and spirit of the Chinese people. 






Related activities

On the morning of September 18, all Party members of VBS, led by Principal Yang, visited the Longhua struggle time memory Museum and carried out a series of activities. The museum has eight theme exhibition areas: blueprint, start, oath, tackling difficulties, good news, Party construction, echo and time, which reflect the achievements of improving the quality and efficiency of urban development space. Teachers learned the construction and development of Longhua District. They will not forget their original intention and keep working hard.




Edited by Linda

Photo by Linda & Leon

Translated by Reny

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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