Shenzhen Health Promotion and Education Centre guests visited VBS_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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Shenzhen Health Promotion and Education Centre guests visited VBS

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2020-12-07

VBS News Net: Head of Department Mr. Zhuang Runsen from Shenzhen Health Promotion and Education Centre and Vice-President of Longhua District Health Education Station Ms. Zeng Meihua led a 6-person group to visit VBS on 3rd December for myopia prevention research to implement the prevention and control on youth myopia instructed by President Xi about lowering the rate of myopia and the notice released by Education Bureau and other seven bureaus. Principal Yang, Head of HR Ms. Shelly Gong and Deputy Head of Development Centre Ms. Huang cordially welcomed the guests. 


Principal Yang made the detail report on the work done by the school on myopia prevention and control. Since its founding, VBS has implemented measures and myopia prevention setting in school - 'VBS Action Plan on Myopia Prevention' was made while holding online and offline campaigns to allow students to take their own actions on myopia prevention. Apart from PE lessons, VBS organised adequate outdoor activities periods with one period for primary school students a day, two periods for junior secondary school students a week. The school has asked students and parents to sign Regulation of using electronic gadgets for VBS students to regulate their usage time of electronic gadgets and teaching behaviour using PPT and iPads. Height adjustment scheme for tables and chairs was allocated to class teachers so every student could sit properly without damaging their eye sight. Teachers were asked to improve their efficiency on teaching and reduce students' homework to reduce their study workload. The school also guided parents to reduce their level of anxiety by reducing tuition classes without extra homework. Regular eye sight checkup was available in school to ensure students' health. With facilities such as indoor basketball hall, students could have their exercise without weather interference to achieve myopia prevention. As VBS was named as one of the first four pilot schools for myopia prevention, the school would receive more professional support and guidance to implement work on myopia prevention.



Mr. Zhuang spoke highly of effective measures and the results achieved by VBS as he advised to improve the management model on myopia mitigation and begin personalised supervision to prioritise students' health. He also wished the valuable experience and measures could be useful to facilitate the measures taken by families and the society.



Author/Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai

Shenzhen Health Promotion and Education Centre guests visited VBS

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2020-12-07

VBS News Net: Head of Department Mr. Zhuang Runsen from Shenzhen Health Promotion and Education Centre and Vice-President of Longhua District Health Education Station Ms. Zeng Meihua led a 6-person group to visit VBS on 3rd December for myopia prevention research to implement the prevention and control on youth myopia instructed by President Xi about lowering the rate of myopia and the notice released by Education Bureau and other seven bureaus. Principal Yang, Head of HR Ms. Shelly Gong and Deputy Head of Development Centre Ms. Huang cordially welcomed the guests. 


Principal Yang made the detail report on the work done by the school on myopia prevention and control. Since its founding, VBS has implemented measures and myopia prevention setting in school - 'VBS Action Plan on Myopia Prevention' was made while holding online and offline campaigns to allow students to take their own actions on myopia prevention. Apart from PE lessons, VBS organised adequate outdoor activities periods with one period for primary school students a day, two periods for junior secondary school students a week. The school has asked students and parents to sign Regulation of using electronic gadgets for VBS students to regulate their usage time of electronic gadgets and teaching behaviour using PPT and iPads. Height adjustment scheme for tables and chairs was allocated to class teachers so every student could sit properly without damaging their eye sight. Teachers were asked to improve their efficiency on teaching and reduce students' homework to reduce their study workload. The school also guided parents to reduce their level of anxiety by reducing tuition classes without extra homework. Regular eye sight checkup was available in school to ensure students' health. With facilities such as indoor basketball hall, students could have their exercise without weather interference to achieve myopia prevention. As VBS was named as one of the first four pilot schools for myopia prevention, the school would receive more professional support and guidance to implement work on myopia prevention.



Mr. Zhuang spoke highly of effective measures and the results achieved by VBS as he advised to improve the management model on myopia mitigation and begin personalised supervision to prioritise students' health. He also wished the valuable experience and measures could be useful to facilitate the measures taken by families and the society.



Author/Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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