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Principal Yang has an interview

Author:万科双语学校 Release time:2020-06-09

万双网讯  5月27日上午,深圳广播电视集团第一教育栏目组来到万科双语学校采访了杨帆校长。该栏目组计划在深圳采访100位校长,杨帆校长是第五位受访的校长。该节目于5月29日在深圳移动频道播出。

VBS News Net: SZMG First Education team visited VBS to interview Principal Yang on 27th May to have their fifth interview as they planned to interview 100 principals in Shenzhen. It was broadcast at SZMG Mobile Channel on 29th May.


The dialogue excerpt between the interviewer and Principal Yang was as follows:


With almost 30 years of teaching experience, I am still at the teaching frontline despite taking the managerial role. My experience tells me that education is the greatest good. In here we are taking up responsibility for students' lifelong development as we nurture their calibre.


 I have been to schools in the US, the UK and Canada where teachers respect students and focus on their personal health. This is what we really need to implement. The other thing is that schools offer a variety of courses, hence I apply this into VBS curriculum to increase students' knowledge base.


In terms of cultivating objectives, we put sound personality first. This is to allow education to go back to its basics - nurturing people.


In terms of curriculum, as a bilingual school, English is emphasised here. Similar to Chinese, it is also a tool for students to learn by using. Hence in VBS, we also offer English, Science and Mathematics in English taught by international teachers as well. Teachers will revise the content students learnt in Chinese curriculum to organise their class activities for students to improve their ability to think and express in English.

在小学我们开设了历史课,这也源于过去我带学生出国进行体验的过程中,发现当世界各国的学生在一起,常常他们要介绍自己国家的文化、自己的历史。在万双,我们从一年级开始就开设历史课,把人类历史放在宏大的宇宙史的背景下去讲,我们的孩子对世界怎么来的,地球怎么来的,很感兴趣。 但是要让孩子们有一种历史观有一种历史的眼界来看待身边的事物,让他们对历史感兴趣,其实更多的学习有赖于他们自己去读书,自己去访问,自己去参观。

We offer History to primary school students due to my experience to take students overseas. I have realised that once students from different countries come together, they often introduce their own history and culture. Over here, Primary 1 students learn mankind history under the history of universe and have enormous interests in the origins of the world and the Earth. But it really depends on themselves to generate interests in history by reading, visiting and exploring so that they see things from a historical perspective and form the conceptions of history.  


The second cultivating objective is 'academic excellence'. There are two underlying concepts here - one is the excellence in the ability to study, teachers focus on nurturing students' ability to study in their future-centric teaching. The other is the academic results - school is a place to pursue excellence so students are expected to pursue academic excellence. We do not simply achieve this by increasing the workload of students which may cause them to hate schooling, but rather by raising their study ability, arousing their curiosity towards learning knowledge and motivating them to study with their own inner power and joy.


Since we have such variety of classes and teachers guiding students to study hard, they could handle the pressure without any hatred. I feel happy when I see them coming to school with the attitude that 'I want to be here' as I stand at the gate at 7 a.m. every morning to meet them.

学校应该是学生、老师和家长共同成长的地方。当我们都具备了这样一种成长意识的时候,我们才能够更加平等,互相尊重,才能够意识到自己的责任,并且每一个人都去努力。 当老师和家长都有这种学习的心态、成长的心态的时候,必然也会影响学生。那么学生对于他现在面对的学习和生活就总是充满向往,充满积极向上的精神的。 

School should be the place where students, parents and teachers grow together. As all of us have such awareness for growth, we can realise our responsibility, work hard and respect one another. When teachers and parents have such mindset for growth and study, students will be influenced as well. They will be positive towards their life and studies they are facing right now.


Parents are changing their attitudes towards international education and coming back towards the basics of education. People will see if students can take up their responsibility in the future society and world after graduating from school. Only those schools will become international and famous. There is a slight difference that we teach in other languages but English must be mastered to communicate with the world.


We also include 'nurture Chinese citizens with international horizons and patriotism' in our cultivating objectives. There is no way for students to be patriotic if they do not care for their own families, let alone loving the whole world. Thus we specify this statement - we have to cultivate students who love their families, country and the world. Then in future, they will be internationally competent and embrace the future.



Principal Yang has an interview

Author:万科双语学校 Release time:2020-06-09

万双网讯  5月27日上午,深圳广播电视集团第一教育栏目组来到万科双语学校采访了杨帆校长。该栏目组计划在深圳采访100位校长,杨帆校长是第五位受访的校长。该节目于5月29日在深圳移动频道播出。

VBS News Net: SZMG First Education team visited VBS to interview Principal Yang on 27th May to have their fifth interview as they planned to interview 100 principals in Shenzhen. It was broadcast at SZMG Mobile Channel on 29th May.


The dialogue excerpt between the interviewer and Principal Yang was as follows:


With almost 30 years of teaching experience, I am still at the teaching frontline despite taking the managerial role. My experience tells me that education is the greatest good. In here we are taking up responsibility for students' lifelong development as we nurture their calibre.


 I have been to schools in the US, the UK and Canada where teachers respect students and focus on their personal health. This is what we really need to implement. The other thing is that schools offer a variety of courses, hence I apply this into VBS curriculum to increase students' knowledge base.


In terms of cultivating objectives, we put sound personality first. This is to allow education to go back to its basics - nurturing people.


In terms of curriculum, as a bilingual school, English is emphasised here. Similar to Chinese, it is also a tool for students to learn by using. Hence in VBS, we also offer English, Science and Mathematics in English taught by international teachers as well. Teachers will revise the content students learnt in Chinese curriculum to organise their class activities for students to improve their ability to think and express in English.

在小学我们开设了历史课,这也源于过去我带学生出国进行体验的过程中,发现当世界各国的学生在一起,常常他们要介绍自己国家的文化、自己的历史。在万双,我们从一年级开始就开设历史课,把人类历史放在宏大的宇宙史的背景下去讲,我们的孩子对世界怎么来的,地球怎么来的,很感兴趣。 但是要让孩子们有一种历史观有一种历史的眼界来看待身边的事物,让他们对历史感兴趣,其实更多的学习有赖于他们自己去读书,自己去访问,自己去参观。

We offer History to primary school students due to my experience to take students overseas. I have realised that once students from different countries come together, they often introduce their own history and culture. Over here, Primary 1 students learn mankind history under the history of universe and have enormous interests in the origins of the world and the Earth. But it really depends on themselves to generate interests in history by reading, visiting and exploring so that they see things from a historical perspective and form the conceptions of history.  


The second cultivating objective is 'academic excellence'. There are two underlying concepts here - one is the excellence in the ability to study, teachers focus on nurturing students' ability to study in their future-centric teaching. The other is the academic results - school is a place to pursue excellence so students are expected to pursue academic excellence. We do not simply achieve this by increasing the workload of students which may cause them to hate schooling, but rather by raising their study ability, arousing their curiosity towards learning knowledge and motivating them to study with their own inner power and joy.


Since we have such variety of classes and teachers guiding students to study hard, they could handle the pressure without any hatred. I feel happy when I see them coming to school with the attitude that 'I want to be here' as I stand at the gate at 7 a.m. every morning to meet them.

学校应该是学生、老师和家长共同成长的地方。当我们都具备了这样一种成长意识的时候,我们才能够更加平等,互相尊重,才能够意识到自己的责任,并且每一个人都去努力。 当老师和家长都有这种学习的心态、成长的心态的时候,必然也会影响学生。那么学生对于他现在面对的学习和生活就总是充满向往,充满积极向上的精神的。 

School should be the place where students, parents and teachers grow together. As all of us have such awareness for growth, we can realise our responsibility, work hard and respect one another. When teachers and parents have such mindset for growth and study, students will be influenced as well. They will be positive towards their life and studies they are facing right now.


Parents are changing their attitudes towards international education and coming back towards the basics of education. People will see if students can take up their responsibility in the future society and world after graduating from school. Only those schools will become international and famous. There is a slight difference that we teach in other languages but English must be mastered to communicate with the world.


We also include 'nurture Chinese citizens with international horizons and patriotism' in our cultivating objectives. There is no way for students to be patriotic if they do not care for their own families, let alone loving the whole world. Thus we specify this statement - we have to cultivate students who love their families, country and the world. Then in future, they will be internationally competent and embrace the future.



Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen


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