VBS held closing ceremony for the first semester of academic year 2019/20_News_Vanke Bilingual School
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VBS held closing ceremony for the first semester of academic year 2019/20

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2020-01-14

VBS News Net: As Chinese New Year was just around the corner, the winter break was about to begin. How could students spend their holiday well? Principal Yang, Head of Development Centre Ms Zheng, teachers and students addressed the batch on the VBS closing ceremony for the first semester of academic year 2019/20 on 13th January. 



In the Year 7 session, Principal Yang first acknowledged teachers' effort and wished them to rest well during the holiday before addressing students to keep reading apart from finishing homework. At the same time, she asked students to exercise frequently using herself as an example. She also made promise with students to reward those who would do well in holiday reading and exercising before emphasising on issues such as safety and usage of electronic devices. She advised them to be disciplined and not to be addicted. She wished everyone a wonderful holiday.


In the primary school session, Ms Zheng illustrated in details the five habits students ought to remember during the 21-day holiday - reading, handwriting practice, doing housework, exercise and sleep early, wake up early. She encouraged everyone to spend their time well. 



Chinese teachers Ms Glora and Ms Li, English teachers Ms Victoria and Ms Annie introduced the reading methods at different levels, including classics, note-taking, writing diary, reading out loud for 20 minutes, handwriting practice and using reading-assistance APP. 


Student representative Luo Junxi from 2C and Jia Yunfan from 7E shared their holiday plans which consisted of setting plans, reading books, handwriting practice, travel, exercise and participating social practice. They all insisted in doing as they said and planned well to use their holiday well.


Ms Zhang and Ms Angelina Zheng did safety lectures for students. They used various examples to illustrate the importance of safety to avoid stampede, traffic accidents, safety of food, Internet and travel before introducing fire rescue in case of fire emergency. 


After the ceremony, students were ready to enjoy their holiday - some would go to Nepal, when others planned to go back to their hometown for the Chinese New Year. They were all confident to spend their holiday well. 

Author / Photographer : Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai

VBS held closing ceremony for the first semester of academic year 2019/20

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2020-01-14

VBS News Net: As Chinese New Year was just around the corner, the winter break was about to begin. How could students spend their holiday well? Principal Yang, Head of Development Centre Ms Zheng, teachers and students addressed the batch on the VBS closing ceremony for the first semester of academic year 2019/20 on 13th January. 



In the Year 7 session, Principal Yang first acknowledged teachers' effort and wished them to rest well during the holiday before addressing students to keep reading apart from finishing homework. At the same time, she asked students to exercise frequently using herself as an example. She also made promise with students to reward those who would do well in holiday reading and exercising before emphasising on issues such as safety and usage of electronic devices. She advised them to be disciplined and not to be addicted. She wished everyone a wonderful holiday.


In the primary school session, Ms Zheng illustrated in details the five habits students ought to remember during the 21-day holiday - reading, handwriting practice, doing housework, exercise and sleep early, wake up early. She encouraged everyone to spend their time well. 



Chinese teachers Ms Glora and Ms Li, English teachers Ms Victoria and Ms Annie introduced the reading methods at different levels, including classics, note-taking, writing diary, reading out loud for 20 minutes, handwriting practice and using reading-assistance APP. 


Student representative Luo Junxi from 2C and Jia Yunfan from 7E shared their holiday plans which consisted of setting plans, reading books, handwriting practice, travel, exercise and participating social practice. They all insisted in doing as they said and planned well to use their holiday well.


Ms Zhang and Ms Angelina Zheng did safety lectures for students. They used various examples to illustrate the importance of safety to avoid stampede, traffic accidents, safety of food, Internet and travel before introducing fire rescue in case of fire emergency. 


After the ceremony, students were ready to enjoy their holiday - some would go to Nepal, when others planned to go back to their hometown for the Chinese New Year. They were all confident to spend their holiday well. 

Author / Photographer : Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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