【Speech under the national flag】Carry forward the spirit of spaceflight_Student Events_Vanke Bilingual School
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【Speech under the national flag】Carry forward the spirit of spaceflight

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-06-07


万双网讯   2023年 6 月 5 日,万科双语学校举办2022-2023第二学期第十八周升旗仪式。本周升旗仪式由3F班和3E班承担。3E班是一个尊师重道、奋发图强的班级,3F是一个自强不息、好学力行的集体。

VBS Net News  On June 5, 2023, Vanke Bilingual School held the flag-raising ceremony for the eighteenth week of the second semester of 2022-2023. The flag raising ceremony was undertaken by Class 3F and Class 3E. Class 3E is a class that respects the teacher and work hard, Class 3F is a group that is self-improving and eager to learn.




The flag-raising ceremony was presided over by Huang Haotang from Class 3F and Xie Yuhan from Class 3E. Ma Jingchen from Class 3F and Hu Yihang from Class 3E gave speeches under the national flag. The topic of their speech was "Cultivating 4C Academic Ability, Meeting the Unknown World, and Standing in the Center of the Future". Teacher Yang Yijuan, the first secretary of the station, shared current affairs.






Speech attached:



Dear teachers and students,



Good morning!




The topic of our speech today is to help our students cultivate the 4C academic ability, meet the unknown world, and stand in the center of the future.




In recent years, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have clearly required the education department to strengthen the cultivation of innovative talents, and the key lies in the cultivation of critical thinking.




In fact, if we know about the history of science, we will find that science mostly moves forward through conjecture and subversion. The invention of 3D printing, which is very fashionable today, is actually a typical example of critical thinking applications. Most of industrial products in traditional manufacturing is ‘Subtractive Manufacturing’. How is a shaft machined? Maybe it is a bar first, then it is cut on a lathe. This process is the removal process of material, and the material is constantly decreasing. But some people wonder that can it only be ‘Subtractive Manufacturing’, if not, can it do the opposite such as ‘Additive Manufacturing’? This way of thinking is typically a way of critical thinking. 3D printing is the process of stacking materials layer by layer, that is to say, a process of “Additive Manufacturing”.




Our campus culture should be full of curiosity, questioning and criticism. If students can make full use of the thinking and questioning in our courses, and we produce problems and questions in the process of independent thinking and practice. Therefore we verify and solve problems, as well as learn to communicate and cooperate during the process. In this way, the growth of students must be full of innovation potential. The future of our country will be truly scientific and technological.




This is the end of our speech, thank you!




【Secretary talking about current affairs】

弘扬航天精神  汲取奋进力量

Carry forward the spirit of spaceflight and absorb the power to forge ahead




Good evening, everyone,



I am teacher Yang Yijuan, the first secretary, and the theme of today's current affairs is: Carrying forward the spirit of spaceflight and absorbing the strength to forge ahead.



At 9:31 on May 30, 2023, Beijing time, the Long March 2F Yao16 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft was ignited and launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, a complete success.The flight crew consists of Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao. Jing Haipeng is the 4th flight mission and is currently the astronaut who has "flew into the sky" the most times in China. He has maintained a state of study and training as always: 600 push-ups, 600 sit-ups, and thousands of rope skipping are his daily tasks and "Standard configuration". Zhu Yangzhu is our country's first spaceflight engineer, and Gui Haichao is the first payload expert to carry out manned missions. Shenzhou 16 is scheduled to return to the Dongfeng Landing Site in November this year.



On June 2, the crews of Shenzhou 15 and Shenzhou 16 successfully completed the "Space Reunion".



At 7:09 on June 4, Shenzhou 15 returned to the Dongfeng landing site. Astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu all escaped safely and in good health.



The Shenzhou 15 manned spacecraft was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 23:08 on November 29, 2022, and has spent more than 180 days in orbit. A total of four out-of-vehicle activities were completed, breaking the record for a single crew out-of-vehicle activity by Chinese astronauts, and laying the foundation for subsequent large-scale extra-vehicular scientific and technological experiments.



When the astronauts of Shenzhou 15 arrived on the ground, they immediately said: "We have landed safely. The three of us feel very good, in good condition and in good health. Thank you."After Fei Junlong got out of the cabin, a reporter interviewed him: "What do you want to express to the people of the whole country at this moment?" He said: "First of all, report to the people of the motherland that our Shenzhou 15 flight crew has completed all the in-orbit missions. Now we have successfully returned to the motherland, and we feel good." Another reporter asked: "What do you want to say about your hometown?" He replied: "I miss my hometown very much, and I want to go back and have a look."



"The road to flying to the sky is cold and bitter, and the heart of the country is pure and faithful." This is the inscription hanging in Deng Qingming's home, and it is also a true portrayal of his road to flying to the sky. Zhang Lu said before the launch of Shenzhou 15: "I look forward to building our own space home as soon as possible with my own hands."



Classmates, from the stories of the astronauts, we have experienced the connotation of the aerospace spirit of "especially able to endure hardship, especially able to fight, especially able to tackle key problems, and especially able to contribute". General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Building a space power depends on the continuous struggle of generations." Our VBS mascot, Wan Xiaoshuang, is the image of wearing a space suit. Students, let us carry forward the space spirit of space heroes, do our best for our dreams, forge ahead on a new journey, and make contributions to a new era.




撰稿/ 刘志芳 左阳子

翻译/彭慧媛 魏素敏 周金凤

资料提供/丁莹 胡雅琼

编辑/图片 燕子

【Speech under the national flag】Carry forward the spirit of spaceflight

Author:Vanke Bilingual School Release time:2023-06-07


万双网讯   2023年 6 月 5 日,万科双语学校举办2022-2023第二学期第十八周升旗仪式。本周升旗仪式由3F班和3E班承担。3E班是一个尊师重道、奋发图强的班级,3F是一个自强不息、好学力行的集体。

VBS Net News  On June 5, 2023, Vanke Bilingual School held the flag-raising ceremony for the eighteenth week of the second semester of 2022-2023. The flag raising ceremony was undertaken by Class 3F and Class 3E. Class 3E is a class that respects the teacher and work hard, Class 3F is a group that is self-improving and eager to learn.




The flag-raising ceremony was presided over by Huang Haotang from Class 3F and Xie Yuhan from Class 3E. Ma Jingchen from Class 3F and Hu Yihang from Class 3E gave speeches under the national flag. The topic of their speech was "Cultivating 4C Academic Ability, Meeting the Unknown World, and Standing in the Center of the Future". Teacher Yang Yijuan, the first secretary of the station, shared current affairs.






Speech attached:



Dear teachers and students,



Good morning!




The topic of our speech today is to help our students cultivate the 4C academic ability, meet the unknown world, and stand in the center of the future.




In recent years, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have clearly required the education department to strengthen the cultivation of innovative talents, and the key lies in the cultivation of critical thinking.




In fact, if we know about the history of science, we will find that science mostly moves forward through conjecture and subversion. The invention of 3D printing, which is very fashionable today, is actually a typical example of critical thinking applications. Most of industrial products in traditional manufacturing is ‘Subtractive Manufacturing’. How is a shaft machined? Maybe it is a bar first, then it is cut on a lathe. This process is the removal process of material, and the material is constantly decreasing. But some people wonder that can it only be ‘Subtractive Manufacturing’, if not, can it do the opposite such as ‘Additive Manufacturing’? This way of thinking is typically a way of critical thinking. 3D printing is the process of stacking materials layer by layer, that is to say, a process of “Additive Manufacturing”.




Our campus culture should be full of curiosity, questioning and criticism. If students can make full use of the thinking and questioning in our courses, and we produce problems and questions in the process of independent thinking and practice. Therefore we verify and solve problems, as well as learn to communicate and cooperate during the process. In this way, the growth of students must be full of innovation potential. The future of our country will be truly scientific and technological.




This is the end of our speech, thank you!




【Secretary talking about current affairs】

弘扬航天精神  汲取奋进力量

Carry forward the spirit of spaceflight and absorb the power to forge ahead




Good evening, everyone,



I am teacher Yang Yijuan, the first secretary, and the theme of today's current affairs is: Carrying forward the spirit of spaceflight and absorbing the strength to forge ahead.



At 9:31 on May 30, 2023, Beijing time, the Long March 2F Yao16 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft was ignited and launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, a complete success.The flight crew consists of Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao. Jing Haipeng is the 4th flight mission and is currently the astronaut who has "flew into the sky" the most times in China. He has maintained a state of study and training as always: 600 push-ups, 600 sit-ups, and thousands of rope skipping are his daily tasks and "Standard configuration". Zhu Yangzhu is our country's first spaceflight engineer, and Gui Haichao is the first payload expert to carry out manned missions. Shenzhou 16 is scheduled to return to the Dongfeng Landing Site in November this year.



On June 2, the crews of Shenzhou 15 and Shenzhou 16 successfully completed the "Space Reunion".



At 7:09 on June 4, Shenzhou 15 returned to the Dongfeng landing site. Astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu all escaped safely and in good health.



The Shenzhou 15 manned spacecraft was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 23:08 on November 29, 2022, and has spent more than 180 days in orbit. A total of four out-of-vehicle activities were completed, breaking the record for a single crew out-of-vehicle activity by Chinese astronauts, and laying the foundation for subsequent large-scale extra-vehicular scientific and technological experiments.



When the astronauts of Shenzhou 15 arrived on the ground, they immediately said: "We have landed safely. The three of us feel very good, in good condition and in good health. Thank you."After Fei Junlong got out of the cabin, a reporter interviewed him: "What do you want to express to the people of the whole country at this moment?" He said: "First of all, report to the people of the motherland that our Shenzhou 15 flight crew has completed all the in-orbit missions. Now we have successfully returned to the motherland, and we feel good." Another reporter asked: "What do you want to say about your hometown?" He replied: "I miss my hometown very much, and I want to go back and have a look."



"The road to flying to the sky is cold and bitter, and the heart of the country is pure and faithful." This is the inscription hanging in Deng Qingming's home, and it is also a true portrayal of his road to flying to the sky. Zhang Lu said before the launch of Shenzhou 15: "I look forward to building our own space home as soon as possible with my own hands."



Classmates, from the stories of the astronauts, we have experienced the connotation of the aerospace spirit of "especially able to endure hardship, especially able to fight, especially able to tackle key problems, and especially able to contribute". General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Building a space power depends on the continuous struggle of generations." Our VBS mascot, Wan Xiaoshuang, is the image of wearing a space suit. Students, let us carry forward the space spirit of space heroes, do our best for our dreams, forge ahead on a new journey, and make contributions to a new era.




撰稿/ 刘志芳 左阳子

翻译/彭慧媛 魏素敏 周金凤

资料提供/丁莹 胡雅琼

编辑/图片 燕子

Vanke Bilingual School

Vanke Meisha Academy

Education Bureau of Longhua District

Address:No.80 Huannan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen



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